Chapter 16

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hello r u all...?๐Ÿ˜Š biggg sryyy for this delay๐Ÿ˜‰
those who want PM you can buddy me...๐Ÿ˜Š

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Sry if there is any mistake in this Part...

Part 11

Arnav : Does Nani knows about our Marriage...

Khushi : yes she knows Arnav... she is very happy...

Saying this Khushi again hugged Arnav with full of Love...then she started to cry... because she got her Love... her Arnav...Now she is going to spend her full life with him... but Arnav pushed her from him said...

Arnav :
(anger) Stay away from me damnit...

Saying this he went away from there leaving Khushi alone...with full of shock...Khushi was hurt by his action... tears started to flow from her eyes... and she kneel down in ground and started to cry very badly...then after 10mins she went to Arnav bedroom and saw his photo hanging in the wall...

she stared at that photo for few seconds then she took his photo frame from the wall and clutched it close to her heart and started to cry then she sitted in his bed and saw his photo with full of Love and said...

Khushi :
(said to Arnav's photo) Arnavji why you becamed
angry on me all of sudden...i did mistake by hiding
this truth from you but i cant breath without your
love... you are my heart are my breath...
you are my life... you are my love... i love you
Arnavji... but youhurted me now by your sudden
behaviour... Arnavji please forgive me for hiding this
truth from you because i want you to love me without
knowing about my love for you... but now everything is
destroyed... i myself destroyed our life... i should
not have told you this... i am sorry Arnavji...

Saying this still hugging his photo Khushi lay down on the bed and slept in her sadness...

In Hospital:

Rohan was taken to Operation threatre... Arjun was standing outside and still thinking about Khushi's action and her words...

Arjun's POV:

Arjun is now in shock as well as in Anger... once he loved his daughter very much but she cheated him... by marrying his enemy... right now he hates her... he wants to punish her for marrying ASR and moreover for stabbing Rohan... thistime he is going to take Revenge on his own daughter... for her mistake... for her sin... today Arjun Kapoor decided to punish Khushi Kapoor... no its not Khushi Kapoor from now but She is Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada... his enemy ASR'swife...


but Arjun thought was distrubed by Nurse...

Nurse : Excuse me Sir... we have informed to Police about
your son.. they are on the way...

Arjun : Why did you inform Police...Are you..(cuts of by Nurse)

Nurse : Sorry Sir its attempt murder case... and its our rules
to inform it...

Arjun :
hm... okay...

After that Nurse went from there... and Arjun thought something and smiled evily...

In Arnav's guest house...:

Khushi was still hugging Arnav's photo and sleeping in his bed... but suddenly someone lifted her in his arms and took her from bed... and Khushi can feel that she is lifted by someone but she is very lazy to open her eyes... but to her surprise and shock... someone put her down and she fell down on the swimming pool which is outside in the garden... thats when she opened her eyes and saw the person smirking in front of her ...

thats it after seeing him... she got confused whether she is dreaming or it is real... but to her shock its real... and the person standingin front of her was none other than Arnav Singh Raizada her love,her husband... but to her surprise she saw Nani, Ramya, Aman...standing behind Arnav and her...

thats when Khushi's eyes noticed Rose petals are surrounded by her in the pool water... then she saw Arnav with confused look... but
Arnav he gave her his smirk and said...

Arnav :
(smirk) How is my Punishment my dear mad wife...?

Khushi :
What the!!!!!!!!!! punishment... excuse me wait a
minute... did you say mad wife...?

Arnav :

Khushi :
how dare you will say me mad...(cuts of by Nani)

Nani : Khushi please come out of that water otherwise you
will catch cold...

then Ramya and Aman went and helped Khushi to come out of water... then they took her to living room... and Ramya told her...

Ramya :
Khushi your clothes are wet so its better you get

Khushi : hmmm...

Saying this Khushi try to move from there but Arnav held her hand and said...

Arnav :
i will help you Khushi...

Khushi :
i dont need your help... you only told me to stay
away from you... but ..(cuts of by Aman)

Aman :
Khushi he is shock but now he came to conclusion...

Now Khushi become confuse... but Aman continued...

Aman : Arnav and you are going to marry again in front of us...

Khushi : what ... but we are already married...with rituals...

Nani :
yes beta but i want to see your in front
of DM... my chote will again marry you...

After hearing this Khushi saw Arnav...and noticed he is blushing... so she said...

Khushi :
Arnavji... i thought you were angry on me...

Arnav : Khushi you are my soul... then how come i will be
angry on you dear...Actually after i left you here
i went to Hospital and told Nani that i am going to
take you with me back to India... but Nani told she
want to see our marriage again... so we planned to
tease this way...

thats it after hearing this Khushi hugged Arnav... and he too hugged her back then he kissed her forehead and said...

Arnav :
Khushi my love... i understand your love is true
and stronger than my love... i promise i will be with
you in all the siutation... I Love you... i will always Love you, Protect you, make you happy... trust me Khushi...

After hearing this Khushi's eyes welled up with tears and Nani, Ramya and Aman also had tears in their eyes seeing their Love...

then after an hour... Arnav was standing near DM idol and Aman and Nani standing next to them... thats when Khushi's friends...Bujii and Williams came...then bujii asked Arnav...

Bujii : Arnav bhai where is Khushi... i think She is still in
her makeup...

Arnav : Did you call me Bhai...?

Bujii : yes.. why i should not call ...(cuts of by Arnav)

Arnav went near Bujii and hugged her and said...

Arnav : now i got two sisters... one is Ramya and other is Bujii...

Nani : haan chote you are very lucky...

William :
we are also lucky... am i right Aman bhai...

Aman :
yes Williams you are right because we got Khushi
as our sister...

Nani : i am so happy seeing my childrens...

thats when Ramya brought Khushi down... to DM mandir...

and made her stand next to Arnav... then Arnav took Sindoor and filled her maang then he tied MS in her neck...

then they both went to take blessing from Nani,... and Nani removed her bangles and gave it to Arnav and said...

Nani : Arnav this is my Mother-in-Law gave me...this is
Raizada's rituals... when grooms mother finds out her
bahu is perfect and good hearted we will present them
this... but Sandra is unlucky but now my Khushi is
going to get this now you have to make my bahu to
wear it...

then Arnav made her to were those bangles in her hand...they had their eyelock... everyone were laughing seeing them... but they laugh was distrubed by door bell... and Aman went and opened the door and become shock to see Police standing outside.

then everyone came to living room and saw Police standing Arnav asked them...

Arnav :
Inspector... Anything serious...?

Insp : Mr.Raizada... May i know who is Ms.Khushi Kapoor...?

Khushi came forward and said....

Khushi :
inspector i am Mrs. Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada
not Ms. Khushi Kapoor...

Insp : oh then you are the murderer who tried to kill
Mr.Rohan Kapoor... Anyway Mrs.Raizada
you are under arrest...

thats it everyone become more shocked... but Arnav got anger and he held Inspectors collar and said...

Arnav : (anger) How dare you will talk to my wife like that

but Aman and Williams separate Arnav from Inspector and Aman said...

Aman : Inspector i think there is some misunderstanding...

Insp :
No Sir we have evidence...Mrs.Raizada only
stabbed Rohan...and now he is in critical condition...

Arnav : (anger tone) Who the hell made this complaint...

Voice : Mr.ASR... i myself informed them your wife
has stabbed my son...

Everyone saw the person standing near maindoor and that person is none other than Khushi's father Arjun Kapoor...Khushi was shocked and at the same time broken to see her Dad against her... Arnav he got more angry seeing Arjun Kapoor...

but Aman held his hand...
then inspector said...

Insp : Mrs.Raizada i think its time for you to come with us...

Saying this Inspector came forward towards Khushi but Arnav came between them and said...

Arnav : I only stabbed Rohan... Khushi is innocent...

Insp :
i am sorry Sir dont try to twist this case... please will
you move from here...we have to take this criminal
with us now...

thats it the word criminal... makes Arnav to raise his anger more with that he punched Inspectors face hardly... then he again try to hit him but other officer came and started hitting Arnav... So Aman, Williams freed Arnav from them... thats when Inspector said...

Insp : Mrs.Raizada you are coming with us right now...
otherwise your husband has to face consequences...

thats when Khushi came back to her sense and saw Arnav with tears in her eyes and said......

Khushi :
Inspector i only stabbed Rohan... you can
arrest me...

Arnav was broken hearing this... and Nani, Ramya, Bujii, Williams were in shock but Aman he know about this because Arnav have told him about it...then Khushi went near Arnav and said...

Khushi : Arnavji... i am unlucky to spend my life with you...

Nani :
Khushi... we wont allow you to go from here...

Khushi : Nani please...(cuts of by Arnav)

Arnav : Khushi please dont leave me... i cant leave
without you dear...

Khushi :
Arnavji you have to be strong... i still believe in
our Love... Lets see what our future...

Saying this khushi try to move but Arnav held her hand... and said...

Arnav : Khushi please... dont go my jaan...

but Khushi removed his hand from her and moved out with Police... Arnav tried to follow her but Aman hold him... and said...

Aman : ASR we will surely bring our Khushi out from this
(cuts of by Arjun)

Arjun who was watching this scene that khushi got arrested... and he gave evil smile and said...

Arjun : Wow Mr.Arnav Singh Raizada... now only my game starts...
Soon your empire will be destroyed...

but Arnav closed his eyes in guilty of unable to Protect his Khushi... his guilty turns into anger...

then after hearing Arjun's voice he opened his eyes... with full of fire in it... with full of anger... to destroy the person who tried to hurt his Love...

Now he is back to his ASR mode...and gave smirk to Arjun... which made him to confuse...

to be continue...

Precap :


jenji082013-05-15 23:23:50

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Comments (66)

those who want PM can buddy me to hello friends... how are you all...? i am ff will be posted from jenji08 my old account...but i am going to send my works from this jenji_Pmso buddy me to jenji_Pm2013-06-06 08:18:29

11 years ago

Thank you so much frnds...๐Ÿ˜Š , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , jenji082013-06-06 08:21:03

11 years ago

omg, how can a father do this to his child? wonder what Arnav will do next...

11 years ago

I loved this story. Oh it's so sad to see Kushi and Arnav separated. How can a dad be so cruel.And how can Sandra be a mother? I just can't digest this fact. She made her own son to suffer????

11 years ago

wow wow๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘...Interesting update...continue soon๐Ÿ˜Š

11 years ago

i ove this storyupdate soon please

11 years ago

arjun got khushi arrestedhope ASR gets her back

11 years ago

๐Ÿ˜Š it was amazing. thanks dear

11 years ago

Hey thnxxx for d pm,loved d update dis was sooo good. I was really scared i thot asr will leave khushi.. Thnk u nthg of dat sort happend. Ders indeed is a true love. Keep updating.

11 years ago

feeling bad for Arnav and khushi ๐Ÿ˜ญ and for her dad ๐Ÿ˜ก

11 years ago
