Chapter 2

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halo frnds now i am updating character sketch and part 1 for this update


Arnav Singh Raizada / ASR / Arnav :

ASR is only son for his parents. heis 28yrs old. he is very Rude,Arrogant,Short tempered. he has heart without any feelings. he knows only to destroy others.

he hate girls very much its because of his mom. but he loves only his Nani.

when he was 20yrs old
his father died in car accident .Now his only family was his Nani "Maya"

the is top one business man in the world. ASR is King of Fashion World.his only Rival is "Kapoor Fashion House".

Khushi Kapoor/Khushi Singh Raizada:

Khushi Kapoor is Daughter of Arjun Kapoor. she is very cute bubbly,cirrpy girl. she is 24yrs old.

she is an doctor. working in New Hospital in Denmark . she is very kind to her patients.

she is living with her brother Rohan Kapoor. she has one best friend Name Bujii Willams.

Maya Singh Raizada :

she is Arnav's Nani.She is living with Arnav in Delhi . her only family his Arnav. she loves her grandson very much. Her only Wish Arnav's marriage.

Kishore Singh Raizada:

He is father of Arnav. he died when Arnav was 20yrs old. he loves his son very much.

Rohan Kapoor :

He is Khushi's Elder brother and son of Arjun kapoor. he is 28yrs old. he is taking care of his dad's business in Denmark . he stays with khushi to protect her from ASR.

Arjun Kapoor:

He is Khushi and Rohan's dad. he is owner of Kapoor Fashion house. he loves his childrens.

he is ASR rival. he does not like ASR. he lives in delhi with his wife.

his best friend is Ram malik.

Neelam Kapoor :

She is Khushi and Rohan's mom. She is house wife. he loves her children. her best friend is Sandra Malik.

Bujii willams :

she is Khushi's best Friend from childhood. she is also doctor working with Khushi.

Aman Mathur:

He is ASR best friend fron childhood and ASR's right hand. he can only control ASR's anger. he is very nice friend to him.

Ramya Mathur :

she is Aman's wife.she is also working with ASR.

Sandra Malik / Sandra Singh Raizada:

She is Wife of Ram Malik. she is best friend to Neelam Kapoor. she want Khushi to get marry to her son Somu Malik.

Ram Malik:

he is business partner and best friend to Arjun kapoor. he owns SM groups. he has only son Somu.

Somu Malik :

he is only son to Ram and Sandra Malik. he is 26yrs old. he loves Khushi from childhood. he is living in Denmark and working with Rohan Kapoor.


in this ff khushi's dad and Ram malik are best friend and there one and only enemy is Great "ASR".

So because of ASR, they both (Ram & Arjun) left there childerens in Denmark



In Delhi:

AR guest house:(1pm)

Aman : i am so sorry ASR, our source are unable to find where is
there childrens.

(anger) WHAT the !!!!!!!!!!! Aman this is last warning to you, i
need to know where is Rohan, Somu and Khushi. just find
them. otherwise you have to lose your Life damnit...

Aman : ASR relax please... We have tried our level best to find them
but our bad luck we cant trace them.

ASR : (anger) okay.. inform our source to stop searching.

Aman : (shocked) what!!!!!!!!!😲

ASR : (Smirk) i will find them by myself. now you may leave.

Aman : but ASR...(cuts off by ASR)

ASR : (Anger tone) you may leave Right now

Aman : okay.

ASR : Aman one minute.

Aman : What ASR...

ASR : Arrange my meeting with Mrs.Sandra Malik today at 5pm
in DM temple.

Aman : but ASR... okay i will arrange it.

ASR : make sure no one should know about it. especially nani

Aman : Hmmm...

after Aman left ,Arnav went to his room took his dad's photo and think about some flashback and started to cry.


In Kapoor Mansion,(KM):
(1.15pm on same day)

Sandra came to KM to meet Neelam kapoor. and they were chatting after having there lunch.

Suddenly Sandra's phone rang ,she took it and answer..

Sandra : hello, may i know who is on other end.

Voice : Mam, i am Aman Mathur , ASR manager.

on hearing ASR name sandra become shocked dropped her mobile.After 2 second again she pick it up...

Sandra : Why the hell did you call me? how did you get my number.

Aman : Relax mam, i called you to inform . ASR wants to meet you
at today 5pm in DM temple. and this meeting should be
secret between you,me and ASR. so please come on time
dont try to avoide this meeting otherwise
... i hope you will

Sandra : okay...

Aman : bye mam dont forget it...

IN Denmark:

Khushi : bhai pleaseee. i miss mumma very much.

Rohan : no khushi, dad informed us not to come India.

shi : bhai we are staying here for past 8yrs. i miss mumma
and papa very much. i have not seen them for past 8yrs.
i duno why they are avoiding our visit to india.

Rohan : but we are talking them through Skype.

shi : wow great bhai, yes we are talking but that too only once in
a year. i know they are trying to protect us.

Rohan : khushi my dear baby sister we will go to India but not now
so please stop this topic, i have to meet one my clients so
i am going out . i will be back after 3hours

shi : what about Somu, is he coming with you now.

Rohan : no he went to meet his friends.and you stay here in house
dont try to go out with your Joker friend Bujii.

Khushi : she is not joker friend , she is my best friend..

Rohan : ha ha ha😆...


Sandra- ASR face to face.
ASR in Denmark
ARHI meeting

part1 is short . but next part will be maha update.


jenji082013-05-15 23:08:40

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Comments (24)

Waiting for the maha update.!!!!

11 years ago

CSinteresting...part 1nice she Arnav's mom too?cont soon dear...

11 years ago

Interesting...nice one..add me to u r buddy list na...plzzz

11 years ago

amazing start its very intresting loved it thanks for pm

11 years ago

loved the story and looking forward to itdo pm me when you update plz... and do continue soontake care

11 years ago

engayo poitta machi eppadi thaan ur thinking like this😉 and all unakku evvalo theramai in writing stories never expected at all pa , keep up the good work⭐️⭐️ and hope the story evolves into a great story waiting fr lots of twist and turns👏👏👏.

11 years ago

thanks u... arnav sounds scary n here lol

11 years ago

superb updtluv itcan't belive he can do anything for his revengeupdt soonthanks for pm

11 years ago

Very interesting ...Please update soon..

11 years ago

wow god one pls cont soonThanks for pm me

11 years ago
