Originally posted by: tournesol
Shibz dear 🤗❤️ what a beautiful collection of your creative work, and no I disagree with the amateur part. I would suggest including your writing work also in a collection. What a wonderful choice of title for this thread, peace during thunderstorm, something I could feel through the edits of some poignant scenes by memorable characters. 😍😍
I get slightly awkward with the dedication part (introvert issues 😆), partly because I might not have ventured into writing full fledged fanfics if it weren't for your creative idea of one line stories on MayRa DT. So thank you for the dedication, and thank you for digging my inner writer out. 🤗
Loved your amazing collection of work, keep them coming more. ❤️
P.S. BTW that's an interesting observation on Morse code. 👍
Thanks Miss T🤗 You give me too much credit😆
P.S. Velle log sometimes make the most interesting observations on Morse code🤣