Chapter 1

Mrs.JamesBarne Thumbnail

Scarlett kevin


Sandhir SS:Make Me Alive By Your Love


DARKNESS. only darkness. This is what engulfed his room now not only room but also his life.DARKNESS.There in the corner of his room sat the NO:1 student of FITE the brillient RANDHIR SINGH SHEKAWATH the person who never gave a damn apart from mechines as he lost the reason to live . with blood oozing from his both hands and the unstopable tears flowing from his eyes. But the pain in in his hands is nothing compared to the pain which is griping his heart now.If anyone see him now no one will belive that he is the NO:1 student . He sat hugging his both legs to his chest as his soul snached from him. He may always masked his pain, loneliness behind his rude and rough face , but inside he is the little lost boy who is carving for love . Not someones love but HER love . HIS SANYUKTA'S love.yes the same sanyukta who was his biggest enemy in this world from the day one he met her.The same sanyukta whos life he wanted to make a living hell.The same sanyuka's who he fought every single day .The same sanyukta he hated the most...or this is what he tought. But as the days passed he stared to respect her for her passion for mechines, the spark in her eyes whenever she worked with mechines.Coz of this respected he started liking her coz she is the only one who stood aganist him , challenged him and understood him. Slowly his liking for her turned into love . yes the great RANDHIR SINGH SHEKAWATH fell head over heels in love with his enemy SANYUKTA AGGARWAL. But he never admitted it coz of his fate ego. His heart said him to admit his feeling ,but his mind said the direct opposite. Being the MCP as always he choose to listen to his mind. Though he never admitted this feeling deep down in his heart he know she is his life .She became his routine now ,his drug . A drug which is making him crazy. But all his routine has a sudden u turn for the last few months . From the day HE entered their life .He changed his whole routine coz after HE entered their life his sanyu stared to ignore him of course unknowing though. His blood used to boil whever he saw her with HIM , when HE is the reason behind her smile , when the hands which dried her tears were HIS . Because the HIM was NOT HIM . But the him was PARTH KASHYAP. He hated this parth to his core though he know he is not at fault.He hated him coz he made his jealous . coz he made the RANDHIR jealous which no one did before.As the days passed his jealously took the full control on him .He started insulting parth whenever he got chance . But after knowing parth's past he really felt sorry for him though he never expressed it , the typical MCP.But he still had hope to get sanyukta's love after knowing parth and sanyukta are only best friends. so he crused his big fat ego and decided to express his feeling to her today. But the scene which he saw in the canteen destroyed his all hope . He know destiny was never fair with him . But he never thought it will be this cruel to him. After witness the scene he didn't have the courage to stand there or go and face her in the class. With the remaining strength left in his body and soul he dragged him to him room and started taking his anger on his punching bag which now turned from grey to red with his blood.After letting his anger n remaining strength he just crumbled in the corner thinking about his unlucky life.


Pain,helpness,anger,jealously and lonliness was all i am feeling now.Pain knowing that i lost her, helpness knowing i can't do anything,anger on myself for letting her slip away from me,jealously on parth coz he got the most loving girl's love which i carved for .And the lonliness... which is not a new feeling , though i was alone for the past 10 years it never hurted me like this 10 hours of lonliness .I know i am at fault , i should have expressed my feeling before , i should be the reason for her smiles, i should have dried her tears. But i never did . I never admitted my feelings it may be coz of my ego i never admitted it , but it is not the only reason.FEAR .Yes fear its is the main reason i never admitted my feeling.The fear of loosing her as i lost my mom and dad . I feared if i admit i love her she may leave me too alone in this loveless as my mom and dad did. I never thought i will fall in love with a girl and to with my greatest enemy sanyukta . But i did yes i fell head over heels in love with her . With my sanyukta.NO NO NO she is NOT MINE anymore. She is now PARTH'S SANYUKTA now. Even this though is stabbing a million knifes in my heart. I just want this nightmare to end .But alas life is never fair with me coz its not a nightmare but a cruel reality which turned my life a nightmare. I know i never deserved her love coz i only gave pain and tears to her. When he gave happiness and smiles to her. But i thought i deserved a second chance afterall i am a human too . I too made many mistakes. I gave many wounds to her but when i decied to put medicines for the wounds i gave her HE came like a doctor and now he is cruing the wounds now. May be i don't deserve any ones love , may be i am the bad guy not my parents.I may acted strong all these years hiding my pain but i can't anymore. i just can't coz my love of my life is making another person.'s life a heaven which i craved for ...

******End of p.o.v********

And with this randhir broke down as the memories of this morning came in front of his face again.

Finally i finished the 1st please let me know ur precious feedback.I will continue if u wish . Even slipper and tomatos are welcome.










With Love,

Scarlettkevin2014-07-06 02:23:09

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Comments (23)

nice concept dearrandhir's pov ws written very nicely

10 years ago

plzz update soon dear...will uh plzz pm me whenever u update the nxt part plzzz...😉😊😃

10 years ago

ooohhh plzzz itna maat tarpao randhir ko mujhe tears aa rahe hain anyway nice star plzz update

10 years ago

thank u so much . Will update soon

10 years ago

thanks dear will update soon .

10 years ago

awesome..:-)plzz continue soon n pm me..:-)

10 years ago

Plz do cont...Awesum part...Felt randhir's pain..

10 years ago

Too much of painBeautifully written

10 years ago

Hey that was very interestingContinue soon

10 years ago

thanks a lot dear . Will update soon...

10 years ago
