Chapter 5

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thank uuu frnds for your lovely comments and sry 4 making you wait too long.
this part is Maha update


Rohan Kapoor: (khushi's brother)

Somu malik:

Aman and Ramya:


In hospital:

: Mr.Raizada please . you both may wait in Reception..
i will inform one of my Assistant to come here for your

After Saying this Anu called someone in her mobile and asked that person to come to hospital immediately and then Anu again went to ICU

After 1hour ASR again went near ICU and saw his nani from window suddenly he heard someone's voice but familiar voice, so he turned to see that person and Shocked to the hell...๐Ÿ˜ฒ

ASR : (Shocked) WHT THE!!!!!!!!!!!!! what the hell are you doing
here you cheater girl

Voice : what cheater girl ...๐Ÿ˜ฒ did you calling me as an
"cheater girl". how dare you Mr. Monster? how could
you name me "cheater girl". i am going to file case on
you for calling me "cheater girl".

ASR gave anger look to the girl and then said...

ASR : Excuse me MISS. Talkative Angel i used"Cheater girl"
name only once but you are only using that name
continuously... and moreover you called me
Monster, so i am going to file case on you and you
cheated me and my family using someone's else name.

Khushi :
i am not miss talkative angel , my name is Khushi ka..
(cuts off)

ASR : i dont need your stupid name from you comedy girl,
i am asking you why are you here. what are you
dng here?

Khushi : (anger tone) i should only ask you these question
Mr.Monster and moreover i am not comedy girl. i
am Serious girl.

now ASR started to laugh at her sentence, after seeing him laughing, Khushi become more angry so she went near him and slapped his face and said...

Khushi : (anger) How dare you stupid Monster , you are making
me fun, dont you dont know how to respect others especially girls? your mother didnt teach you manus
(cuts off by ASR)

he held her shoulder and shouted in anger...

ASR : (in anger) how dare you how dare to talk about that
characterless women she is not my mother, she is
an beast,cheater. who cheated my dad and me...
she is (he stops what he is saying and he left her and
turn other side)...

now khushi become more confused after hearing what ASR said
so she asked him..

Khushi : why are you so tempered all of sudden, and you are
talking about some other topic which i cant even
understand w
hat happened to you. Are you alright
or "your BRAIN stopped working".(she said last sentence
with funny expression

After hearing the last sentence "brain stopped working" from her , ASR had Small smile on his face and he felt his heart beats DHAK... DHAK... so he said to her

ASR : (smile) Miss.CITY girl , i am surprised to see a girl like
you because you are very nice girl. i loved your way
of making me smile... i loved the way you talk. i loved
the way you made my pain to disappear...

Khushi : (confused) what is meaning of "CITY" girl ...?

ASR : (with smirk) oh you dont no its meaning . its too bad
your really "CITY" girl... ha ha ha ...๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†

then ASR started to laugh and he said to her...

ASR : you want to know the meaning of "CITY"girl. okay
i will tell you now. CITY stands for...

C = Comedy,
I = Innocent ,
T = Talkative,
Y = yummy(Highly attractive)
so your are totally CITY girl...

Khushi : What๐Ÿ˜ฒ but i got one doubt . why you named "y" as
yummy, i mean... yummy means delicious, highly
and Very pleasing (cuts of by ASR)

ASR : wow nice guess, but i thought you dont have brain to
guess it..

Khushi : who said i dont have brain...

ASR : then tell me what do you think about "Yummy". why i
named you by that name...

After hearing this from him,Khushi's brain started to think in both good and bad...


Khushi thought:

Angel khushi-

think khushi think, why he named you as Yummy. may be he think i am very delicious... what delicious... no no no... it may not be delicious but may be Highly attractive...

What the!!!!!!!!! what is the meaning of highly attractive. that mean he is attracted to me or i am attracted to me... no no no...

oh my god khushi why your "angel brain khushi " is thinking like this better you can ask suggestion from your "Devil brain khushi"...

Devil Khushi:

hello hi bye bye Angel brain khushi, how are you. i know you are always in confusion that leads to problem but dont worry dear i am here to help you Angel khushi brain says Devil Khushi
brain.. So you want to know to what is the meaning of yummy .

but i can say that Mr. Monster (ASR) is making your brain to stop working, so just ignore this topic...because he is confusing you lot, so just avoid him and leave that place otherwise he will sure make you mad one day... i think he likes you so just stay away from him and he is not your type... so think twice before you talk...

anyway Angel brain khushi bye take care and stay away from him and moreover dont fall love in him...


then Khushi came back to her sense and shouted ...

Khushi : NOOO...

ASR : what happened are you alright. why did you scream...

: i need to go from here and i dont want to see your face
or talk to you. and moreover you will make me fall in
love on you one day. i dont want it to happen...

Saying this khushi started to move from there and She kept her hand near the ICU door to open it but before that ASR trapped her and pinned her to the ICU door. and asked her...

ASR : (smirk) what did you say just before. Are you sense

Khushi : leave my way please...

then she started to move from ICU to other side but before that again ASR said

ASR : do you LOVE me...

Khushi : no no no... i di(cuts off by ASR)

ASR : so you are in love with me, wow very interesting...

Khushi : no i am not, you are misunderstanding me, i am
not in love and that too with you...

ASR : oh really. then why did you say that " i will make you fall
in love one day". why are you silent . DO YOU LOVE ME

khushi didnt know what to reply so she lost her sense and kissed him in his cheeks all of sudden, ASR was shocked to her behaviour. and moreover Ramya saw this and started to laugh...

then after few minutes Khushi saw his eyes, she dint know what happened to her why she kissed him on his cheeks. this is her first time she is kissing one boy... now she becomed more confused and her head started to spin. and within a sec she fainted but her luck ASR hold her before she fell down on the ground...

Arnav and Khushi in Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (159737) size:800x600

he saw her angelic face for few minutes, now again his heart started to beat very fast...DHAK...DHAK... he felt she is his soulmate who is born only for him...

After few sec he lifted in his arms and went inside ICU and placed her in the bed...

Anu and other doctors in ICU were shocked to see Khushi in ASR's arms. then Anu went and checked her. she asked ASR to move out. while he is moving out he saw his nani sleeping peacefully in the ICU bed next to khushi... so he went near his nani and said ...

ASR :Nani you searched my soulmate for past 2years but
i think i found her today.

saying this he left the place and after he left Nani oped her eyes and saw Khushi lying next to her
and nani said to anu...

Nani : thanks Anu finally my chote fell in love wow i am very

to be continueee...


next part is also Maha update. below given picture is precap fro next part.
So anyone guess what is in this picture...




jenji082013-05-15 23:12:34

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Comments (35)

hmm hints are very nice but waiting for ur maha update๐Ÿ˜‰

11 years ago

Interesting dear๐Ÿ˜ƒ...i can't wait...

11 years ago

thanks u... so cannot wait for the next chap :D

11 years ago

wow amazing hintshappy diwali thanks for pm

11 years ago

nice..concept...loved it...plxzzz pm me wen u update...

11 years ago


11 years ago

awesome๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘wish u a happy diwali

11 years ago

Great hints !!!!! Happy diwali ๐Ÿ˜Š

11 years ago

the next update looks really interesting wonder if he will come too know about khushi anyways loved it and thanks for the pm and plzzz update soon

11 years ago

nice hints.. HAPPY DIWALI DEAR...

11 years ago
