Chapter 15

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Geet sighed as she looked at Ayush sleeping on the sofa. The whole house was a mess by his things...he spent the whole day talking and showing her every single picture. She never thought that he would actually manage to take picture of where ever or whatever he did..litteraly. She smiled and looked at the picture of his shoes showing he is currently walking and then the picture of their bus then the picture of his seat then the picture of outside the window...well the list goes on and on...Every single pictures were on the floor scattered...she had a long night ahead of her to clean up the whole place. She looked at his camera and took Ayush picture of while he was sleeping. She puts the picture on the table and goes to Ayush to wake him up.

Geet: Ayush beta come on get up...(He stirs in his sleep...) Looks like I have to carry him inside...(She bends down to pick him up) Alright Ayush lets go...(He hugs her around her neck. She gently pats his back and moves toward the room when the door bell rang. She sighs and goes to open the door. She was shocked when she saw Maan standing there. She hugs Ayush tighter and was about to close the door on him but Maan stops it by putting his foot between the door. She looks at him with anger.

Geet: How dare you? Let go of the door.

Maan: Geet I came...

Geet: I don't care why you came. Leave right now.

Maan: Ssshh Geet Ayush is going to get up...

Geet (hugs Ayush and moves back a little) Don't worry about Ayush. I am his mother I know what is best for him.

Maan (steps inside the house and looks around): hmm seems like you were busy today...(he looks on the floor filled with pictures...he picks one up of Ayush and Annie..Geet comes and snatches the picture away from him. Maan looks at her shocked) Geet whether you like it or not I am his father. Don't you think he has the right to know?

Geet: NO...he doesn't need to know...Listen Mr. Khruana...

Maan: me Maan..(he steps in front of her and caresses her face) remember you used to call me Maan...

Geet (moves her face and steps away from him) You lost that right and I no longer remember my past.

Maan: Really? (he moves closer and closer to her and holds her hand) I doubt that...(he puts his one hand on her waist...Geet closes her eyes)

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Comments (21)

umm cant say prob. another 20 minutes or so since I am at work when am really depends if I have another assignment...but it shld be up sometime today and will send out pms 2marow

13 years ago

approx how much time more wld u take to upload it ???

13 years ago

will be waiting

13 years ago

hope so lolI am currently writing the part up lol😆

13 years ago


13 years ago

Ohhh nice spoiler!Can't wait for the update!😃

13 years ago

Thanks so much...don't worry I wouldn't want you to fail your exams lol..I will put up the whole past in next few parsts...everything will be out then so I can focus on the present story lol ymmm belgium waffles...OoO just for that I will reveal the past soon 😆

13 years ago

excellent spoiler... can't wait to read more...please update soon...

13 years ago

spoiler is superb ... cant wait to read more... update soon dear...

13 years ago

make maan do alot of hard work n wooing ;-)

13 years ago
