Chapter 8

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( the following prank is from the movie zindagi na milegi dobara! hehe spare me for it! just took it for the betterment of the Ff! and yes dont try this with any stranger or else they will knock you down leaving you black and blue!)

Khushi told her plan to the group when arnav objected...

Arnav: No NO khushi!! what if we put ourselves in danger..Cant you spare the normal public!

Khsuhi: Oh shut up 'dukhi aatma'(sad ghost) we are doing this and that is final!

The group silently walked near the guy, two boys arnav and karan were in the front, two girls geet and karishma were on the either side of the boy, and payal and khushi were behind them!

They all thought together 'One...Two...Three..'

Karishma:Oh mY GOd!!!!(pointing towards the sky) HIDEEE!!!!!!

All the group including the guy layed down hiding themselves as if some asteroid is falling from the sky!

But suddenly the group started laughing holding their stomachs leaving the boy schocked as if trying to register what was happening!

They all ran towards a building in which khushi lives..suddenly khushi stops turning towards the boy winking at him and saying 'best of luck' smiling went to her home!

The boy was baffled but soon strted laughing ! They all quickly reached khsuhi's home peeping through the hall's window seeing teh boy still laughing holding his stomach!

Khushi: The boy seemed very sad as if someone betrayed so this change was necessary!And look we got the results!

Geet,payal and karishma hugged her together leaving her gasping for breath!

Arnav and karan looked at them with love oozing through their looks!

Payal: CHal yaar its late we should het going home !!

Khushi: Stay rooted on your spots you guys are going nowhere!YOu all will be staying here till the vaccations got over!

Karan: But khushi we dont even packed our clothes!

Khushi smirked and pointed towards a bunch of five suitcases!Teh group looked at that and exclaimed together 'THATS MY SUITCASE'

Khushi: I know you mothers helped me with the packing! they only told handed me these bags and said 'Go and have fun with the mini campaing'

Khsuhi's home was a duplex exactly opposite to the sea.

Khsuhi room had a mini terrace garden attached to her king sized room seperated with glass!

Arnav and karan were staying at the room beside khushi's and her friends geet,payal and karishma were to stay with her in her room!

They would sleep hugging each other as if their life dependent on each other!IF they would sleep otherwise always making noises and playing making the vases nearby shake due to frequency!

At night all were sleeping except khushi and payal!

They thought they should watch tv !

Grabbing Giant bowl of chocochips icecream they went to on tv only to find The reapeat telecast of the vampire diaries!

Suddenly payal bite her tongue as she was a little sleepy!

Khushi asked: Kya aapke toothpaste mein namak hai??( do you have a salt concentrated tootpaste?)

Payal who was too occupied to answer: what salt in toothpsate???

Khushi said giggling : yeh colgate has !!

Payal wondered what she is asking plafully smacked her hand and told to concentrate on the serial!

When they looked up at the screen they saw stefen and elena kissing! making payal blush!

Khushi: By the way , what if your would be husband ask a kiss before marriage??

Payal : HUH!! lets go and sleep! You can dream of those which will not include me!mad girl always playfull!

Khushi: Ya ya sleep who will know that will get enough sleep after marriage or not!!

Payal: KHUSHI!!!!


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Comments (2)

well there are lot more to come ...and most of it are real life ones! which are tried on me and tried my me too!heheh

11 years ago

Loved the update really funny ,I TOTALLY LOVE all the pranks khushi and her gang do 😆😆😆

11 years ago
