Chapter 37

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Two years has passed since their marriage... NT and Dev had their second son last year I guess it was her time to bring another joy to this world...she still remembers..the time NT was pregnant..the look that he had on his face whenever he saw NT's belly..she knew that he just repented of not being there of he wished he was there to feel his first kicks inside her womb, be there when he first walked or talked or even when he first started his school. Even though all that was in the past not being there still made him sad. That night Maan had pained her to see him cry like that...but there was nothing both can do to change the past except just comfort each other

Now, Geet was about 7 months pregnant with another boy...she couldn't be happier...her life now was finally okay..everything worked out great...she always wanted Maan to be there during her pregnancy and now she was finally getting that chance...Maan has been more then a great father and a great husband like he promised...

Now she sat on the bed waiting for Maan to come...Maan has given her strict instructions not to get up or do anything around the house..even including taking care of Ayush...both father and son have become such a pair...Ayush would dress, talk, act and basically does everything that Maan does or says...she has no say...

She sighs and lies down on the bed to go to sleep...she woke up when she felt someone kissing her...she knew who it was...she wraps her arms around his neck...he moves up from her neck to her lips..she smiles...he gently kisses her as if she was fragile..Geet jumps when she felt something...Maan places his hand on her womb and smiles

Maan; The baby kicked

Geet: Hmm he is not that easy either...I have a feeling he is just going to be like you

Maan: Of course..he is my son after all...

Geet: hmm (Maan kisses her stomach...)

Maan: You know I guess we just have to try harder until we get a girl...

Geet (Looks at him) No way...I am done...

Maan: Come on is not fair...I want a girl...anyways you can't stop me

Geet: Ohh yeah...yes I can

Maan: No you can' can't resist me

Geet: its the other way around...

Maan smirks..Geet realizes what she said..."you are right..I can't resist why should I stop now?" His hands roams on her curves...his fingers grazed her nipples slightly while moving toward his blouse hooks...he opens her blouse from the front...his mouth immediately starts kissing her curves..making sure not to hurt her...he gently enters her without putting any pressure on her...both kiss each other while Maan moved slowly...

Both slept peacefully with Geet's head on his chest...

"Maan..." Maan slowly opened his eyes when she felt her poking his shoulder...Geet was looking at him.she was dressed now...

"What happened?" He immediately sat up thinking she is in labor even though it is early.."are you okay? the baby coming? I don't have anything ready...I have to wake everyone up..."

Geet (held his hand..) Maan calm down...I am not in labor...I am hungry

Maan (Looks at the time it was 3:30am) do you know the time? You are hungry now?

Geet: wants food

Maan (sighs and kisses the belly) what would baby like to eat?

Geet: Rice with sugar, ketchup, pickles and umm mustard on top..(Maan looked at her with a disgusting face..Geet licked her lips as she talked about it...Geet looks at him) What? I want it right now

Maan: But Geet..all of them together? Is that..

Geet; delicious? I know...I want it right!

Maan: Okay okay I will go and get it...

he shakes his head...within half hour he came back carrying everything that Geet soon as he came in the room...Geet got off the bed and grabbed the tray...she throws all the ingredients together..Maan just looks at her making faces while she scarfs the food down as if she never ate before..she looks at Maan and offeres him the soon as the plate went near his nose..he wanted to throw up..he couldn't take the smell...

"Its okay Geet you eat..."

Geet; you sure?


Within minutes she finished the whole plate...Geet lies down with a smile...

Maan: Is there anything you need?

Geet: NO am happy (Maan pulls her in a hug and kisses her lips...both slept happily)

The next few weeks have been tough for Maan with Geet demanding weirdest food for her cravings. He threw up so many times when she kept eating crackers with strawberry ice grossed him out..the craving for that particular food got so bad that he had to hide the crackers from time he caught her drinking pickles juice right out of the container or when she was eating mustard with cookies...

Everyone looked at her weirdly...when NT was pregnant she didn't have these weird cravings..everyone was on their toes to fulfill her craving desires before she turns her whole house upside down...everyone waited for the baby to come...
"MAAANNN..." Geet yelled through her labor pains...everyone was outside waiting for the new arrival..Maan was inside the room helping her...she kept screaming his name..Maan hated to see her in pain like this...

"Geet its almost more push.." (he squeezes her hand...Geet looks at him and gives one more push...crying baby filled the room..Maan held the boy in his hand...Geet screamed again...) What happened?

"Looks like she is going into labor again..."

"Wait what?!" Both said at the same time...

"you are having twins.."

Maan: How come this wasn't detected before?"

"I guess the baby was hidden..that would explain her weird cravings and her over grown apetitte

Geet: Who cares...just get the baby out

"Okay push again Mrs.Khruana..." Geet pushed...after about half hour...another baby was born.."congratulations its a girl.."

Maan smiled at her and kisses her forehead


Geet smiled..both held the babies in their hands surrounded by families..both looked at each other with a smile

Thank you guys
for joining me in their journey😳

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Comments (95)

i so much love this story!!!!!!!what he did with geet was a great sin but he did repent.brilliant parts & i love ayush & annie so much😳

10 years ago

a real beautiful story...loved it...pain , trust and love...loved this journey of maneet tooo...loved it a lot

10 years ago

loved this ff. read it in one go😳

10 years ago

Loved reading this ff 😊 beautiful one

10 years ago

Congratulations for successfully completing the story

10 years ago

I recently start reading your FF and they are really GOOD. I finish reading all the completed FF.

11 years ago

@mr.msk: Awesum n fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😊

11 years ago

I have recently started reading your FFs and out of all that I have read so far, I liked this one the best. Please do write another one with a similar story! I loved it!

12 years ago

this was just awesome dear!!looved it sooo much!!

12 years ago

Awww i'm gonna miss this ff ! it was AWESOME !

12 years ago
