Chapter 32

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Hey guys,

I was going to reply back to everyone but umm couldn' thank you very much for giving me your comments and support.

Hope you guys like this update and please recommend what should be done next?😆😆 I think this might be coming to an end soon...and I def. don't want to drag this story😳😳
Chapter 31

Geet sat next to Maan in the car as it led to the restaurant. She was feeling nervous like their first date. No Matter how many times she tries to get away from him or create a distance from him..she always finds herself stranded with him. The feelings that she kept bottled up, locked away forever, was coming back and she hated it.

Her love for him, her feelings for him was her weakness. Even after all these years, she still cant bring herself to hate him. He will and always will be part of her. There will always be a part of him inside her heart and no matter how many times she tries to block that part or try to erase him..she can't.

She looks at him from the corner of her eyes...he seemed to be in deep thoughts...she wanted to touch his face...she wanted to feel him...but she won't. She can't be there again on the same road. She won't come back again. She won't survive this time. She quickly looks the other way when Maan looks at her.

"I know you are scared Geet...I know...but you have no idea how much I am yearning to see a smile on your face like before. How much I miss your old self, your talks, your smile, everything. I know what I did was unforgivable, I broke your heart, your dreams, your hopes and our marriage for my ego but Geet I will go through the same pain, two times worse to see you happy.

I won't leave you until you get the same smile back. I will accept if you don't want to be with me again Geet..I would not bother you again. I will always love you no matter what. No one can take your spot. No and Ayush are both part of me."

He looks at her with a sad smile..he turns to face the window again..he kept his distance this time.he didn't want her to feel more uncomfortable as she already is. Soon they arrived to their destination. Maan got out of the car and held the door open for Geet.

He extends his hand to help her get out. Geet looks at him and then his hand...just like the first date...when he proposed to her. She was about to put her hand on top of his but backs it up. She gets out of the car on her own without looking at Maan. Maan slowly brings his hand down looking at retreating Geet with pain.

Maan: Table for two please...

The waiter nodes and leads them the way. Maan places his arm around her waist as a protective nature. Geet looks at him shocked when she felt his arms going around her waist. He didn't look at her though. He just kept walking ahead while she followed. He didn't like the way some of the guys were looking at Geet. No matter what he is still protective and possessive of her. He will not let anyone look at her nor touch her. Geet sits across from him looking everywhere else but at Maan.

Waiter: What will you have sir?

Maan; hmm we will have water for now and will order later

Waiter: Okay sure sir. I will be right back.

Maan (looks at Geet) What will you have Geet? (She just kept her head down ignoring him. Maan sighs) Geet what will you have? (He puts his hand on top of her to get her attention. She tried to remove her hand from his but he held her hand tighter...) Do you really want to distance yourself from me? Do you think you can do that? (She looks at him..slowly removing her hand from his grip. The waiter came back with water..) Maan we will have any Indian dishes you guys have.

The waiter nodes his head and leaves. The host announces the dance floor being opened. Maan gets up and stands near Geet..he takes her hand and brings her to the dance floor.She looks at him shocked and then looks one was getting up to dance except for them. She felt conscious of herself. She tried to get her hand away from his but he pulled her closer to himself. He places both of his hands on her waist...

"Don't look at anyone except at will forget they are there..."

He whispers in her ear...Maan turns her around so that her back was against his both move around lost in each others world. There were so many emotions going on inside her mind and heart..emotions that were awaking inside her with this close proximity..emotions that she no longer can hold...

she comes out of his hold and walks a little ahead..Maan holds her arm and slowly caresses her back as he moves up above her shoulders..he spins her around...he holds her hand and puts her arm up near his shoulder while his other hand is on her waist..both look at each other as they dance...

She saw love and pain in his eyes for her...desire to love her..hold her but can she do the same? Maan picks her up while Geet tilts her head back...Maan never broke any eye contact from her...he wanted to see her tonight...he wanted to love her as much as he can tonight...he trails his hand slowly down her arm..Geet gasps and closes her eyes feeling his arm...that was slowly tickling her...she smiles...

Maan kisses her cheek as he brings her out of the embrace by spinning her...out and then bringing her back in until she collided against his chest. She places her head on his chest as Maan hugs her...she looks at him with tears...she places her hands on top of his that was on her waist..and slowly removes them...Maan looks at her with pain and sorrow..She kept walking back shaking her head no as she leaves the restaurant..

Maan runs after her...he grabs her hand before she could cross the road on the busy street. He brings her to an alley. She tried removing his grip from her arm but couldn't...Maan just held her arm tighter and tighter untils he brings her closer to himself...

"I am trying Geet...I don't want to give you anymore pain...I am sorry...I know what I did can never ever be erased from your memory..I broke everything that you trusted me for..and I know it will be hard for you to trust me again. I don't want to hurt you. I want to see the same old Geet that used to smile, laugh, and talk. Punish me Geet..

Punish me for what I did...I realized who you are to me, what you mean to me when you left. I did try to find out..not a day went by when I didn't look for you. I called all the agencies that I know, I even traveled from one town to another in hopes of finding you somewhere or even seeing you somewhere on the road, the beach anywhere...I did try but I guess it wasn't good I gave myself pain for giving you pain." (she looks at him)

"I cannot do what has been done...but I want to try to give you everything you wanted...everything you had hoped for yourself and for Ayush..." (he sighs) "If you cannot then I understand, I won't ask you for much...I will never come in your way..." (He caresses her cheek and wipes her tears) "you will no longer have any tears because of me..."

He lets go of her and begins leaving...she quietly follows him to their car. Maan sat in the front seat while Geet sat behind him. Both of them didn't say anything to each other nor looked at each other...

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Comments (94)

guys I just have to write the second half of the updatewill upate as soon as I can😳

12 years ago

haha thanksI live in us...CT and it is mad cold herewbu?

12 years ago

No probs simi hv ur lunch. I hd my dinner nw its time 2 sleep.By d way wer u stay?

12 years ago

Nav Thankswill updaet soonsorry for the long wait😆

12 years ago

Thank you very muchI was going of Mahi mahi song dance squeencebut I ended up translating Kurbaan hua song dance sequence lmaoBoth are right and both are sufferingbut teh question remains willl geet forgive?😆

12 years ago

haha okay sonui iwll trywill go on my lunch break soonafter I will😳

12 years ago

ROFL Deepayou are the first person to ask me this hahaano they did not eat lol

12 years ago

Simi me come back. Update jaldi dena plz.

12 years ago

yes...he needs to have faith and hopemy motto 😆

12 years ago

Thanks nehaI know both are in so much painbut this pain will bring them closer lollets see what happens😳

12 years ago
