Chapter 7

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Sry if there is any mistake...

Part 6

That same day night at 11pm Khushi is in pink night suit & she is still thinking about her and Arnav's marriage..which happened today morning...and their SR..(she started to blush☺️) but after few minutes she felt very bad for avoiding him...

Khushi is still thinking about Arnav and standing near the window but to her surprise suddenly shefelt someone hand surrounding her from behind and she felt Arnav's touch and she though it is dream so she closed her eyes and said...

Khushi :
(closing eyes & said) Arnav...

Arnav :
yes baby...

Saying this he kissed her ear...After hearing his voice , his touch in her waist, his kiss inher ear all made Khushi to jerked and she she saw him standing with smirk..., she made perfect "O" shaped lips...After that she asked him...

Khushi : Arnav , how did you come here,why did you come here
if bhai see you then he will surely (cuts off by Arnav)

Arnav : What the !!!!!!!!!, Khushi i am your husband and i have
rights to meet my wife...but you are asking me dozens
of questions...

Khushi : Arnav i asked you some question i nee(cuts off by kiss)

yes Khushi's sentence is incomplete because of Arnav's kiss... then after 10 minutes due to out of breath Arnav left Khushi and saw her face which is full of red due to blush☺️ and then his eyes travel to her lips which is swollen.due o kiss...

then Arnav asked her...

Arnav : (husky voice) Khushi!!!!!!!!! i am your husband and we
are married legally so i have full rights on you...

Khushi : Arnav i know you are my husband and you have rights
but if papa and bhai comes to know about our marriage
then they will surely wont spare you...

that it now Arnav's anger raises.. he said...

Arnav : (in anger) i dont care about your family..
and you are
mine only mine... no one has rights on you including
your parents...
you belongs to me khushi...
only me...i am only relation to you...

Khushi : Arnav please relax... you are scaring me your

After hearing this Arnav saw Khushi face... which has full of fear in it, then he went near her and hugged her, Khushi also hugged him back...

they stood there for few minutes, then Arnav broke the hug and he picked Khushi in his arms and walked towards her bed then he made her lay on the bed, covered her with quilt, then he leaned further & Kissed her forehead...& said...

Arnav : Khushi ... Good Night baby...

Saying this he started to move from there but Khushi held his hand and said...

Khushi : I am Sorry Arnav, I Love you... i kno(cuts off by arnav)

Arnav : its okay baby , i came to wish you good night & to kiss
you because i need to feel you and your touch when i
sleep and now i got it... now you close your eyes and
sleep my dear baby...

Khushi : Hmmm... but dont call me baby ..

Arnav : For me you are my baby...

Khushi : what !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😲

Arnav : yes dear, firstly your are my baby, my angel ,my princess
my Khushi then only you are my wife... i love you...
now close your eyes and starting sleeping , i will see you
2mrow... bye good night my dear baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Khushi : hm...

then Arnav went from there and Khushi also went to sleep...🥱

to be continue...

Now i am also going to sleep good night frnds🥱



jenji082013-05-15 23:15:33

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Comments (31)

Hai wer r u now a day... Y ter s no update... Hai pls update soon... In eagerly waiting 4 ur lovely words...

11 years ago

nice ff read it in one go waiting 4 nxt part

11 years ago

I AM VERy confused will he leave her?will she get pregnent?

11 years ago

is his love true or fake?? i'm scared for khushi

11 years ago

amazing update..loved it..pls cont soon n thanx 4 d pm.. 😉

11 years ago

awesome updates😊😊loved them❤️continue soon...😃

11 years ago

waiting for the next partplz update soon

11 years ago

part 6nice part...cont soon dear...

11 years ago

Im hoping he loves her for real and not fake. thanks u

11 years ago

Waifing fof the maha update

11 years ago
