Chapter 28

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All night..literally all night arnav was restless...

How could she?

Was the only question that was ringing in his mind!

What was all that!

When she was with him?

Just a mere friendship?

He was restless!

And cannot even point out the loop holes in what he saw when there were many!


Khushi was in her room worried for tomorrow!

Anjali was with her trying to pacify her that everything is going to be perfect tomorrow!

Khsuhi :par agar arnav ko realise nahi hua toh?

Anjali :Shh khushi kuch mat socho abhi!Sab kuch theek hoga!


Arnav was still wide awake staring at the celing!

He was now thinking of ways that khushi used to get the things in her way even if it was impossible!

And her thought aboute her bubbly self! How she was carefree bird!

Always hopping from here to there Annoying people even if tehy didnt want to!

But soon everyone gets into the habit of having her around!

Thats it!

Arnav singh raizada was back to ASR moode!

Why the hell are you thinking about her arnav!

She is going to get married tomorrow...

But what about me!

Nothing I am what I was without her!

But even the thought of a life without khushi would leave him in pain!

But why dammit?

WHy it is this way?


Because I love her!

Love her are you insane ASR!

Love is not in your dictioary!

But still she is too sweet to be ignored!

Yah right!

I couldnt ignore her because she is so beautiful!

What ? is this the only reason?

Uhh no maybe not...Because I just cnat live without her!

I love her!

HE looked at the stars above and sighed ...Yeh ofcourse I love her!

And i could not just leave her in other man's arms!

She is mine only mine!

But how will I get her!

Huhh!! I so wished that I would get Khushi's crazy mind for rent!

Her ideas are certified crazy but still it works!

Pheww!!! I guess I will call aman for help!

Ya thats right!

HE called aman but unfortunately his line was busy!

Damn it! whom he was talking at this time of night!


On the other side where Aman was talking to alisha on phone inspite of being in the same house..

He saw that arnav was calling him by listening a faint beep voice in the middle of his call...

He said :Alisha I will call you later..Laad...I mea boss is calling me now!

And he cut the phone!

He sighed Khushi mam's dialogues are taking a toll on him now!

He called his boss only to keep the phone a few centimetres away due to the sudden outburst!

Arnav :Who the hell were you talking at this time of night! And expecially when your boss wants to talk to you!

Aman :Uhh umm sorry boss! Do you need anything?

Arnav :ummm yeah can you come in my room now? I want to discuss something with you!

TO be said..aman was slight amused at that ASR was pleading him to come to his room to talk!

Something is definitely not right with his boss!

Aman :Yeah sir In a minute!

And like an express bullet train aman came and stood before ASR in no time ..

He was confused as his boss his planning to complete a hundred metre run in this room itself!

Aman :Umm sir is there a problem?

Arnav :yeh there is aman!

He sighed and came and sat beside arnav on the bed!

Aman : What is it?

Aman has not seen his boss this confused and nervous!

While arnav was thinking how to say him!


Arnav chided himself!

Arnav :Urrmmm aman! WOh actually...I mean...

Now it was aman's turn to convert himself into an angry frustrated asr mode..but still he controlled and asked ...

Aman :What sir?

Arnav took a deep breath and finally said : I WANT TO KIDNAP KHUSHI!!!

Thats it! The bomb is dropped and exploded already!

Aman :WHATTT????????????

ANd seven more silent amused "what?" from outside arnav's room were like the black smoke from the already dropped atom bomb!



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Comments (1)

loved it,just loved it.khushi's crazy mind has definitly come to arnav's rent, everyone heard that arnav wants to kidnap khushi?????this is so interesting and funny.plzzz, plzzz update the next part soon plzzz

10 years ago
