Chapter 9

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Sry if there is any mistake...

Part 7
(Maha update)

Next Day:

next morning Khushi wake up from her bed and after one hour she came out from bathroom after her shower... she is wearing red salwar ... and sindoor in her maang & MS in her neck...

but to her surprise Khushi was Shocked at first after seeing her bed... and then she become angry because of ther person lying in the bed shirtless... and giving Smirk to her and that person is none other than her Husband Mr.Arnav Singh Raizada...

then she went to him asked him...

Khushi : What the hell are you doing here Arnavji... and
that too without your shirt....(cuts off by Arnav)

before she complete her sentences Arnav pulled her and she fall on top of him , then rolled and brought her below him....their eyes has been locked... they both lost in each other for few seconds... but their eye lock was broken by Khushi...

Khushi is first to came back in sense so she pushed him but blocked her and he gave her smirk...Khushi was lost in his smirk...

yes after his smirk, Khushi felt Dhak..Dhak...and she become speechless , her anger also got melted.....then Arnav Said...

Arnav : (husky tone) Khushi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Khushi my jaan
why are you silent dear...

Khushi : Ar..Arna..arnavjiii wo... wo... you are shirtless...and
its wrong to stay shirtless infront of girls...

Arnav : (smirk) Khushi its very good to be shirtless infront
of wife...

Khushi : Arnavji!!!!!!!!!!!!! you should leave now... if bhai sees
you th(cuts off by Arnav's kiss)

Arnav kissed her to stop her talking... after 5minutes he left her and saw her eyes which is teary...then he kissed her forehead and cupped her face and said...

Arnav : Khushi, dear my baby...i know what you are
feeling now... you are scared if your brother will
see us... but dont worry i am there with you... i
will take care of you baby... i Love
are my wife,my love,my baby... my world...

Khushi :i know arnavji...but how you came here and why
are you off by Arnav)

Arnav : oh my god Khushi Are you really alright or you
become completely mad...

Khushi :
What the!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are saying me mad...

Arnav : no no i didnt say you are mad...actually you
forgot what happened last night...wo...(blush)☺️

Khushi : (confused) Arnavji why are you blushing now..
what happened last night...

Arnav : actually last night is ... last night is ...our...SR
so i thought about it... wow Khushi you
are really very wild...

Khushi : (shocked)
😲 What!!!!!!!!!!!!! but...last night you
went from my house then how come our SR...
Arnavji you are confusing me...

thats it now Arnav started to laugh... after seeing Khushi's reaction... and this made Khushi to confuse more... then Arnav said...

Arnav : Khushi relax... dont confuse yourself , already
you have small amount of brain and dont make
yourlittle brain to stop its activity...

saying this again Arnav started to laugh... and this made Khushi to raise her fake anger... yes it fake anger and she know her Arnavji is pulling her legs... but she is showing fake anger because she loved what her husband , her Arnavji said now... she loves his each word... she loves him lot...and Arnav continue his speech...

Arnav : Khushi i am sorry dear i am just kidding...
actually i came here just half an hour before and
i heard shower sound so i thought of making...
prank on you, so only i removed my shirt and lay
on your bed...

Khushi :i know Arnavji... but i loved your pranks...
okay anyway please wear your shirt...

Saying this Khushi gave cute smile on her face... while Arnav is wearing his shirt...

Arnav noticed her smile... so he asked her...

Arnav : why are you laughing at me baby?

but Khushi is still laughing at her Arnavji because this is first time she is seeing him wearing his shirt infront of her... she loved it very much and she started to dream what will happen after they both are staying together...this thought itself made her to blush☺️

but her thought was distrubed by Arnav...

Arnav saw her lost on some thought so he pulled her towards him, due o his sudden pull Khushi lost her balance and fall on Arnav and made him to lost his balance... and he too fall down with Khushi on his top... and there is again an eyelock between them...

After 2minutes they both break their eyelock and came back to sense
Khushi said...

Khushi : Arnavji... now you please leave this room
if bhai ans somu saw you then they both will surely
ask question....

After hearing Somu's name, Arnav's anger raises but Khushi continued her speech...

Khushi :
then i have to answer their question, then about
our marriage... etc... this will surely affect Somu..
Somu will be broken if he come to know about
our marriage... i dont want him to get worried...
i dont (cuts off by Arnav)

thats it now Arnav's anger is raised to he hold Khushi's shoulder and shouted...

Arnav : (anger)Somu Somu Somu... you are my wife
but you are talking about someone... whom i
hate to the hell...
this is my last warning
Khushi... i hate when you talk about Somu...
i already told you, you belong to me only to
me... eve you parents dont have rights on you
i only have full rights on you... but you are talking
that damnit... you are worrying for him...

Khushi : Arnavji... just relax...i will stop talking with Somu
from today,..
.(cuts of by Arnav)

Arnav : not only with Somu, you should not talk to any guys
including your brother and your frnd Sky...

Khushi : Arnav this too can (cuts of by Arnav)

Arnav : because you are only mine... you are
Mrs.ASR... wife of Arnav Singh Raizada...

but suddenly Arnav -Khushi conversation was distrubed by another person who just came and opened Khushi's room and that person was shocked to hell after seeing ASR in Khushi's bedroom and that too very Close... and that person's anger raised so that person called Khued name in anger...

Person : (anger shouted)Khushi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After hearing that person's voice both Arnav-Khushi turned and saw the person...Khushi was very shocked to see that person... and Arnav is fuming to see that he turns to ASR...

and that person is none other that Rohan, Khushi's brother...

Rohan was shocked and at the same time he is fuming in anger so he went near Khushi and dragged her & slapped her on her face... this makes ASR to lost his temper , ASR cant hold this because Rohan slapped his Khushi... so ASR went and hold Rohan's collar in anger...

Rohan : ASR leave me ... and what are you doing here
in th
(cuts of by ASR)

(anger) how dare you to slap my Khushi...
how dare you damnit... she is my wife...this
time you are going to pay for slapping my Khushi
infornt of me...

After hearing this Rohan was shocked because he didnt expect this from ASR-Khushi... and he was confused when they both got married... but ASR continued...

ASR : i know what you are thinking, dont worry i will clear
your doubts..... me-Khushi got married secretly
sterday... we both are in relationship for an week...
now she is Mrs.ASR...

thats it now Rohan was almost fainted after hearing this... but ASR continued...

ASR : Rohan inform your father about my visit... to your
house and moreover please inform him about my
and Khushi's marriage...your father will be happy
to know about our marriage...

while Arnav is talking to Rohan, Khushi is standilng silent...So ASR saw Khushi... then he again continue...

and one more thing, after i went from here dont try
to harm my wife otherwise you have to face hell...
if anyone hurt my wife then you are going to face
ASR's hell world... you already know about me
remember it...

then Arnav went to khushi and said...

Arnav : Khushi my baby.. dont worry i am there to take care
of you... now i have to leave this place otherwise
my anger will burst out anytime...bye dear...

Saying this he kissed Khushi's forehead and left from there...
leaving angry Rohan...

After Arnav went, Khushi saw her brother and said...

Khushi : bhai please understand me. he is really good by heart
and i love him...

Rohan : Khushi you cheated our family and married our enemy
i am sure papa is going to kill you for this...

Khushi : bhai...

but before She said anything , rohan went from there...

to be continue...


Frnds now your doubt about Arnav's love is cleared... Arnav's love for Khushi is not fake... its true love...he will surely with his khushi... and support her...


jenji082013-05-15 23:16:53

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Comments (37)

awesome... lovearhi ... &arnav pranks

11 years ago

Awesome update.loved it.thanks for the pm.

11 years ago

Loved this ff very very much arnav really loves her...awesome

11 years ago

part 7nice he indeed loves her...cont soon dear...

11 years ago

i read all 7 parts in one go awesome and very interesting story can't wait to read more continue soon please and thank you for pm me

11 years ago

great update...i like arnav's prank😳😳Arnav's love is not fake 😃 i m very happy...but why he married her suddenly any reason behind that?

11 years ago

nice update going gaga over asr's speech n his love for his khushi

11 years ago

So arnav loves khushi ,,,,,Nice ,,,,,hte rohan for slapping khushi

11 years ago

liked it a lot...good thing that arnav's love is true...wats gonna happen if khushi finds the truth abt their family's feuds??thanks fr the pm..

11 years ago

amazing thanks for pmcon soon

11 years ago
