Chapter 27

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Hey guys,

Sorry for the long work, sleepy, want to go home so I forced myself to give you guys this update...heheh I tried making it long there was a point where I wanted to leave you guys hanging but you know how nice I am😳😆

So enjoy!

P.S. for the next update I want this thread closed and until it is I will not update😈 SORRY! 😳

Chapter 26

Geet ran to the Khruana Mansion when she received a call from Dadima about Ayush's health. Everything came to a stand still...she couldn't let anything happen to knew sending him there would be a bad idea. Now he is sick. She stopped in front of the house, she was about to go in when the past memories haunted her again. She wanted to go back but she couldn't...Ayush..he was inside sick. Slowly, she opened the gate...everything was still the same, nothing changed except time and their destiny. She steps inside the house walking toward the entrance...she took heavy steps...each step that led her closer and closer to the house slowed her down..she can't be doing this had promised that she would never step inside the house but now she is breaking everything...slowly...she takes a deep breath and steps inside the house. She saw everyone was already there. Maan was holding Ayush in his arms while Ayush held his stomach. He looks at her. He could see the pain hidden in her eyes by coming here. He puts his head down unable to see her face. Geet slowly comes near them. Dadima was happy to see her.

Dadima: Geet beta am glad you came

Geet (forces herself to smile) I will take Ayush with me

Maan: He is not going anywhere in this condition. I have called the doctor he should be here any minute.

Dadima: Maan is right. (Geet shook her head yes knowing there is no way she can fight against this.) Maan beta carry him upstairs to your room. (Geet thoughts went back to the moments they shared in that room. She felt suffocated. She couldn't go upstairs in that room. She can't afford to live in those moments again. At one point, that is all she could think about those moments. She used to live for this thinking about Maan whenever he was at work, thinking when he will come home and take her into his arms, hug her, kiss her and make her his own but now all those past memories have become nothing but nightmares.)

Geet: Dadima I will make milk for Ayush and have it brought up.

Dadima: Okay. Nakul will show you the kitchen.

Geet: ohh I know where...(she stops mid-way...Maan stops in the middle of the stairs to look at her...Geet quietly walks toward the kitchen ignoring all eyes...questioning her. She stepped into the kitchen. Still same. She walked to the counter near the gas...nothing has been changed except for the kitchen color. She puts the milk on the stove...she found herself back in time.

Maan slowly puts his arms around her waist. He pulls her closer and closer to him. His one hand moves through her back, then behind the counter turning off the gas...she gasps when he bites her shoulder. She holds him tighter for support. She smirks seeing her reaction toward him. He walks back pushing her against the counter. He takes her hands placing them on the counter while he bends down kissing her stomach. His one hand was slowly making it to the top of her sari pallu...Geet comes and sits on her knees...Maan kisses her neck while removing her sari pallu...his hands rests on top of her chest pressing it in..she hugs him tighter as he opens up her blouse...

Geet comes out of her dream. She quickly takes the milk off the gas. Nakul comes from behind shocked seeing her there. How could he forget her? She and him had become such close friends. Both shared brother and sister relationship among themselves. Nakul would often tell her his problems with his wife. He was sad and heartbroken when he saw the incident that transpired in this house by Maan sir. He was happy that Maan sir had changed when he brought home Geet ma'am but somethings never change. He could never forgive him for the pain he caused her. Geet turns around and smiles at him. She gives him the milk.

Geet: Could you give this to Ayush?

Nakul: Sure ma'am...good to see you back...(She sadly smiles at him and walks out of the kitchen. Outside she saw Dadima sitting with NT and Dev. Maan, Ayush and Annie were nowhere to be seen)

Dadima (saw Geet) beta where is his milk?

Geet: Nakul is taking it upstairs.

Dadima; Ohh okay

NT: Geet don't worry am sure he is fine. It must be just minor pains.

Dev: Yeah. Doctor should be coming any minute

Geet: hmm I will take Ayush with me as soon as he is fine.

Dadima; I want to speak to you and Maan alone tonight.

Maan (comes from behind) About what?

Dadima: I will tell you guys later but for now we have to take care of Ayush. His health is getting me really worried.

Maan: Am sure he is fine

Dadima: I won't rest until I know for sure.

The doctor comes in. Dev goes up to him and brings him upstairs while everyone silently follows. Maan stops at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Geet. She slowly walks looking up the stairs. These were the same stairs that still gives her the nightmares. The same stairs that broke her heart into million pieces as she had descended down each step while leaving behind her memories, past, everything for the final time. Now, she will be going up the same stairs and same room wondering its destiny. Where will it lead her this time land of hope or despair?

Maan slowly went up the stairs but kept his close eyes toward Geet. He wanted to make sure she is okay but deep down he knew she wasn't. Coming back here was like torture for her. She stood outside the room while doctor checked up on him. Everyone once in a while would laugh when Ayush would make stupid comments.

She looked at how everyone was concerned for Ayush. She was getting overwhelmed with all the love he was receiving something that she could never give him alone. She knew he needed them more then anything and that it would crush him if he has to make a choice between her and the family. Would she be considered selfish if she did that? Would she be labeled as heartless mother? The doctor left after thoroughly examine him. Thank god there was nothing wrong with him just stomach pains. Dadima comes and stands before them.

Dadima: Maan and Geet I want to speak with both of you. Come to my room.

Maan: Dadima Ayush

Dadima; He has everyone from the family to take care of him. For now come with me. (Both quietly walked behind her...not knowing what she wanted to speak to them about that to together. Dadima closed the door as soon as both of them entered the room...) I want both of you guys to move here

Both: What?

Geet: How can you ask that? You know that..

Dadima (interrupted her): I know Geet but I am saying this for Ayush's sake. How long are you guys planning on juggling him from one place to another? He is only six years old. He deserves both parents love.

Geet: He is getting that.

Dadima; no he is not..not together. Don't you think he wants to see you guys together at once? living in the same house? I saw his face light up when he saw you both together coming here. That little boy is not asking for much but only for love. A love that only you two can give him.

Maan: Dadima Geet is right. I don't I can come back here again.

Dadima; okay fine. I knew you both won't agree. If you guys can't come back here then you guys can live at the outhouse.

Geet: What? (She looks at Maan and then back at Dadima) I can't

Dadima (holds her hand) Please Geet...for said I am like your mother then please listen to your mother...

Geet (has tears) But Dadima...

Dadima: please...I know this is hard but as a mother you have to give all the happiness you can for your kid. (Maan quietly leaves seeing the two and not being able to look at her tears)

Geet (looks at her) okay my happiness is with Ayush. If he is happy to see us back together then for him only I am willing to live at the outhouse.

Dadima (hugs her) Thank you Geet..I knew you would make the right decision...
Five days later...Geet and Ayush had moved into the outhouse. It was a pretty outhouse like a small cottage actually. It only had two rooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen and living room. The backyard of the outhouse was huge. It was enough for Ayush and Annie to play and run around each day. Everything was already set before she got there thanks to Dadima. Ayush room was already filled with toys that Ayush likes and she knew that only Maan can do this.

He still kept distant from far she would only see him once when he drops Ayush home from school and then disappear for the day. For now she was sleeping with Ayush in his room thinking he might be sleeping in the other room. Both really haven't gotten to talk to each other about sleeping arrangements yet. Even though they were in the same house they will still living together as strangers. Today would be their first weekend together and she wondered if he would show up at all. Ayush was now in the backyard playing with Annie. She could hear both of them yelling and screaming.

Dadima had left to go to teer yatra for a month. She was so happy that we all moved in one place. Dev and NT were busy with their own personal life. She still have to develop a relationship with NT. She seems nice but so far they are so distanced and barely get time to talk between household work and work. Geet was in the kitchen cooking. She wasn't sure if he was coming today or what or where Maan has gone. He doesn't call during the day at all and when he does he only speak to Ayush. She screamed when she cut her finger with the knife. She turned around when she heard someone yell her name.

He came home today. Today was the weekend and he has promised Ayush over the phone that he would play with him. Ayush is his first priority now...he would do anything for him now. For couple of days he has kept himself distant from Geet. He still can't forgive himself or face her without thinking of what he did. The guilt was killing him and he didn't know what else can he do to make it up to her if that was even possible to do. He knew moving back here must've been hard for her to do. He saw Ayush playing in the backyard and decided to go to the kitchen to grab something to eat. He didn't know that she was there. He stood there watching her cook but she was different. She seemed lost and then when he saw her cutting her finger its as if the finger was cutting his heart. He couldn't control himself so he ran up to her putting her finger in his mouth to stop the blood.

Geet stood there shocked. She closed her eyes feeling Maan. He was gently sucking on her finger while looking at her. She opens her eyes and both look at each other. He brings out the finger from her mouth but still holding her finger. Maan slowly steps closer to her while she moves back. He puts his finger under her chin making her look into his eyes. He leans closer to her and was about to kiss her on her lips when Ayush comes in. Maan moves back while Geet runs out of the kitchen holding her hand. She locks herself in the bathroom looking at her hand that he kissed. She hugs her knees and cries. After few minutes, Maan knocks on the bathroom door with Ayush. She quickly wipes her tears and opens the door smiling at Ayush.

Ayush: Mom lets go for a picnic just the three of us?

Geet: But I made lunch

Ayush (pouts) Please please please please

Geet: Okay

Ayush: Yay! Am gonna go get ready!

Geet: Ayush make sure you wear a sweater its cold out

Ayush: okay...(he runs out of the room. Both Geet and Maan stood there feeling awkward unable to look at each other in the eye.)

Maan: umm I will go help him you can get ready here.

Geet: Maan I wanted to speak to you about something

Maan: hmmm (he looks at Geet)

Geet: woh our sleeping arrangements

Maan: ohh umm I have a hotel room booked. I will go straight there after work. You can sleep here. Not to worry. (he leaves the room before she could do or say anything...)
Geet sat at the park looking at Ayush playing catch ball with Maan. She wrapped the shawl tighter around feeling the cold air. She saw a flower field. She gets up and walks toward the field. Maan looks at her and smiles. He tells Ayush to play by himself while he runs after Geet. Geet turns around and saw Maan coming toward her. She quickly turns around unable to see him. Maan comes and stands right behind her. She could feel him standing there. She turns around to face him but doesn't see him. She looks down, she saw Maan sitting on his knee holding flowers. She ignores him and kept walking.

Precap: 😳😳

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Comments (112)

just awesome!!was crying during reading some parts!!

12 years ago

kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update...kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update...kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update... kar do update...KAR DO UPDATE.. Kar Do Update...

12 years ago

Thread 3 link is on page 1😳sorry for the wait😳

12 years ago

where is the link of new thread 😕

12 years ago

no it doesn't ahve toI have already started typing hte partwill updte in new thread!😳😳

12 years ago

so it will happen when the thread reaches 150???

12 years ago

will update in new thread!Working on the part😳

12 years ago

i am really hooked in your story plus its maan geet which makes whole alot better. anyways you do a awsome job!!!

i am really hooked in your story plus its maan geet which makes whole alot better. anyways you do a awsome job!!!
i am really hooked in your story plus its maan geet which makes whole alot better. anyways you do a awsome job!!!
i am really hooked in your story plus its maan geet which makes whole alot better. anyways you do a awsome job!!!
i am really hooked in your story plus its maan geet which makes whole alot better. anyways you do a awsome job!!!
i am really hooked in your story plus its maan geet which makes whole alot better. anyways you do a awsome job!!!
i am really hooked in your story plus its maan geet which makes whole alot better. anyways you do a awsome job!!!
i am really hooked in your story plus its maan geet which makes whole alot better. anyways you do a awsome job!!!
i am really hooked in your story plus its maan geet which makes whole alot better. anyways you do a awsome job!!!
i am really hooked in your story plus its maan geet which makes whole alot better. anyways you do a awsome job!!!
i am really hooked in your story plus its maan geet which makes whole alot better. anyways you do a awsome job!!!
i am really hooked in your story plus its maan geet which makes whole alot better. anyways you do a awsome job!!!
i am really hooked in your story plus its maan geet which makes whole alot better. anyways you do a awsome job!!!
i am really hooked in your story plus its maan geet which makes whole alot better. anyways you do a awsome job!!!
i am really hooked in your story plus its maan geet which makes whole alot better. anyways you do a awsome job!!!
i am really hooked in your story plus its maan geet which makes whole alot better

12 years ago

sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread

sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close this thread
sorry for all the update post just trying to close

12 years ago

Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!Update !!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!Update !!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!Update !!!!!
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Update !!!!!!!Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
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Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!
Update !!!!!!
Update !!!!!!!

12 years ago
