Chapter 21

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Hey guys,

As is another part since yesterday part was little short 😆 Please please please do leave your comments/likes😳

Chapter 20

Maan looked at his Dadima shocked.

Dadima: I asked you something Maan...Geet tumhari kya lagati hai?

Maan: Aap Geet ko kaise jaante hai?

Dadima: Jo maine pucha uska jawab do...Geet tumhari kaun hai? (Dev and NT came down the stairs after hearing some noises. They stood next to Dadima and looked at both of them confused)

NT: Dadima what happened?

Dadima: You guys will find out soon...(turns back to Maan) I asked you something Maan...answer me...(Dev was about to speak when Dadima hand stops him...Maan looks down...)

Maan: my wife (NT and Dev were shocked...Dadima slaps him)

Dev: Geet...why is that name familiar (then he looks at him shocked) Are you talking about the same Geet that works in Vicky's company?

Maan: yes...

NT: But how..when...

Dadima: Tell us the whole truth now...(Maan begins to tell them what he Geet had once worked in his company as his secretary, how she had slapped him in front of everyone and in order to take revenge he married her pretending to love her...he tells them how he recently found out that she is living in the same town with their kid Ayush...)

Dev (shocked) How could you bro? How can you do that to someone?

NT: Ayush goes to Annies school right? I heard her talking about him a lot of times.

Maan: Yes, both are best friends. They don't know what kind of relationship they have.

NT: Dadima how did you find out about this? How do you even know Geet?

Dadima: I will tell you...I saw Geet when she was performing for a charity event. (Maan remembered Dadima talking about the person that was performing in great pain..he closes his eyes in pain...) Her performance was so powerful and full of pain. One day, I again saw her sitting in a mandir. I couldn't help myself and began talking to her.

NT: Does she know who you really are?

Dadima: No she doesn't...anyway, after Geet had left from the mandir on that day, I too left after few minutes. When I was going home, I had remembered I needed to pick up my medication refils...I stopped the car near my pharmacy and as I was about to get into the car I saw Maan talking to Geet on the street. It had puzzled me as to how he would know her. When I listened to their full conversation. I saw her again on day before Karva Chaut...I invited her to come join us but she declined. Just me mentioning Karva Chaut wiped the smiel off her face and was filled with pain. (She looks at Maan) Do you know what you did? You didn't ruin just two lives you ruined three! How can my own blood stoop so low! What was the fault of Ayush? huh...he is craving for his father..what was his can I ever face Geet without telling her who I really am? Tell me?! I am ashamed of calling you my grandson.

Maan (cries) I know Dadima..punish me all you want...just kill me...I want her back in my life...I want to give the love that Ayush deserves

Dadima; it won't be broke her trust and her heart...and those two things can never be repaired. Tonight, you have done the same with me. I don't think I can ever talk to you again. (She was about to go when Maan stops her...)

Maan: Dadima please don't say are the only one that I can count on. You are my can I live without you not talking to me? Please don't do this...

Dadima: Do whatever you want...but I am leaving...

Maan (stops her...) Wait...I will leave this house..this house is yours...if its anyone that has to go it has to be me.

Dev: Bro..wait..

Dadima: Dev let him go..or else you can also leave with him...(Maan looks back at everyone before leaving...Dadima holds the rail for support as she watches him go...) Find out Geet's address Dev...I want to see her and my great-grandson...

Dev: Okay Dadima...(NT and Dadima helps her go up the stairs...)
Maan walks on the road with teary eyes...everyone was right its all his fault...he did this to himself...he is the one that broke his own family. Why shouldn't everyone blame him...he did it..everything all because of his ego. I don't deserve Geet or Ayush. I don't deserve Dadima either...why am I even here? He keeps walking on the road...he blocks his eyes as he saw a car coming his way...*Thud*
Geet was sitting in her house taking care of Ayush. She was glad that his fever had somewhat reduced but his coughing and sneezing were still worse. It would hurt his stomach whenever he sneezed or coughed due to pressure. She goes to the kitchen to get him some soup when the doorbell rang. She opens the door and was shocked to see Dadima there.

Geet: Dadima come in.

Dadima (looked at her with a smile) I hope I didn't bother you

Geet; No not at all. How did you know I live here?

Dadima: Ohh I met some friend of yours and told me your address. I thought I pay you a visit since I was in the neighborhood.

Geet: ohh would you like something?

Dadima: no am fine..(then she heard a sneeze from the room)

Geet; ohh that's my son...he is sick...I was just about to feed him some soup

Dadima: ohh do you mind if I feed him? I will take some tea if you can make some.

Geet: Yeah no problem. here is the soup. His bedroom is straight ahead. (Dadima takes the soup bowl toward the room. She saw photos of Ayush and Geet all over the house...and gave a sad smile...she slightly opens the door and was shocked to see the same boy that sat next to her during the competition. She smiles and sits on his bed)

Ayush: Where is mumma?

Dadima: she is making some tea...your mom said I could feed you this soup...(She makes him sit...and feeds him soup. She cries seeing him...his eyes and hair were like Maan...Geet came in with two cups of tea..Dadima quickly wipes her tears...)

Geet: here you go Dadima. Ayush did you finish your soup?

Ayush; Yeah mom...G-ma fed me the whole thing

Geet (was confused) G-ma?

Ayush: yeah it means grand-ma

Dadima (laughs) I love the nickname.

Geet: Don't mind Dadima..he loves to talk...

Dadima: Its okay I don't mind. (The whole night Dadima listened to Ayush talk while Geet and Dadima laughed...)
Doctors were rushing all around. A patient laid on top of the stretcher filled with blood. The doctors ran to the operation table.

Nurse: The BP is dropping...

Doctor: What is his name?

Nurse: Maan Singh Khurana...

Doctor: Notify his family memebers.and call Dr. Kumar in now...we need to remove the glass and he needs a lot of stitches...hurry...(nurse ran while the doctor and the other staff members laid him on the operation table...the doctor patted on his face to wake him up...)hello can you hear me? (Maan opened his eyes..everything was blurry...he looked at the people hovering above him...and closed his eyes...) Hurry...
Dev and NT were home thinking about what Maan did and then Dadima leaving to meet Geet...the servant came with a phone.

Nakul: Sir someone called from the hospital and wish to speak with the family memeber

NT: Hospital? (she takes the phone...) Hello...KYA? (Dev comes and stands in front of her...)

Dev: What happened?

NT: Veerji is in the hospital and is serious...

Dev: What? okay I will go to the hospital and you go call Dadima...(he stops..) NT wait..don't call Dadima...she will get sick...I will go see...

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Comments (72)

read da whole story today! how cud maan stoop so low in da past! m glad he realised his mistake early but geet had to suffer alot!!!!!!!!!!!cant wait for more

12 years ago

ossum parts dearnow only i read in one gogreat parts dear

12 years ago

awesome udpate. loved it 😊

12 years ago

good Maan deserves that!awww poor Ayush omg he's sooo cuteee!cont soon thanks for the pm

12 years ago

awesome updates as always... totally loved emmm

12 years ago

please update soon..i hope maan is ok...😊

12 years ago

finally the truth came out i hope maan i'll be okay

12 years ago


12 years ago

OH MY!!!!! Maan in hospital...This was unexpected

12 years ago

Wow Daadi got to Maan's wrong deed. And how dare Maan say that he need Geet back in his life? 😡 Maan out in street... Great. He really neeeded to be punished. Poor Geet.Loved the way you narrated Daadi's feelings and also NT's and Dev's shock. But now Maan in hospital? Please yaar, don't make her go to him without making him go through some pain. Need a Jealous Maan...Well continue soon dear... will be waiting for ur next update...

12 years ago
