Chapter 19

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Hey guys,


Many of you guys have a lot of question about and is very mad at him for what he did. I didn't know I have the power to create angry mob against Maan ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜† I will focus the story from Maan's perspective for a while and hopefully answer ALL your questions and cover any loop holes...but please do ask more will help me direct the story and will let me know what else to cover that I might've missed...


Also, those of you who asked to be added on the pm list..please send me a buddy is easier for me that way...I will send out mass Pm whenever I update...

Chapter 18

Maan sat in his room in the dark with remorse and guilt. He had all the windows closed away from all the noise and light. From the past six years he has never participated or helped out during Kaurva Chaut...everyone asked him why but he couldn't tell them why. This day always haunted him, every year. It reminds him of what he did, what could've been and what would've been. His life was now just filled with could've, should've would've now...why did he do it? Why? Why couldn't he tell her that he had liked her. He liked everything about her but he made a big mistake. How can he even rectify his mistake or to let her know that he has changed. How can he tell her that he did look for her everywhere, not once did he rest or slept perfectly. Will she believe him?

Maan woke up the next day with a heavy head. He looked around and saw the whole room messy. He saw some girls clothing on the floor, he slowly got up from the bed and picked up the clothing. It was a blouse of a women...he then looked toward the bathroom when the door opened..he saw a girl coming out dressed smiling at him. She comes and stands in front of him. She touched his face..Maan moved her hand away and moved away from her.

girl: come on last night you didn't refuse my touch...

Maan: Get out...(The girl smiled)

Girl: Thanks for the wonderful night...

She leaves...Maan goes to the bathroom and comes out after getting dressed. He goes to the Khurana mansion. He was about to go upstairs to his room when he saw flower and broken glass on the floor...he picks up the bangles and remembers about last night...he goes upstairs to his room and sees everything messy. He goes to his closet to change his clothes and notices it empty. His eyes fall on the dressing table..there was blood and broken glass everywhere...he picks up a tissue from the floor and notices it was red. He goes to the bathroom to get dressed. He sits on the table waiting for his breakfast. He got busy reading the newspaper, someone placed his black coffee on the table followed by his breakfast. He puts the newspaper down to eat his breakfast. After one bite, he shoves the plate away.

Maan: Geet...what kind of breakfast is this..(he yells..Nakul comes out...)

Nakul: Ma'am is not here..I prepared the breakfast...(realization dawns on Maan of the last night events...)

Maan: hmm did anyone call?

Nakul: Dev saab called and they said they will come in the evening.

Maan: hmm okay send someone to pick them up and have everything cleaned up. I am going to the office now.

Nakul: Alright sir.

Maan gets up angry, he looks at the mess on the floor one more time before leaving. He reaches the office with foul mood. When he gets into his cabin he receives a phone call. He smiles and picks up the phone.

"Yeah Geet I have reached the office..." Soon his smile vanishes when he realized it was one of the clients calling. He hangs up the phone after talking...and falls back on his chair. "Why is she bothering me so much? I got my revenge but then why don't I feel the satisfactions? Why is it making me more restless? Why am I craving for her? Waiting for her to call me and inquire if I am at the office or not? Why?" Someone knocks on his cabin. He straightens himself out and got busy with the office the whole day. Once in a while he would wait for that one call but that call never came which angered him even further. Before leaving he received a phone call, he picks it up hoping it would be her but to his disappointment it was Nakul informing him of his family's arrival. He went home and saw Dadima, Dev with his five month pregnant wife. He goes to hug his Dadima.

Maan: Why didn't you guys come yesterday?

Dadima: because yesterday was Karva chaut and since NT was fasting the whole day we had to stay back. You know Karva chaut is important to every married women.

Dev: Yeah bhai I told her not to fast for me especially since she is pregnant but she wouldn't listen.

Maan: hmm ("please don't play such a cruel joke on me this day." He closes his eyes..the decoration, the food, her getting ready was for Karva chaut...)

The whole night went by a big blurr...he looked at Dev looking after his wife and making sure she ate properly. At night he laid on the bed. He looked at his side to find it empty. He sat up with anger. "Why am I feeling bad?" He throws his blanket on the floor and goes to do his ti-chi. He saw her smiling face in front of him, he kicks in anger, he closes his eyes, he saw her face when she was blushing...he opened his eyes and saw her standing there with his juice. He smiles and goes toward her but she vanished. He turns around in circle trying to find her but couldn't. He breaks the wood in anger..."why isn't she out of my mind...why am I not able to forget her..." He drops on his knee filled with sweat...he goes back to his room..and couldn't sleep the whole night. Her face kept appearing each time he closed his eyes...her crying face, her pleading it kept ringing in his head..he sat up on the bed covering his ears..he looked at his dressing table, he sees a small little bottle on top of the table. He opens it and sindoor falls all over the floor...he sees Geet sitting in front of the mirror with a smile putting the sindoor on...he stood there observing her..she looks at her mangalsutre with a smile...he goes to touch her but she disappeared...he looks at the dried up blood stain on the dresser...

He opened his eyes and looked at the box in front of him. He opened the box and looks at the materials inside. He takes out her sindoor box, her tissue with smudged sindoor, her broken bangles, her dried up gajra...and then he held her dupatta in his hand...he brings it to his face slowly caressing it..he smiles...he could still smell her fragrance from the dupatta...

It has been a week and everyday Maan felt like he would go crazy. He tried everything but couldn't get her out of his mind, she was everywhere. He sat at the bar drinking, a girl came up to Maan and caressed his thigh. Maan smiled and offered her a drink.

Girl (leaned closer to Maan, slightly kissing him on his cheek and then whispers in his ear) Lets go somewhere private...

Maan looks at her and holds her hand. She gets into his car as Maan drives away to a hotel and into his private suite. The girl goes in first toward the bedroom. She closes the door behind while Maan serves himself a drink looking at the bedroom door to be opened. The girl slowly opens the door revealing himself in just her bra and panties...Maan goes toward her holding two glasses of whiskey. He watches her from top to bottom as she drinks the whiskey slowly. She throws the glass on the floor and goes near Maan. She opens his shirt buttons throwing away the shirt. She makes Maan lie down on the bed while she pours him another drink. He sits up when he saw her coming. He smiles when he saw Geet coming towards him. He throws the glass on the floor and hauls the girl, thinking it to be Geet, towards himself. He caresses her face as she lays under him innocently smiling at him. She touches his face bending up to kiss him on his lips. Maan holds her hair and puts her neck back as he started kissing her everywhere on her neck, face, shoulders like a mad man. He looks at her again but soon it becomes angry when he doesn't see Geet. He gets up from the bed and goes toward the bar area. The girl comes behind him hugging him from the back. Maan holds her hands and shoves them away from him.

Girl: What the never refused before.

Maan (just drank away closing his eyes...) I want to be left alone. Go.

Girl: What do you think of yourself huh.

Maan (takes out money from his pocket...and throws it on her face) that should cover it...NOW LEAVE...

Girl (picks up the money) Go to hell! (She gets dressed and leaves the suite...Maan just sits there drinking until his body gave up on him. He smacked his head on the bar table as he fell asleep. He woke up the next day with heavy head. He sees his shirt on the floor..he picks up the shirt and wears it. He holds his head when his phone started to ring very loudly. He takes the call without looking at the caller.

Maan: hello (He said with deep voice...)

DM: Maan where are you? I have been calling you for so long now. What happened to your voice?

Maan (looks at his watch and realizes he is late for work.) I will be home in an hour to get ready for work. (he hangs up the phone before Dadima could say anything. He throws the phone on the floor with frustration. "You need to be out of my life." He goes to his home and straight to his room. He quickly goes to this closet to take out his clothes when something catches his eyes. He moves some of the clothes aside and looks at the dupatta. It was green and red.

"Geet I got something for you..." He gives her the was their second day of marriage. He waited patiently for her as she opens up her gift. She smiled when she saw red and green colored suit with the matching dupatta. She held the dupatta in her hand as she admired the work on it. It was heavy with sequences all around the border of the dupatta. "Do you like it..." She nodes her head yes and hugs him...Maan comes out of his thought when someone knocks on the door. He quickly shoves the dupatta back in the closet. He opens the door to find Nakul standing there with his coffee. He drinks the coffee after getting ready and spits it out. He didn't like the taste of it. He breaks the cup on the floor in anger.

"Geet...please come back to me..." He holds the dupatta tightly in his hand...he takes out Ayush's sherwani and cries while holding on to it..."I don't want you because of our son but because I need life is very incomplete without you."

I want you back again
to give things another try,
I'm sure we can learn
from our mistakes the first time around.
We got married in a rush
in the first flush of romance
never waited to get to know
one another that well.
Neither of us wanted to give and take a bit,
our shouting could be heard
half way down the street.
Both of us wanted more
than the other wanted to give,
we never settled on a compromise.
Now I want you back again
to give things another try.
I'm sure it will be better
from the lessons we've learnt.
If we walk this time instead of run,
just take one-step at a time,
try and be more tolerant towards one another
I'm sure it will workout
and all we have to do is try.
Do we take another chance
or is this our final goodbye?

Geet sat in her room in the dark...with her eyes closed...she hated herself for not hating him as much as she woudl've liked..she hated that she still had somewhat feelings for him...but she knew she had to stop what she is feeling and put up a brave cold face in front of him. She couldn't let him know that she is weak. She wouldn't let him take advantage of her again and especially since she is not alone this time. It is her duty to protect her son. He is all she has now. She just couldn't afford for Maan to see her weak side no she can't give him any opening. She has to close her heart to him.

Geet opened her eyes and looked at her surroundings. She was in a hospital. She sits on the bed confused. How did she get here? Last time she remembered she was going to jump off the bridge...then everything came back to her like..her heart felt like there were ton of bricks on it..she couldn't breath..she felt suffocated as she remembered his betrayal. She cried bitterly hugging her knees. She didnt' want to live. She has no one now. Her father died and the person she trusted the most, even with her life, lied to her. It was all a farce, an act...A nurse came in with her medications. She puts the tray down and looks at her.

Nurse: You know it is not good to cry this much in your condition.

Geet (looks at her with tears and confusion...) How did I get here?

Nurse: I don't know..some guy brought you here. (she was about to get up but the nurse stopped her..) You can't leave until doctor checks up on you.

Geet: I don't need any doctor. I want to get out of here.

Nurse: it is dangerous for both of you. Here take these pills

Geet (was confused): what do you mean both of us?

Nurse: You are pregnant (It felt like the whole world stopped for Geet. She didn't know if she should be happy or sad...)

She comes out of her thoughts when she felt Ayush lying down next to her. She looks at him with a smile and caresses his face.

Geet: What happened?

Ayush: I was scared...(Geet lies down and hugs him...) Mama..

Geet: hmm

Ayush: when will papa come? (Geet opens her eyes and looks at him...) This year for my birthday..I want him to come...I won't do anything until he comes...(Geet looks at him with tears...)

Geet: Lets talk about this later...lets get some sleep have school tomorrow...(she closes her eyes knowing that Ayush won't bother her now...eventually he manages to sleep. "I might have to tell him the truth soon...I can't lie to him anymore..I have to tell him he has no father...I have to...I am sorry Ayush...")

Precap: Maan sees Ayush crying while coming out of the hospital...


mrs.msk2011-09-22 11:23:27

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Comments (54)

amazing updates waiting for more

12 years ago

when we are getting the updateCont soon LuvTCAtiffa

12 years ago

This content is hidden.

13 years ago

awsome updatewat maan did was totally wrong feel so sowii 4 geetplzz cont soon x

13 years ago

hi..thanks 4 da pm sad update! Poor Geet n ayush!

13 years ago

Still not a fan of maan, someone else for geet pls, his pov did nothing for me sorry to say, bring a real MAN for Geet pls pls pls, gr8 update

13 years ago

OMg maan๐Ÿ˜ก is cheated geet sooo really worried, now how he gonna gain the trust again...poor ayush really feel bad for him...precap is shocking yaar...looking fwd...blueopal2011-09-23 09:35:10

13 years ago

awesome update love it how you have portrayed maan restlessness but i still hate him he slept with other girl after ruining geet's life he must not be forgave by geet easily he have to suffer just like geet is suffering still after these years cont soon thanks for pm

13 years ago

hey dear,tht was awesome...good tht u gave Maan's POV as well...but still wht he did cant be forgiven so early...Geet has gone thru many hardships to frogive Maan so early...ohh noo, Geet telling Ayush the truth...thts a bit dangerous...n precap is even a bit scary...continue soon...thnkx a lot n keep writing...

13 years ago

all your ff are aw3esome i am adictfor your ff

13 years ago
