Chapter 13

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Hey guys,
Here is the update for the WEEKEND...I am sorry I am just so tired for the I will update again on Monday or sometime next week...😳
Until then enjoy...the past will be revealed hang on 😆😆
Chapter 13
Maan: Geet come to my office please...
He looks at her through the glass partition and puts the phone down before she could say anything. She puts the phone down with nervousness...ever since they had confesed to each other about their feelings Maan had left no chance during the office to get close to her whether she is making copies or giving him a coffee or what have you..he would always find a way to touch her...she blushed at that thought..she quickly picked up her notepad and a pen with shaky hands and made her way to his cabin...she knocked on his cabin door until she received his response to come in. With shaky hands and legs she made her way inside the cabin.
She saw him sitting down on the chair looking at some files...she was relieved..she sat on the chair opposite of him and waited for him to continue...Maan gets up from his chair and closes all the blinds..Geet looks at him shocked..she wanted to say somthing but nothing came out of her mouth..her mouth went dry...Maan gave her a naughty look, Geet looked down shy...he comes near her and makes her stand...he pulls her chin up so that she looks at him...
Maan: Geet do you know when you blush it makes you look even more cute...(he whispers in her ear..Geet wanted to look away but she couldn't...Maan held her eyes hypnotizing her...) Geet the reason I called you here is because I wanted to ask you something..(he holds her hands and kisses it lightly) would you do me the honors of going on a date with me? (Geet looks at him with tears and shakes her head yes) okay then how about I pick you up tonight at 8...(he leaves her and goes behind his desk and pulls out a package) I got something for you that you could wear...(she looks at the package apprehensively) don't worry its not a dress...(he smiles at her..) open it when you get home...(She grabs the package but Maan pulls her into his embrace) won't I recieve a kiss in return of the package?
Geet: No...(she turns around..Maan hugs her from the back)
Maan: You know I expect one tonight after you see what I have planned for you...(he kisses her on her cheek...she comes out of his grip and runs out of the cabin. She runs straight to the bathroom breathing hard. She looks at the package in her hand..."hmm let me see what he gave me...he wouldn't know that I opened it right?" She was about to open it "hmm no I would wait until I get home...let it be a surprise..." She hugs the package with a huge smile..."I love you Maan..." She whispers to herself and hides her face with her hands...
She sat in her room nervous...every minute she looked at the time and the more the time clicked the more nervous she about an hour she would go on a date with Maan. She smiled at that thought...she has been starting at the package for over an hour..thinking, contemplating if she should wear it or not...she held the materials in her hand, she shied just thinking about wearing it in front of was a sari..a white sari with purple borders...the sari wasn't the problem for her...she loved his choice..but the problem was the was backlace...the only thing that would be holding up the blouse would be a knot...the blouse had two strings that you would use to tie in the back...just thinking about it made her not only shy but very nervous..never in her life did she ever wore such an outfit...she made sure that she was covered with proper clohings without caring what others thought..but here she was stuck...she knew if she didn't wear it then Maan would get mad and deep down she wanted to wear it just for him but how could she could out like that in front of everyone? She didn't even know what he had planned or where she was going...she looked at the time and now she had 45 minutes to get ready...quickly she grabbed the sari, having no other option, and ran to the bathroom...
She came out wearing the sari and looked at herself in the mirror. She took some safety pins and pinned the sari pallo on her shoulder and one in the back on the knot so that the sari would cover half her back if not all and held the sari pallu with her right hand...she quickly fixed her hair and applied some makeup. She sighed as she made sure everything was perfect again. She was glad her dad wasn't home today not that he would care to ask where she is going. Ever since she could remember her dad has been never sober..he would always drown himself in liquor day and night. in rememberance of her mom. She died when she gave birth to me. He was never there for her when she first took her steps or when she went to school for the first time. She had a nanny who took care of her, who was like her mom, but she also went away when she was 18. She would never forget her.
She quickly wiped away her tear and wrote a quick note to her father for whenever he would get home. Her heartbeats quickened when she heard the doorbell as she was writing the note. She almost dropped the pen on the floor as her hand shook with nervousness. She checked her back one last time before she went to open the door. Her breath got caught in her mouth as she looked at Maan dressed in causuals. He had white shirt on with few buttons open that went perfectly with his jeans.
"I forgot how to blink and breath the minute I laid my eyes on her...Wow she looking beautiful in that sari, very classy and elegan..she always brings grace and life into anything she does or wears..." Maan hands her the flower bouquet gently touching her fingers as she reached for the bouquet...he watched her blush instentially as he made contact with her skin..."ohh how I love it when she blushes...I don't know how I am going to make it through the night..." He watched her lips move..."wait is she talking to me?"
Maan: huh? (he clears his throat..) what I mean to say is...
Geet: I asked if you would like to come inside?
Maan: umm sure...I would go anywhere you would like me too...(He winks at her as he steps inside the house looking around.) umm no one is home?
Geet (looks at him) ohh umm no my dad uhh he went outside...
Maan: the way...(he pulls her by the waist..) you are looking very sexy in a sari...(he whispers in her ear) if I knew I would've made the office dressing code to a sari so that I could see you everday in one...(She puts her head on his chest...unable to say anything...he gently touches her back and notices her sari pinned up in the back..he unpins her sari from the back...Geet moves back until her back was against the wall..she holds the flower bouquet close to her chest...Maan puts his on either side of the wall...) Geet you don't have to feel shy with me...where I am taking you no one is going to be there...its going be the two of pulls her and slides his hand on her back...) no one will look at you ONLY me. (She nodes her head yes..) so shall we go? The date is waiting...(he took her hands to lead her out when she stopped him..)
Geet: woh flowers...let me put in a vase...
Maan nodes his head and watches her disapear into the kitchen. He took this time looking at her photos from when she was little to her teenage years. He smiled as he looked at each picture very carefully, studying it. Meanwhile in the kitchen, Geet took deep breaths trying to calm her eratic beating heart and her nerves. She was going to be alone with Maan...the thought of it made her heart beat faster...she had prepared herself for this date but never thought she would actually be alone with him. God knows where he is taking her.
After few minutes, she calmed herself and walked outside. She didn't want Maan to come in the kitchen and look for her if she didn't show up any sooner. He smiled at her as she came out and held out his hand for her. Slowly she places her hand in his as both walk out on their date. For some reason, she didn't feel unconforatble at all in the sari since she knew it would be only Maan..her Maan that would see her tonight. He opened the passenger door for her and waited for her to get in. He quickly ran to the driver side and started the car. She played with her dupatta nervously as she waited for Maan to take her to whereever he had planned. She was getting nervous by the minute and him looking at her once in a while, with that smile of his didn't help either.
Finally, the car came to a halt. He got out of the car and ran to her side. Geet slowly came out holding Maans hand. As she stepped out, Maan came right behind her closing her eyes. Geet places her hands on top of his in shock...
Maan: Don't worry Geet..I want it to be a surprise when you see the place..only few steps then I would open your eyes...(She begin walking..she knew she was at a beach as she felt the sand underneath her feet. She was about to fall because she was wearing heels and couldn't walk on the sand properly; Maan grabbed her before she could touch the ground. He made her face him and moves his hands away from her eyes. She looks at him. He takes out a hanky and covers her eyes...she touches his hands...
Geet: Maan...(before she could say anything she felt herself being lifted off the ground..she places her arms around his neck for support and allows Maan bring her whereever he wants...after few minutes of walking...he slowly puts her down. She was about to take off the blindfold when Maan stops her)
Maan: Geet not now...I will tell you when to open...(Geet stood there waiting for Maan. She began to panic when she didn't hear any noise or when she didn't feel Maan close to her..)
Geet: Maan...where are you? I am getting scared...
Maan: Right behind you...(He whispers in her ear and slowly opens her took a minute for Geet eyes to get adjusted...she was shocked to see the arrangement that Maan had made. He had set up a table on the beach, with a small fire burning in the background. A soft music was playing from the radio with tourches lit all around like a big circle. Food was already placed on the table with a candle and flowers as a decorant. He holds her hand and leads her to the table.) Do you like it? (She shakes her head yes) Good..(He pulls out a seat for her to sit on while he does the same for himself...she looked at the food in front of her...) Geet whats wrong? You don't like the food?
Geet (Looks at him..) umm no...I mean yeah I like it...
Maan: Then why aren't you eating?
Geet: Woh I was thinking how you managed all this?
Maan (smiles): Thats it? I thought you didn't like it. Anyway, don't worry about that. Just enjoy yourself and besides the evening just started (He winks at her...she puts her head down and starts the dinner was coming to an end..Maan gets up and holds his hand out to Geet) Would you like to dance with me?
She places her hand in his..but before she could get up..Maan bends down and takes out her heels. Geet looks at him in awe seeing the concern and care he had for her. He made her stand up and slightly picks her up so that she was on his feet...she held out to Maan for balance as Maan held her tight by her waist. Geet closed her eyes as Maan led her...he would move his hand on her back everytime they moved. She didn't dare look into his eyes...she places her head on his chest...
Maan: Geet...there was something I wanted to ask you...(She shakes her head) please look at me..I want you to look at me for what I am about to ask you...I want to see your reacation...(she looks at him..Maan stops dancing...) Geet ever since you came into my life, I feel like a changed man. I was a bad boy Geet. I never cared about anyone or anything before except for myself. Geet I don't think I can live now without became a part of me...(she has tears in her eyes hearing him...) So Geet would you marry me? Would you complete me Geet? (She cries uncontrollably and shakes her head yes and hugs Maan...he hugs her back...)
She wakes up panting and sweating...she gets out of the bed and walks to Ayush room. She looked at the empty room, the empty bed for Ayush. She walked to his bed and sat on it carefully touching it. She wiped her tears and lied down on the couch conforting her, soothing her pain slowly. She was all alone in the house, Yash had left for Mumbai due to his work. It took a lot of pursuasion for her to convince him to go back but she had finally managed to convince him to go back. She closed her eyes thinking of Ayush, smiling, she couldn't wait for tommorow when he would finally be back. But soon her smile vanished thinking about Maan. Her encounter. She couldn't sleep ever since then the meer thought of him knowing that Ayush is his son. What did he want to say to me? What is left to say? She sat up on the bed...
"I can't even run away if I wanted to. I am tired of running...I had to face him sooner or I will not be weak like last time..this time with Ayush as my strenght I can face him.."
Precap: confortation...Maan slaps Geet...😲😲😲
Guys please please do press the like button and comment...I have 400+ ppl on my pm I should have up too 200+ likes if not comment...😭😭
mrs.msk2011-09-03 18:53:50

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Comments (53)

luvd the updates. i read the last two in a row. u asked a question in the second last update...if it's ok for maan to go after geet. everything is fair in luv :) if maan was at fault and the reason behind their separation, he shud do everything in his power to fix what he did and win his family back :)

13 years ago

Hi...thanks 4 da pm n intense, emotional update! Maan loved Geet n asked her to marry him! What happened? So Maan knows abt Ayush! Precap is shocking! Update soon

13 years ago

Nice ff..u r a good writer...Geet's fear of losing Ayush,her pain is well portrayed...Now Geet knows that Maan is not married...So,why is she still maintaining the distance??Wonder how Maan has hurt her so badly...??Has he married her??Maan is determined to win her back...Lets see how he does it??Precap is scary!!!Never expected anything like that...I hope the incident is in the past not present...Please pm me the next time u update..Thankx.. pearl_warrior2011-09-06 08:40:40

13 years ago

nice partluvd itthnx 4 d pmcont soon

13 years ago

Awesome updateAwww loved the proposalWhat!! Maan slapped geet!!?Cont soon Xx...Thx 4 the Pm

13 years ago

Awesome ff!liked it soo much!pls, add me to ur pm list and give me a pm whenever u update the next part!Jst can't wait for the next part to witness maaneet's confrontation!

13 years ago

plz plz plz update soon. is it actually that maan slaps geet or geet slaps maan.

13 years ago

great part..⭐️⭐️⭐️the past was nice.. feeling bad for geet..the precap is scary.. m curious to know why maan slapped geet.. cont. soon and thanks for the PM...Adeena..sweetcherry962011-09-05 01:04:44

13 years ago

great part...waiting for their confrontation

13 years ago

r u updating????hp u do...

13 years ago
