Chapter 1

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Hello people!

Back with another OS! I am being haunted by OS ideas, i need help! #Seriosuly😉

This is a something new for me, and i hope you will like it and not curse me for it? LOL!

This goes out to Mari, Liya, and Hafsa. For keeping up with my madness! Hi5 babes!😆

Here goes...please don't hate me!

Broken Heart


I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did, I did

"Why couldn't you come home a little early?" she cried, "You know how important today is for me!"

"I told you I was busy! Something came up at the last minute, and I couldn't leave!" he yelled right back.

"But" she whimpered, "But...Today is our marriage anniversary!"

"I don't care, okay?" he grit out. "I don't have time to remember all these trivial things. And you shouldn't expect me to!"

"What happened to us?" she replied horrified.

"Nothing happened to us" he stressed, "You started getting clingy, that's what happened!"

And you were strong and I was not
My illusion, my mistake
I was careless, I forgot
I did

"Remember, we are going over to jiji's house today" she called out as he was leaving.

"About that, something came up, I won't be able to make it." he said, not even looking at her.

"But, you promised me! It is Asha's birthday! She'll look for you." she argued.

"Look Khushi, I cannot miss this meeting, give Asha the cycle she's been asking for" he said while walking out. "And tell her I love her!"

What is the use of words, if they were never proven? She thought dejectedly.

And now when all is done
There is nothing to say
You have gone and so effortlessly
You have won
You can go ahead tell them

"Can we go away for a while?" she asked, running her hand over his chest.

He hummed a non-committal "Hmmm" before he went back to his laptop.

"Listen, I know you are busy, but I feel like we need this." she urged, cuddling into him.

"We'll think about it Khushi." he mumbled, without looking at her. "Now, I am working, don't disturb me."

Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops
Write it on the sky line
All we had is gone now

"How could you do that?" she whispered, broken.

"What do you mean how could I do that? How could you?" he screamed.

"I am your wife! You do not talk to me like that in front of others!" she cried.

"You almost lost me a client Khushi, what did you expect me to do? Hug you for it?" he asked sarcastically.

That is exactly what she had expected him to. She expected him to hug her, comfort her, tell her that everything would be alright. His client was an asshole trying to cop a feel, and she had slapped him. She expected her husband to stand by her and fight for her, not with her.

How did they get here?

Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken
All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible

"Wow, Khushi!" Mrs.Sharma praised, "These are absolutely marvelous!"

Khushi smiled, in what felt like a long time.

"Thanks Mrs.Sharma. You are too nice." Khushi blushed.

"You should think about starting a botique khushi, I can see many people lining up to buy them." Mrs. Sharma said with a wink.

"She will be doing no such thing Mrs.Sharma." he said, coming down the stairs. "She is my wife, her working would mean I am incapable of providing for her. And I am far from that, right Khushi?"

Khushi tried to nod and smile, but could only manage a grimace.

Falling out of love is hard
Falling for betrayal is worst
Broken trust and broken hearts
I know, I know

"I've invited my parents for dinner, they wanted to see you. Take a bath and refresh, i'll arrange the dinner." she said taking his coat.

"Why did you invite them without telling me?" he grumbled.

"Because we never talk anymore." she whispered. But he ignored her, like always, and went to take a bath.

Dinner was a disaster.

Her parents noticing the strain on Khushi, asked him what was wrong, and he had thrown a temper tantrum, asking them if they were questioning him about his relationship with his wife. And screamed at her parents to get out and never step foot into his house again.

His house, his work, his life. Where was she in all this?

Thinking all you need is there
Building faith on love and words
Empty promises will wear
I know, I know

Khushi wanted to give him, them, a final chance. No matter how much they had grown apart, she still remembered their love. The smiles they shared, the kisses, the one-ness.

"She doesn't matter babe." he whispered into the phone.

Khushi stopped in her tracks, and listened with bated breath, hoping this wasn't what she thought it was.

"Okay. I'll see you tonight" he smiled, her smile, the one he used to save for her.

Tonight. He said he had a dinner party with Mr.Sinha, and he would definitely not be calling him babe.

She finally let herself feel the heartbreak. He did betray her, and she couldn't live in denial anymore.

She ran into the guest bathroom, and cried her heart out, finally letting it all out. Letting herself feel the loss.

And now when all is gone
There is nothing to say
And if you're done with embarrassing me
On your own you can go ahead tell them

"What is it Khushi?" he asked, irritatedly, typing something on his laptop.

"I want a divorce." she said, looking straight at him, she didn't have anything to be ashamed of, he did.

He looked at her then, brown meeting brown. This was the first time they had made eye contact in almost six months. How did she let it get this far?

"What?" he laughed "Divorce? Is it April fools baby? What are you talking about?"

"No, I am not fooling you. I want a divorce. I can't do this anymore." she met his eyes defiantly. " I met with a divorce lawyer. It's already in the process. All you have to do is sign."

"What the f**k, Khushi?" he got up so fast that the chair toppled backwards. "What do you think you are doing? Have you lost it?"

"No. You did. You lost me. My love! Now deal with it." she whispered furiously, and walked away.

Out of the house, out of his life.

Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops
Write it on the sky line
All we had is gone now

"The divorce proceedings are in process Khushi" said her lawyer, he was a compassionate man.

Her father referred her to him when Khushi talked to her parents about getting a divorce. They had been disappointed, but had understood her decision, especially since they themselves had seen their son-in-laws behavior.

"Thank you." she whispered, with tears in her eyes. "You do not know how much this means to me." she smiled.

"If that smile stays on your face, that is thanks enough." he smiled.

And she felt a burden lift off of her chest.

Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken
All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible!
Ooh impossible (yeah yeah)

"You know you will lose Khushi! Why are you fighting me?" her soon to be ex-husband whispered furiously.

"Because I refuse to be a puppet anymore." she glared. How had she fallen in love with this man?

"Khushi? It's time." whispered her lawyer. "We need to go" he smiled.

Khushi smiled back, he had a way of making her feel comfortable.

The exchange was not lost on her husband. "You will regret this" he whispered before leaving her side, fuming. She was his!

I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did

Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops
Write it on the sky line
All we had is gone now

"My client says his wife was having an affair with her lawyer." said Mr. Singhania.

"And your proof for this?" asked the judge.

"She made quite a few phone calls to his office before the time she filed for a divorce", he presented the judge with her call records.

Khushi looked horrified, turning her gaze to look at Arnav.

"And what does Ms. Gupta have to say about this?" asked the judge.

"She was calling my number because she was also in the process of buying a shop for her boutique. I am presenting the documents as evidence. Moreover Ms.Gupta didn't want to drag her husbands' name through the mud, but she now thinks it is necessary to add infidelity to the list of reasons for her divorce petetion." he said.

"Here are the photos and voice-mails, from her husband to countless woman."

The judge looked at the evidence, and with a fleeting sympathetic gaze to Khushi, ruled in her favor.

Finally, after 6 months of grueling struggle, she was free.

Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken
All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible

I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did...

"Thank you so much!" she hugged him, in her happiness. "I couldn't have done this without your support and help!" she said with a radiant smile on her face.

They had become good friends during these six months, sharing their pasts, their heartbreaks. He was there for her in the time of need, stood with her in the tiring times, and she couldn't be more thankful to god for sending him her way.

"Like I said Khushi, your smile is thanks enough" he looked at her adoringly.

They were interrupted by, her now, ex-husband storming furiously towards them.

"How dare you? Who the f**k gave you the right to take my Khushi away from me!?"

He was about to rise his hand, when Khushi caught it and yelled, "You did, Shyam! You gave him the right when you strangled what we shared for a few good f**ks!"

"And you have no right to question me now, Mr.Jha" Arnav smirked, irritating Shyam more, "You lost her. What a fool you are to lose someone so precious."

Shyam did punch Arnav in the face this time, but was taken down by the police officers around, and arrested for assault.

"I am so sorry Arnav!" Khushi cried. "This is all my fault!"

"No it isn't Khushi" Arnav whispered, catching her chin, and making her look at him. "But if you really do want to make it up to me, have dinner with me this friday?" he asked shyly.

She looked up into his eyes, astonished. After a minute she smiled a small, shy smile and nodded her head.


How was it? Predictable? Good? Bad? Absolutely nuts? Let me know!

For pm's add me on my account, but don't send me a request unless you have commented on at least one of my works! I'm rude, i know!😉





BlueMystique2013-07-18 20:57:18

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Comments (108)

No matter he many times I read this I always worry that it’s Arnav who is cheating Khushi .

a day ago

Totally unpredicted...The first thought was Arnav would never do so with Khushi if he was her husband...turned out to be a surprise 😊 But great update...Was quite interesting to read it till the end 😊

10 years ago

Omg so that was shyam I was like arnav can't do this Good

10 years ago

love this os u are great writerand i think u know it

10 years ago

oh wow that was sooo good for a second i thought it was Arnav you know with all the clients and stuff but that was really interesting when in the end it turned out to be Shaym and Arnav was the lawer! great twist👏

10 years ago

OH! This is Good...Reallly Really Good!! totally fooled me...amazingly unpredictable...Thank you

10 years ago

Surprise surprise!I did a double take when the names were revealed; so deep I was in grief of the marriage being broken. And tell you what, the twist was perfect! Made me loose all that feeling of melancholy in a jiff..and go on to say 'Rabba ve' at th end!

11 years ago

Loved it how you didn't revile who the husband was till the end and I was thinking it was arnav who was her husband

11 years ago

Ridz, that was so good! And yes, like most people said I did think it was Arnav. I do believe Arnav has treated Khushi slightly in this way in the show too. Sighs! Lovely work :D

11 years ago

oke first i was like its arnav but you never gave name so when he was behaving all workholic i really thought it to be arnav and i was horrible and thought were is rabba ve humand then he didnt respect her when other man his clinte to cop herand when he called someother woman i was schoked i thought nooo arnav cant do that and then when she start with the smile to advocate i was like oke we never knew the name of the other man so their are many possiblys so tada arnav was the advocate and shyame was her husbandlove it

11 years ago
