I read the account of Duryodhana poisoning Bheema
How were these kids acting like adults? They went to Drona after this incident so they weren't old enough to get education but old enough to sketch out a plan for future where Bheema can be a problem between Duryodhana and his Throne?
Also, Bheema was horrible to Kauravas -
The second Pandava used to seize them by the hair, and throwing them down, to drag them along the earth. By this, some had their knees broken, some their heads, and some their shoulders. That youth, sometimes holding ten of them, drowned them in water, till they were nearly dead. When the sons of Dhritarashtra got up to the boughs of a tree for plucking fruits, Bhima used to shake that tree, by striking it with his foot, so that down came the fruits and the fruitpluckers at the same time. In fact, those princes were no match for Bhima in pugilistic encounters, in speed, or in skill. Bhima used to make a display of his strength by thus tormenting them in childishness but not from malice.
How is beating people till they are severely injured, drowning them till they are nearly dead, shaking the tree till they fall is considered childish and not malicious?
If it wasn't malicious, why didn't he do the same with his brothers?