Chapter 1

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Hello Friends,

Here I am with an OS this time. Something I wanted to write down since long. I hope you like it.

Do leave your comments. Detailed one at that. I have tried something different and your input will help me improve.


OS: Our Wish

Doorman held the AR Industries office door open for Khushi Mam to enter. She always greeted everyone with smile & chatted whenever she visited office but today she looked extra happy. Something about her was screaming that she is super excited for the reason she came here. She stopped at the door, wished him good afternoon, talked about his family & when he held the door open and she entered, he saw her repeating the same to almost all staff starting from Receptionist to Canteen Lady Manju Aunty with her bright smile & ever cheerful persona. Everyone thought in the mind that Boss is going to get Lucky today. Their Mam was there with Big Bag & tiffin box. All of them knew how delicious Food she cooked as she did gave them chances to enjoy her food on Festivals like Diwali. They Loved her food & always felt their Boss to be Blessed to have Khushi Mam as wife.

Arnav was busy with his head in between Laptop and Files but the minute Khushi entered he felt the air around him change. Next came the sound of chatter-patter of his Staff and he knew Khushi was there. A bright smile appeared on Arnav Singh Raizada's face which was solely available for his Wife only. No other person in his surroundings managed to make that appear on ASR's face. His entire body felt relaxing at the thought of her entering & taking all this exhaustion of workload in a second with her presence. In fact her aroma only relaxed him to great extent.

He was looking at the door of his cabin impatiently to have one glance of her divinely beautiful face when he remembered something. Khushi always complained that how every time he came to know even before she entered that she was here? She felt disappointed at his reaction coz she always tries to surprise him but it doesn't happen as he senses her. Same was with her too.. whenever Arnav tried to surprise her by going home early or going for Lunch on some less busy days, she welcomed him with smile saying she knew he was in the house. He chuckled remembering how they bickered over Not being able to surprise the other. He thought of pretending this time just to make her happy that for once she was able to surprise him by her sudden presence in his office and got engrossed in his work anticipating her anytime now.

Khushi halted her usual pace of walking after coming to stand at the door of her Husband's cabin and looking over she found him typing away but his expression told her that he was pretending to be busy and had already sensed her presence. was that ever possible between them to Not know when other was around? She smiled little at her Husband's trying hard to fool her and walked in with eyes shining with mischief.

Arnav's eyes were on laptop but his mind was busy thinking over why Khushi walked in to the window & didn't come to him directly. He thought her to be tasting him whether he for real didn't know that she was there or just acting of being busy& he also decided to play along some more time until she comes to him then only he will exclaim in joy at seeing her.

But this time for real to his utter surprise she closed windows, closed door, closed curtain and everything through anyone can look into his cabin, now he couldn't help but stand up & exclaim in surprise for real.. when she came & put his phone on desk aside as well as silent off his mobile.

"Khushi'what..?"but his voice died as she came to stand in front of him & started opening his shirt button after pulling him to her with his tie.

"as if you don't know." She continued looking in his eyes with mischievous glint.

The same mischief transferred from her eyes to his entire body & he flushed pull her to him with his hands on her bare waist visible thru her Saree. A little Stretch of a corner of Her Husband's lips told Khushi that he understood what she was here for!

No other words required between them to communicate their desire. With his hands going to cup her face in between, he bent down to capture her.. and kissed her with all his might.. pushing her back to fall on sofa while her hands was busy removing clothes from his body. 5 years of Marriage had Arnav mastered in removing her Saree in one pull and soon Khushi was standing there in just 2 pieces of small clothes kissing her husband letting him know her needs.

Her response when their tongues intertwined had Arnav lose it.. his little minx was out to surprise him today with her boldness, well that she always did.. but today he felt her desire reaching a whole new level making him take her with double energy. He pushed her on sofa and came over her continuing his exploration of her mouth.. her hands were digging in his back.. making him impatient with want. Taking her bosom in his mouth in one flash he tore remaining of her clothes. A loud "Arnavvv.." escaped Khushi's mouth as she could Not take the torture of his bites on her body at places which were his favorites. Arnav kept torturing with her with his hands and lips until he heard.. "Arnavvv' I want you. NOW."

As they lay satiated, Arnav lifted his head which he always rested between her bosoms after their Love making, his satisfied eyes met with Khushi's conveying him the same with glint of smile on her lips & red color adorning her cheeks. Lifting her head little she kissed him on his forehead overwhelmed with her Love for him. Returning a same smile to her, he went back on resting his head between her bosoms & tightened hold of his hands around her. Like every time they don't require words to express their Love for each other. This was their way to let each other know that how they completed each other on every aspect of their life.

"Now that was a real surprise Khushi." Coming up to look at her once again Arnav confessed. He indeed was surprised by her today.

She smiled fondly at him getting happy that for once she was able to surprise her husband and replied cheerfully.

"I went to Dr. Meera. She said we have to try today. I couldn't wait till night.. and.."she didn't finish her sentence but Arnav understood.

His face broke out in expectant smile & she nodded confirming his questions even before he asked her.

Instantly Coming up from his laying position, Arnav helped Khushi to held her legs up like how Doctor suggested them. after positioning her, he went back to lay on sofa beside her putting his head on crook of her neck with one hand on her waist.

None spoke anything but their mind were thinking the same and praying for same. They were trying for Kid for more than 3 years but Khushi was having trouble in conceiving. Arnav wasn't very fond of Kids, but it was Khushi who loved Kids. They were planning for one on her insistent. Arnav was very happy & content with his life having Khushi in it and wanted nothing more. Of course A kid will strengthen their bond & complete their family but he wasn't disappointed without one, but Khushi' she longed for Child. She wanted to experience Motherhood, a best phase of any woman's life. She felt incomplete seeing Anjali Di, Payal with their kids. A sadness engulfed her eyes and Arnav's heart ached at her longing. Nothing mattered more than her happiness, his world started with her & ended with her.

They tried many times, but result always came negative. Consulted doctors and reports said, the problem is in Khushi's. No one told her this for weeks. They knew she will be shattered but it was Khushi, the epitome of optimism. When she came to know, after initial heartbreak, she picked up herself pretty fast. Arnav and all Raizadas stood like pillar by her during this difficult phase and their Khushi being the stronger as ever, came out with even more positivity about her life.

She offered for them to adopt a Girl Child. Everyone accepted her with tearful eyes. This was their Khushi, her heart was filled with Love for everyone. Adopting a Girl Child was a noble cause and Khushi's consideration to give a Girl New life was applauded by all. Her inability to become Mother didn't let A Mother in her die.

It was Khushi's wish and Arnav kept all his sources working in completing formality of adoption and soon their house was filled with a 4 years old Akanksha running with her baby laughter by Khushi after her. Akanksha as Khushi named her meaning Wish, she was their Wish which got fulfilled by her just being in their life. Arnav who always stayed away from Kids, fell for Akanksha the minute he held her. She became apple of his eye. Having her made him realize what it felt to be father. 3 years with her in their life and Akanksha held all of Raizadas on her finger. Arnav never left for Office without seeing her face and Not seeing her in home after returning from work made him restless. Khushi's happiness at being called as Mother knew no bound. Khushi never let anyone address Akanksha as their adopted daughter. The person got real peace of Khushi's mind if anyone said otherwise. Akanksha was their daughter, She was Akanksha's Mother and nothing more or less to the fact!

Last year with one of Akanksha's friend's Mom, Khushi came to know of a Lady Gynecologist, Dr. Meera. Dr. Meera took very less cases in her hands but she was highly successful in fulfilling many Woman's wishes to become Mother. Khushi met her and Dr. showed sign of positivity in Khushi's case. There was hope that Khushi can conceive and with Khushi's insistent Arnav agreed on trying for 2ndKid after meeting Dr. Meera. This Lady doctor impressed all Raizadas with her sincerity. Thus, started Khushi's treatment from last 3 months and today was the day they have to try and over whelmed at knowing this, Khushi couldn't wait till Arnav comes home and hence, came to office directly.

Arnav's phone started vibrating making both of them open their eyes and Arnav stood up to get a phone. His face broke out in a huge smile looking at the caller and he came back to lay on his position beside Khushi after putting call on speaker.

"Dadda.. promise me if I ask something, you will get me that."

Khushi and Arnav chuckled at their daughter's demanding tone..

"Yes Princess of course. Ask and you shall have it."

"I want Brother."

"WHAT?" Arnav asked amused and Khushi's face mirrored his expressions.

"Yes Dadda. All my friends have little or big Brothers and I don't have one."

"Princess, You have Piyush Bhaiya."

"No Dadda. Priya Di says Piyush Bhaiya is her Brother becoz She held him before Me. I want little Brother who I can hold in my hands."

Arnav and Khushi looked at each other with amused faces at reasons these kids come up in their house.

"Princess, Dadda can't promise but trust me Dadda is trying very Hard."

Khushi elbowed her husband at such shameless remark in front their daughter.

"No Dadda. You have to promise me and tell me when will I get one?"

Now this was difficult to answer. Arnav signaled Khushi for help when Khushi shrugged telling him it was between Him & his Daughter.

"Princess.. what if Dadda try for Brother and instead of Brother, you get sister?"

"What? But Dadda, you are so intelligent how can you make such mistake."

Now that stumped Arnav.. and Khushi broke out in laughter looking at her Husband's bewilder expressions.

"Princess it's not in Dadda's hand. You have to ask it to your Devi Maiya. And, sister isn't bad you know. You can play with all your dolls with her and she won't break your doll like how Piyush Bhaiya breaks all Priya Di's dolls. She will listen to you."

Arnav tried to answer to best of his capability and that had his daughter thinking for a while, he heaved a sigh of relief and saw Khushi chuckling at his helpless form.

The great Arnav Singh Raizada who held every client under his hold, was having trouble answering his 7 years old daughter. what a fall for mighty ASR! Seeing Khushi's teasing face he warned her to Not laugh at him, or else she will be in trouble having to lay beside him without clothes, only a sheet covering them.

"That's fine Dadda. Sister will do too. But when will I get one?" Came the reply from other side after a long pose.

"hmmm... let's say 10 months max from now on."

"what? 10 Months Dadda? No, You are ASR, my Dadda. You can get anything within hours, get me Brother or sister in an hour." Akanksha demanded.

Khushi closed her mouth with both her hands to stop the bubbling Laughter. And Arnav was in real trouble. It was his doings. He always told her how he was ASR and can do anything.

Arnav looked at Khushi with pleading eyes to help him.. and Khushi replied "You have spoiled her with giving her everything she wishes for. Ab bhugto."

Arnav pleaded once again asking Khushi to answer their daughter that even ASR can't produce children in hours.

Khushi gave in looking at his husband's puppy face, and replied "Beta, first you have to become good girl and then only Devi Maiya can send you brother or sister."

"Mamma.. you are with Dadda?"

"Ha Beta. Ask Priya Di for how long she waited to get Piyush Bhaiya? It takes time my darling. DM needs to see that Akanksha is big enough to handle a brother or sister."

Arnav looked amused at Khushi's convincing abilities. A mother can only do that he concluded.

"Ok." Came a reluctant reply and then suddenly "I will go to temple with Nani now and pray. I will ask HP to prepare lot of Jalebis Mamma. Devi Maiya will be convinced with Jalebi na?" Her voice lit up at the mention of Jalebi just like what Jalebi did to Khushi making Arnav and Khushi both chuckle at their daughter.

Arnav came on Top of Khushi after he put the phone aside,

"so, Mrs. Raizada.. you were laughing at my expense hh? Now laugh." His voice was dangerously threatening Khushi about the punishment she was to get for making fun of her husband.

"Arnav.. we only want one Child." Khushi replied still laughing.

"I wouldn't mind Twins and Akanksha wouldn't mind Both, one baby Brother & one baby sister." He answered before claiming her Lips.

about an hour later,

"What was that?" Khushi asked with heaving chest and rapid breaths.

"This is what you get when you barge in your husband's cabin, arouse him and then make fun of him Mrs. Raizada."

"Mr. Raizada.. save some energy. Meera ji said, If I conceive, I will be lot more horny during pregnancy."

"Pleasure will be all mine wifey." Arnav winked before getting up to put some clothes on. He knew Khushi will need some food after having to go thru double dose of his energy.

Little did the office staff expected that how Lucky their boss got today and going to get in future!

5 weeks later.

Same like the other day, Khushi entered his office in afternoon with indescribable glow on her face but this time her husband surprised her by reaching her at the main door of AR's office even before she step in.

He felt her to be here and couldn't wait till she comes up. He had to rush down and seeing at her face he knew that it was positive! Coming up to stand in front of her, he hugged her to him in a bone crushing hug. "It's Twins." Khushi whispered in his ears.

A lone tear escaped both their eyes and holding each other tight they conveyed their happiness.

"Dadda.."Akanksha came behind Khushi.. and pulling Khushi out from his embrace Arnav went down to pick Akanksha with moist eyes and happy smile.

Twirled her around and his Princess broke out in pearls of laughter with Khushi & him joining her soon.

All AR employees watched the scene with moist eyes. Never before they saw his boss this happy.

Akanksha indeed was their Wish coming true. Just like her name!


I hope you like it. It is based on a real life story I know. The Girl came with all happiness in couple's life. Do leave your comments. Would love to know your detailed views.

Ignore Spelling or grammatical mistakes if any.

Thanks & Happy reading. 😃

[NOCOPY] SuperstarSanaya2013-05-06 13:45:56

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Comments (81)

akansha is really lucky fr arshi! really beautiful os!

10 years ago

it touched my heart..loved it..

10 years ago

Aww loved it Happy little familyAkansha was really lucky for them

10 years ago

🤗, that was such a lovely OS! Beautiful and just so cute. Their Akanksha, their wish, that came true! Their princess who filled their live with happiness and Hope. I loved her innocent questions which left our mighty ASR tongue tied!Somethings only a mother can tell. :)now, my Akanksha is that you be back soon! :)

10 years ago

Naughty and an emotional OS dear!!!!

11 years ago

OMG! That was seriously a touchy one.. at first half, I ran teary,well,just a bit though! and at last, it was pure love and love and love that you wrote.. Beautiful! Thanks for writing this.. :)

11 years ago

beautiful os dear...absolutely loved it...

11 years ago

awesome work i really liked it such a emotional based os loved it!!!

11 years ago

wow...that was adorably cute. May be you can consider writing this story further, Would love to read it

11 years ago

O My Superstar(not)Sanaya 😊come near~~I wanna hug u,sweetheart 🤗I always love to read ur creations 'coz urhumorous style of writing makes me smile &laugh😃But today,I m smiling through tears,yaar !!!!What if it would happen in IPKKND~~~~ 😛Akansha is a cute & sweet daughter any parents can pray for !!!! Now,u 7 years old doll~~~~~be prepared to take care of ur twin siblings !!!!Pls continue & convert this Os into SS or at least give us one or two more updates !!!! U've the capability & the story has the potential~~'so PLS,go ahead !!!! 😃

11 years ago
