Chapter 24

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Hey guys,

Finally an update! I replied back to everyone so do take a look thru previous pages for your reply๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜† I am pooped for this week..with all the updates...I won't be able to update during the weekend...will be busy with family and friends๐Ÿ˜ณ

Chapter 23

It has been a month since the incident but still it seemed like everything was at a stand still. Everyone's life was still the same. Yash moved back to Mumbai after making sure Maan doesn't hurt Ayush or her again. Ayush and Maan's bonding became stronger. Ayush couldn't even stay five minutes without meeting him or seeing him. Recently, he even started dress, talk, and even act like Maan. She was glad that he was finally bonding with his father but she didn't know if she can ever bring herself to trust him again. Even though it has been a month, she still had this fear of Ayush meeting him. Just the thought of Maan hurting Ayush pained her. She would do anything to keep him happy and she hoped that Maan would do the same. She went to Ayush's bedroom..the house seemed to empty without him. Today, was Saturday and as per their agreement..he would spend the weekend with Maan. She didn't know if she can handle all this...eventually, Ayush would start asking questions about why they are leaving separately and she knew no matter how many times she prepares for that moment; when the moment comes she wouldn't know what to say.

Maan stood by the window thinking about how much his life has changed. Nothing was the same anymore. After he was discharged from the hospital, he moved out of Khurana Mansion. He just couldn't stay there anymore. He couldn't face Dadima knowing what he did. It had hurt him to see his Dadima asking him again and again not to leave but he had to. Now, he got a small apartment away from Khruana Mansion, away from everyone, for himself. He and Ayush became really close. He couldn't stay away from him. He picks him up after school everyday, then they would spend the whole day together before dropping him off with Geet. He wondered how long will this arrangement work? He was grateful for Geet to let Ayush know who he is to him but he also knew that she only did this for Dadima. Dadima was sick and was in the hospital because of him. She was like his mother, she raised him and today he is here because of her. No matter what he could never be able to say thank you enough to Geet for saving Dadima. He sits on the bed where Ayush is sleeping..he caresses his head. How many times can I ignore his questions as to why his mom is not with them all the time? Why they are not living together like other families? Ayush wakes up and hugs him...

Ayush: Papa why is mama not here?

Maan (looks at him) umm because she has to stay home making sure it is safe.

Ayush: can we go there right that we can look at the house together.

Maan: umm its late Ayush..your mom might be sleeping right now

Ayush (looks at the time...) No its only 10pm mom is awake...please I wanna go to mom...

Maan: Ayush I said will see her tomorrow

Ayush: but I want to go now

Maan (gets angry) Ayush...(He yells..scaring Ayush..he begins to cry. Maan hugs Ayush...not being able to see him cry...) okay okay fine we will go right now...

He picks him up in his arms carrying him out of the house. His heart was beating fast...he didn't know how to face Geet..even though they have this aggreement with each other about Ayush they never spent more then five minutes with each other. He was still avoiding him and vice versa. He stops the car in front of Geets house...he looks at it for five minutes deciding whether it would be right to go in at this time. He looks at Ayush who was asleep. He couldn't bring him back home again disappointing him. After few minutes, he sighs, he opens Ayush seat belt and carries him out of the car.

Geet was about to go inside her room after drinking some tea to calm her nerves, when she heard the door bell ring. Realizing its 10:30, she wondered who could be at this time. Slowly, she made herself toward the door.

Maan looks at her shocked face. She looked beautiful with that sari on...only she could pull off a sari look with such grace. Its been a while since they have been this close with each other. He wanted to talk to her but couldn't bring himself to. He had so much to say to her, ask her about Ayush and his childhood that he missed but was scared of her reaction. He wasn't willing to bring up the old wounds into her life again by asking these questions. Her wounds weren't healed yet and there was no way to repair the wounds he caused her.

Geet looks at him shocked. Her eyes wandered from him to Ayush whom he was holding. He looked so tired then he usually if time stopped, both were staring at each other...Many things ran in her mind. When Ayush stirred in his sleep both came out of their dreams and looked at each other feeling awkward. Geet adjusted her sari and looked down unable to look at him. She waited for him to talk...

Maan: woh umm Ayush wanted to me to come here (He wakes up and rubs his eyes. He gets happy seeing Geet...he puts his arm out putting it around Geet's shoulder while his other arm is around Maan's...Geet placed her hand on top of Maan's by accident when she was trying to balance herself...she closes her eyes feeling his touch but quickly removes her hand. Maan felt as if his life was coming back to him slowly. Her one touch made him want to hold her all night long but was saddened when she removed her hand. Maan clears his throat) umm he wanted to sleep here.

Ayush: yeah mom..I don't want to sleep separate..I want you and papa together.

Geet: umm Ayush...why don't you go in your room (They put him down and watch as Ayush goes in his room...)

Ayush: papa you are coming right?

Maan (smiles) yeah I will be there...(Ayush goes in his room...both stand there avoiding each other's eyes thinking about what to say...) I will go after he is asleep

Geet: Hmmm

She comes to the side to let him in...Maan steps in and while doing so he accidentally touches her side arm. Maan makse his way to Ayush's now he knew the whole house but he never dared to go inside Geet's room...Geet sat on the sofa facing her back toward Ayush's room...she looked at her hand which touched Maan..she could still feel his touch on her hand and her arm...she knew how long it took for her to get rid of any feelings from the touch that happened a month ago in the hospital. She couldn't sit there anymore after Ayush places her hand on top of his...way to many emotions and pain was being surfaced again..she just couldn't be weak in front of him again. She looks at her hand with tears. Maan came out of his room after making sure he is asleep..he saw her sitting on the sofa looking at her hand. He knew what she might be thinking. He will never forget her touch from the hospital, no matter what happiness, he will always cherish the few moments he got to spend with her thanks to Ayush. He slowly walks toward her with heavy heart and stands behind her unable able to call her again. Geet could feel him right behind her...she could never forget his scent and his aroma. He knew that she knew he was right behind her. He slowly came forward her and saw her cry. His heart bled seeing her cry because of him. He wanted to hug her and console her but he didn't have the rights anymore. She looks at him with tears...he was looking down avoiding her eyes filled with pain. She stands up in front of him. Maan turns around closing his eyes and begins walking toward the door.

Geet: stop...(Maan stopped in his tracks when he heard her talking to him. He felt so happy..finally after so many days she was finally talking to him. He turns around and saw her walking toward him.) You have to stay here for the night. Ayush might wake up and ask questions if he doesn't find you.

Maan becomes sad...he nodes his head yes and sits on the sofa. Geet leaves but comes back after few minutes carrying blankets, sheets and pillows...Maan stands up and watches her set his bed for the night. Geet avoided looking at him while she set his bed. She could feel his eyes on her. As Geet was standing up, when she was finished, she tripped. She closes her eyes waiting for her body to fall on the floor but instead she gasped when she felt his arms wrapped around her waist. She puts her hands on his shoulder for support and slowly opens her eyes. Maan felt as if his life was falling on the trip. He ran toward her before she could hit the floor. He couldn't bare to see her in pain. She looked so beautiful with her eyes closed..he kept staring at her face unable to move his eyes off of her. He felt his body shudder when she placed her hands on his shoulder and look at him.

What is happening to me?
Why does his touch affecting me so much like before?
NO, No, I cannot do this again. I can't...

She straightens herself until she was standing on her feet. She places her hands on top of his hands which were still on her waist and slowly removes them. Maan looks at his hands as they slid off of her waist. He stood there as Geet slowly left closing the door behind her. He lays on the sofa thinking about what tomorrow might hold for them.
The next day, Maan wakes up after hearing some noises. He rubs his eyes and follows the noise that was coming through the kitchen. He stood there looking at Geet as she prepared the aata dough...she frowned when her hair kept coming in front of her face. He smiles when he saw aata on her face when she was trying to put the strand away from her face. Unknown to him, his feat automatically started moving until he was right behind her. Slowly he brings up his hand toward her face and puts her strand behind her ear.

Geet woke up early wanting to make the breakfast before waking Ayush up knowing how handful and hyper he can be in the morning. She stood by Maan observing him as he slept. Her past memories replayed in her head, she still remember when she used to admire his face every morning before he woke up; just looking at him sleeping peacefully made her happy. She slowly bends near him sitting on the floor, near the couch, looking at his tired face. She brings up her hand to touch his face but quickly draws it back when he stirs in his sleep. She gets up and goes to the kitchen to make breakfast. His thoughts haunted her as prepared the aata, thinking of the past and the future. She stiffened when she felt his hand slowly putting her hair back behind her ear.

Both stood still not knowing what to do or say. Geet couldn't bring herself facing him and Maan couldn't bring himself moving away from her. It has been such a long time since both were this close to each other. He wanted to stand here forever, watching her, admiring her, looking at her forever. Maan moves back a little when Ayush comes in the kitchen rubbing his eyes. He gets happy seeing his parents together. He goes and stands near Maan, putting his hands in the air to be picked up. Maan smiles and picks him up. Ayush puts his head on his shoulder to sleep again. Geet watched everything from the corner of her eyes, her heart and mind relaxed a little seeing Maan being careful with Ayush. She sighed in relief when both left the kitchen. She puts her attention back to making a breakfast.

After half hour she comes out to see what Ayush was doing since it was pretty quiet in the house. It is very unusual for Ayush to stay this quiet for this long. She looks in the living room for them but couldn't find them, panicking she quickly went to Ayush room and sighed in relief when she saw them sleeping with Ayush on top of Maan. He had his arms wrapped around Ayush for support while Ayush kept his head on his chest close to his heart. Geet slowly went near them, not knowing how to wake Ayush up without disturbing Maan.

She stood near the bed looking at both...slowly she brought her hand to wake Ayush up. He stirred in his sleep. Geet again touched Ayush...

Geet: Ayush wake up...(He slowly opened his eyes turning his head toward Geet...he closed them again..Geet shook him again) Ayush wake up and take a shower

Ayush: I am sleepy

Geet: You can sleep in the afternoon...come on go in the bathroom...

Ayush: But papa is holding me

Geet looks at the arms around Ayush. Reluctantly, she touches Maan's hands so that Ayush could get up. As Ayush was getting off the bed, he held Geet for support causing her to fall on top of Maan. Ayush goes to the bathroom not realizing what he has done. Maan slowly opens his eyes and looks at Geet who was on top of him halfway.

He was up looking at Ayush while he slept on top of him. Hearing Geet he quickly closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around him pretending to sleep. He mentally smiled hearing their conversations. He controlled himself when he felt her touching his hands. What he didn't expect was for Geet to fall on him. He couldn't help but open his eyes to look at her.

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Comments (60)

waiting for the update..๐Ÿ˜Š

12 years ago

nice to see that both are missing each other badly...aayush is plyaing his tricks to get close his mother & father...nice update update soon

12 years ago

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12 years ago

wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awesome updates yaar...ayush brought maaneet was nice...i loved it...looking fwd...

12 years ago

12 years ago

wowww loved itthe way maan n geet are coming close bcoz of ayush

12 years ago

that was an awesome update loved it to the core looking forward to the next part cont soon please thanks for the pm..!! :)

12 years ago

amazing updates loved all of them...I am more happy for Geet than Maan here, because Geet deserves happiness and this she can get only if she gets reunited with Maan...Gr8 job Ayush ๐Ÿ˜‰waiting eagerly for the next update...๐Ÿ˜Š

12 years ago

Loved the update! Hayye! Can't wait to read more!

12 years ago

awsmmm update loved it๐Ÿ˜Š

12 years ago
