Chapter 6

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here's the part 6😆

banner credits to anu di (CrazyDollAnandi)❤️⭐️👏

Part 6

It was all dark..Everything was pitch dark..She couldn't see anything. The darkness ate her up like a tumor. Fear written all over he faces. Her hands were tied up to a pole. She can't see anything. She silently chanted her goddesses name praying to send her savior. She tried to get rid of the rope but she couldn't succeed. The place didn't seem like the one she was kidnapped before. Suddenly the door screeched with a bang!


His heart refused to relax. The scene of kushi taken away from him made him restless. His anger was all over him. his veins were clearly seen. His fists were clenched tightly. If that shyam even dare to touch his kushi, he will chop him to pieces. The cold breeze from the window of the car made his hair stand up straight. Aman was there along with him. he reached to the spot after kushi was taken. They also found out where she was kidnapped. The police forces are on the way. Kushi's dad was also informed. He can hear her inner cries. His heart yearned to see her but not before killing shyam into pieces.


The light rays entered through the door. Kushi saw shyam walking in with his evil smirk towards her. Her heart gripped in fear. She felt disgusted to see him again. There was no one beside him. He walked in alone..It's all still dark except the light from the door. As his shadow was approaching her, she silently chanted Arnav's name again and again to save her.

The disgust reached up to the brim as he bent down to reach her height and moved close to her. Kush shut her eyes scrunching tight. She doesn't want to see him. His breath made her feel very uncomfortable. He cupped her cheeks while kushi closed her eyes in hatered for him. He tried to make her face him but she was resisting him. he waited for some time to make her look at him. No response. He got up and left the placed. Kushi opened her eyes and glad that he was gone. She felt her hands were loose. She moved them and they were untied. Taking the opportunity she ran to the door to escape. But a strong hand shut the door blocking her way to go out. She was tricked again. she knew that he is behind her, very near to her. Just then shyam placed his hand on her shoulders while kushi just wanted to slap him

Shyam: inti mehnath ke baad, how do you expect I will leave you kushi ji..??

He tried to hug her from back but kushi pushed him with all of her might and shouted

Kushi: let go of me!! I hate you..She said pointing her finger at him. He grabbed her arms poking into her skin and dragged her forcibly


Aman and arnav stood behind the bushes watching the old ware house. It was surrounded by some guards. He can identify some of them. A small dim light can be seen from one of the windows. He heard the tensed voice of Aman

Aman: ASR'I think this isn't a good idea. You can't go alone in there. There are many of the goons. We will wait for the police force.

Arnav: I don't give a damn Aman if the police arrive, shyam and his men will be alarmed. I will go in and check on kushi, by the time, police can reach here.

Before even Aman could reply arnav marched towards the house. Aman started making calls to the police warning them to be on time

Arnav wisely hide himself behind the bushes making sure that he is not been watched by anyone. At the corner one of the windows is open and he tried his way best to reach out there. He was about to sneak in when a saw rana coming towards him. rana smiled wickedly and replied

Rana: wow'u came here too? I thought rocky has ended ur chapter..he scratched his beard and replied..koi baath nahin..i will end you now..

He was about to hit arnav with a rod when arnav stopped it with his strength and hit rana reverse. At the sound of his fall, all the other guards reached arnav. Rocky ran to punch arnav but missed his punch and then hit him hard at his stomach. Rocky stumbled back and fell down making all the other rowdies tremble


She was dragged to some place. Shyam switched on the light and kushi was shocked to see the sight before her. A small cot is placed there with some stained white sheets and spoiled candles everywhere. Her heart gripped in fear. He smirked and made her look at him

Shyam: what happened kushi ji?? How are all the arrangements..Im sorry kushi ji'I couldn't arrange more as we are in the mid of the forest..but ..he pulled her towards him making kushi feel dirty and replied..i can pleasure you in all ways.

Kushi pushed him with all her strength and yelled out of her lungs

Kushi: I HATE you 'I will never love many times should I say..? enough of your pagal pan..bahut hogaya..aap ko kya lagtha hai? Are you going to force me like this?

Watching her shouting at him and pointing her fingers anger boiled in his blood and he hit her hard on her face making her fall down. Her cheek was red and his finger marks were stamped on her rosy cheeks. Her corner of the lips started to bleed. But kushi chanted her god name , she knew that arnav will come for her and stood up trying to run away from there..


Arnav successfully sneaked in the house. There was dust and darkness ever where. He knew kushi is so scared of the dark. They must be somewhere in here..he headed towards all the rooms to search her


Kushi was forcefully bracketed by him to the bed. He smiled wickedly at her showing off his yellow teeth. Kushi closed her feeling filthy by his hands. He was about to lean on her when she kicked him and ran off the cot. She yelled at him

Kushi: HOW MANY TIMES SHOULD I TELL YOU ?? you cant force me , got it? even you force me , you can never win my heart, as it already belong to someone else. He will come for me and take me from here

"You can never win my heart, as it already belongs to someone else."

These words hit him hard, hit on his anger, ego, pride, and the lusty monster hidden inside him.

Shyam took big steps towards her and jerked her shouting

Shyam: who is that? You like someone else when I'm dying for you every day here? No one can take you away from me one can rescue one..

Before even he could continue kushi spat out at him

Kushi: he can..he rescued me when I was running for my dignity..he took care of me..and he will come now and take me away from here..

His angry twitched mouth turned into an evil laugh. He left kushi's arms and started laughing like a monster.

Shyam: who'hahah'.that guy'.?hahaha whats hi s name'?hahaha'haan arnav'.he can't do anything'

Catching his stomach and laughed like crazy

Shyam: he can't..haha do anything'.he replied between his laughs and suddenly grabbed kushi's arms and shot at her

Shyam: he can't do anything because he is hurt and present might be in hospital now. Didn't you see, rocky gave him a tough lesson? What did you think, that chote hero will come for you kushi ji? Don't even think about it..!!

Kushi looked at him and replied confidentially

Kushi: arnav ji..will come for me..i don't know I love him or not..but he will defntly save me from a cheap man like you..

That's it this is heights, shyam took fast steps towards her and hit her hard again on her cheek. This the time her lips torn completely and started bleeding.

Shyam: he is not coming cos he is already in the hospital taking his treatments.

These words scared kushi. Is she thinking overly about this? Arnav ji will come for her. Her heart shouted from the inn, that he is gonna come. But shyam's words scared her to the core. What if arnav ji won't come? Will she be forced by this lusty bas***d?

Kushi stood numb lost in her thoughts, taking this as an opportunity shyam pulled her dragged her to the bed. Kushi tried to resist with all of her strength, her heart gripped with fear, he tied her hands to the legs of the cot. He hit her many times in order to make her quite. Her face swollen and bleeding. She has lost all of her strength; her eyes started losing the clear image, she has lost all the hope in her heart

Shyam removed his vest, finally he is going to have her for the rest of his life, he took lazy steps towards her, she is slowly losing her conscious, he was about to cup her face when the door opened with a bang! Kushi's detoriating eyes popped out, while shyam was in shock. Happy tears passed from her cheeks. Her heart and faith was true. Her savior is back! To rescue his damsel of distress! Shyam grunted his teeth and went to hit arnav but arnav smartly hit him with the rod. Shyam stumbled back while arnav shocked to see the sight before him.

Kushi was tied to the cot , her face with tears and lips swollen, torn, blood bleeding from her wounds. Shyam's slaps were stamped on her cheeks. He ran to her and cupped her cheeks. Seeing her in this state made angry on him.

Arnav: kushi...u okay?...I'm so sorry kushi'I'm not there for you when u needed me the most..I'm so sorry..

He blamed himself for her state. Why didn't he come to know about shyam before? He was so blinded by love that he couldn't know about her situations. He kept wiping off her tears from her smooth injured cheeks, kushi managed to whisper to him between her sobs

Kushi: arnav ji..i knew you will come'sniff for me..

The words gave his heart a punch. How deep she had faith on him..He patted her and first untied her hands from the cot. He was about to lift her up when shyam shouted from the back pointing gun at both of them. Kushi clutched Arnav's collar in fear

Shyam: leave her arnav..kushi ji is MINE..!!

Arnav smirked and replied in an attitude

Arnav: cut the crap MR. Jha..! in a few minutes u will be caught by the police.

Shyam smiled wickedly and replied nearing them with the gun in his hand

Shyam: no problem..if kushi ji couldn't be MINE, then no one can touch her, I will kill both of you..kushi's eyes widened into glasses hearing this, how much this idiot is obsessed with her?

He was about to press the strigger when the police entered the room and pointed gun at his head

Police: Mr.Jha, you are under arrest.

Shyam dropped the gun in defeat, his nose flaring at arnav. Arnav walked up to him in his majesty and replied

Arnav: don't even try to touch kushi even in your dreams; you can't even touch her, cos she has me!

The police dragged shyam while shouted that they can't arrest him. Arnav took a huge breath, finally!! Shyam's fiasco is ended; kushi is out from the clutches of the lusty monster. All the while shyam was taken by the police kushi was just on the ground looking intensely at him. This guy, her savior..She just has no words for him. Her heart beat increased as he came near her. She just didn't felt anything other than hugging him

Kushi hugged arnav with a force and sobbed like she never had. She hid herself in his chest and poured her heart out. Arnav knew she is stressed out physically, mentally; her soul is weak and torn. But he didn't hug her back. He is not worth her even as a friend. Realizing that he is not hugging her back she frowned and was about to cup his face. But arnav stopped her and helped her stand up and took her out. His eyes were only on the road. Kushi did not get it the reason he Is being cold to her, she kushi fixed her eyes at his manly face. They reached the high way where arnav stopped and pointed his hand. Kushi looked at his direction and shocked to see her father standing there with his team.

She ran to Shashi and hugged him, sobbed like a 10 year old kid. Shashi patted her head shedding his tears. She just sobbed like her mother, if arnav isn't there, he can't even imagine in which state kushi could be. Still hugging her daughter he joined his hands at arnav who was witnessing the father, daughter scene from a distance. Shashi thanked him in grate full eyes, but arnav nodded no and left the place silently. He had to leave, when he can't protect kushi, it's better to move out from her life.

He doesn't even know she likes him or not. She just treats him as a friend. He has to get out of her life. His heart ached that he lost in his love but no worries. He will cherish the days he spent with her in the jungle all of his life.


Kushi pulled back her hug from her dad and

Kushi: papa, that's arnav..

She smiled and turned back to introduce him but he was gone. The road was isolated except them. Her face dropped. He left her? Like this? Without even talking to her? Her pain was paused by Shashi

Shashi: bachi, he left..Come let's get you home now.

Kushi was stunned, he left her? Suddenly her heart broke a million times. Why is she feeling suffocated when he Is gone? Why is her heart paining? She felt bad, very bad. Her mind did not accept the fact that he is gone leaving her behind. It stared raining s the clouds occupied the sky. She wiped her tears in the rain. Why is she feeling that a major part is missing in her? Why is she yearning for him and his embrace? Does she'does she love him?

Shashi narrowed his eyes seeing his daughter rooted to the ground in the rain lost in her thoughts, he went and asked her

Shashi: bacha, did you forget anything? Why is u standing like that?

Kushi stood numb, her tears mixed in the rain. Did she forget anything? Her heart..With her savior..She loves him. She needs to get him back, the words escaped from her, she replied innocently

Kushi: papa..arnav..he is gone papa,..I think..I love him papa

Shashi smiled at her, his daughter is no more a kid; she has grown up, fallen in love. And a man like arnav can never be found anywhere else. His daughter's tears reminded him of his wife, garima , how she used to cry when he was away. He smiled and patted her hair

Shashi: go bachi, ..go get ur love before it's too late..Kushi smiled and ran from there.

Ran for her, for him, for their love. How stupid she can be, not realizing early. And arnav? Why did he leave her? She Is gonna teach him a very good lesson. Far from a distance she saw a lean figure walking drenched in rain.

He walked in rain silently crying. He has lost his love. They can never be a couple. Just then he heard someone calling out his name in a faded voice. He turned around and shocked to see kushi running for him. He walked towards her while kushi stopped, tired of running and caught her breath. Then she heard his confused voice

Arnav: kushi..What happened, do u want anything?

She mentally felt like slapping the guy before her, he taught her many things, gave her the best experiences of her life, declared his love, rescued her and now asking her whether she wanted something, she silently muttered

Kushi: how long will u run away from me arnav?

Arnav still didn't get her, he frowned with his eyebrows

Arnav: huh?

Kushi gave an unbelievable look and yelled on the top of her lungs

Kushi: I LOVE you arnav ji..!! I love you!!

With that she jumped on him, embracing him like a force of a tsunami. It took some seconds to register her words. She loves him? she loves..him.? dammit she loves me!!! His heart and brain yelled together. He hugged her back with the same force and lifted her twirling her around. Kushi pulled back suddenly and accused him

Kushi: why did you leave me out there?

He smiled at his jungle billi and cupped her cheeks and replied looking at her eyes

Arnav: I love you kushi..

She smiled and ran her fingers along his rough stubble. She raised her toes and planted a kiss on his cheek. Even he was hurt for her, his head was still bleeding a little in the rain. She then kissed his for head and replied

Kushi: I love you savior..!

He smiled at her cute gesture and cupped her cheeks. She has been treated very badly, her cheeks were paining and swollen, he whispered

Arnav: im sorry kushi..I...

But she covered his mouth with her palms and replied

Kushi: shh..Never blame Ur self arnav ji. You did your best..

He smiled and traced his fingers over her cheek and torn lips. Kushi closed her eyes in anticipation, he leaned and took her lips in his, healing away all her wounds, her fears, her insecurities. Kushi clutched his collar tightly unable to bear the new feeling. His hands wrapped around her waist while her fingers played with his tiny hair.

The two lovers hugged each other drenched in rain never to leave, nor allow anyone between them. It's true. .Love can happen accidentally, in a heat beat, in a single flashing or in a throbbing moment


wen u res😡 dont FORGET TO UNRES it😡😛

i will so miss writing this ss...

and this is the first completed story of mine😳

as i promised i completed it with 6 parts...i will resume updating my FF's may be once a week :-)




and those who all buddied me for pm's of My Savior, please kindly delete me off if u dont read my other works😳

add for further pm's

..blessy..2013-08-10 13:39:40

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Comments (52)

beautiful storybeautiful lovei enjoy it a lot

10 years ago

kkiiidddooo...!!!! i missed u sooo much my bacchhaa...loved this ss...tu toh badi writer shiter bangai hai re...kya baat hai...sath me teri dactari kesi chalrahi hai...but seriously han...this piece was touched my heart...baki stories bhi jaldi update kar...ill be waiting...^_^

10 years ago

Beautiful ending...Loved itVery well written

11 years ago

New Concept and New Story!!And Me no where on the thread till now Anyway,... Now I am here Awesome Storyline...Loved the Updates.Its over also No worries.. It was an amazing Story Thnx for all the PMs...😳

11 years ago

"wen u res😡 dont FORGET TO UNRES it😡😛" ------felt like u finished it so early... i loved the last sequence ... blessy u wrote it so beautifully... ""Love can happen accidentally, in a heat beat, in a single flashing or in a throbbing moment "" --------- m mesmerized by this line... really wonderful will miss its update ... and Congo dear for ur 1st complete story...

11 years ago

Beautiful ending thank u so much for writing amazing story 🤗

11 years ago

nice partgona miss this SS

11 years ago

Fantastic EndingShyam is a monster... Yalk, He is a beast, psycho n sadist... Urggg Hate himPerfect timings of Arnav.. Gosh!!! That beast treated Khushi so badly... And it is so nice to see Arnav when he takes care of Khushi...hahaha, Police came on time n arrested that creap...😡Awww Arnav thought that he is nt worth for Khushi... Yaar he is too modest n honest...He saved her from that creapwa n thinks that he is nt even worth to be her friend... Buddhu kahin ke😡😛😆Shashi is so cool n a perfect father who understands his daughter feelings so well... Loads of thanks to him...😛Awww the last part was cute n beautiful... Loved it Will Miss this😭😭Bt it was really a thrilling journey😃Thank u for this story BlessyP.S:I KNOW THAT I"M DEAD LATE🤢SORRY FOR THAT

11 years ago

beautiful story and an awesome ending...

11 years ago

Phew i was actually holding my breathe while reading d chappy..!I knw it dat shyam will never b able to touch khushi bcoz arnav's love nd khushi's belief can never go waste nd their love is much stronger dat shyam's lust..!But i must say u have maintained d momentum well coz at d momnt when shyam was torturing khushi i was like OMG wen well arnav cum to save her nd finally he came making khushi's belief win nd making shyam realise dat true love never dies..!Loved it how khushi was repeating it agin and again dat arnav will cum to save her nd she has full trust on her saviour ❤️shyam's over confidence abt him winning over arnav actually ruined him nd there arnav came up to save his lady love from dat leech nd he succeed by making khushi believe dat her saviour can save her from any dam situation no matter wat..!Wat i love most is how u have penned down d realisation of khushi being in love wit arnav nd their confession..! ❤️that was awsum nd their kiss,hayeee ❤️fabulous chappy wit a perfct ending 👍🏼loved it totally ❤️

11 years ago
