Chapter 30

_Chaverah_ Thumbnail





"Arnav Singh Raizada! Get you damned a*s here, right now!!"

The entire crowd went pin drop silent as they heard the most happening billionaire of the country being swore... While the man in concern stood rooted to his spot half way across the grand and lavish hall of Raizada Mansion, with his eyes shut tight and leaving a huffed breath, the usual mediator between these two came rushing to the spot only to stand between them, trying his best not to laugh and maintain a straight face... Clearing his throat, Shyaam Jha announced politely..

"Sorry for the disturbance everyone.. My wife is in her first trimester and is really high on her hormonal levels.. Its nothing to worry about.. You please continue.."

The next second had Arnav standing shocked as he supported his slumping Jeejaji who inturn was being shaken up badly by Anjali Jha...

"I'm high? I'm high did you say? And who the f*cking hell made this possible? I cant go and become pregnant all on my own, can I?"

As Arnav bit his inner cheek trying to maintain an oblivious expression, Shyaam stuttered out, laughter and embarrassment quite evident in his voice...

"I suggest we keep our personal lives to ourselves?"

And when Arnav saw that slow smile creep up his sister's face, he knew that his Jijju lost this battle..

"Oh yeah? And what were you doing a moment before? I was talking to MY brother! Why the hell did you have to butt in?!!"

Straightening his coat, Shyaam threw his hands up in the air as he moved back maintaining a somber expression, not speaking a word.. Arnav knew that his Jijju was playing it to control his sister.. And sure enough, the former fire spitting dragon mellowed down the minute his Jijju put up that face.. There is a reason why he calls his family filmy...From the corner of his eyes he saw his Jijju wink at him lightly which made him roll his eyes... He tried his level best not to smirk which in times like this may lead to catastrophic results to both the brother in laws...

"But Shyaam, did you hear what Aarav was saying? He had this fake blue tooth attached to his ear and was shouting vhaa daa' running around in the crowd making every single person crane their necks towards him..."

"So whats wrong in it Anjali? He's becoming an intelligent charmer and a handsome businessman right from this age.. He is the nephew of Arnav and he ought to have atleast some of his traits.."

"But that kid's got all the traits.. His anger, his stubborness and not mention, that neatness freak streak and the language too?! And the first word he spoke? Remember what it was? Dhaam.. I mean, no Mumma, no Paapa, nothing at all.. He had to straight away go to Damn'? I'v spent my life all this long bearing this ASR and I can not do that again.."

"Oh yeah? And who asked you to keep looking at Arnav all the time in you pregnancy? You gotta pay now.. As for me, I'm loving it.. Every single bit of it..."

Arnav felt someone's hand on his shoulder and gasped as he saw Lavanya panting leaning onto him for support.. Panicking slightly and getting really furious on his best friend, Arnav led her to the couch and made her sit handing her a glass of water.. He saw Lavanya smile wide at him before she gave him an assuring nod, caressing her huge bulged belly.. Arnav turned to his right and smiled at the couple now sitting on the couch and continuing their fight.. He turned around swiftly making his way to the stairs, wiping the tiny tear that escaped his eyes with the over whelming emotions.. He needs to see Khushi.. Right now! He needs her!!! He saw her walking into their room long back, and knew that she dint come out.. And Khushi leaving a party at home, specially today was simply out of the normal line.. Its nearing almost 20 minutes and she hadn't come out yet.. Frowning, Arnav began to increase his pace when the booming of the loud speakers stopped him again... He felt a soft hand go around his arm and before he could move, he heard hushed whispers in his ear...

"You promised me that you'd give him a tough time, Bhai.. I want it now.."

He smiled wickedly as he faced Payal who inturn did not disappoint him stating that she wont settle for anything less... He saw Aakash and Aman reach them with a mike in Aakash's hand.. Before the duo could reach them, Arnav moved a little closer whispering into Payal's ears...

"Promise that you wouldn't go light on him.."

Payal threw her head back as she laughed and nodded her head.. Arnav saw the men halt in their steps and from the look of Aman, Aakash knew that he was in trouble... As both Arnav and Payal went into the businessman mode faces, Aakash gulped down visibly before he spoke in the mike lowly... Arnav-Payal : the deadly combo of AR.. Not a single deal they both worked on went wrong.. And from that basic knowledge Aman knew, he switched off the mike and put a supportive hand on Aakash's now cold shoulder...

"Bhai, Payal is not agreeing to put our engagement ring on her finger.. She wants me to convince her.."

Maintaining the same straight face, as Arnav saw the entire attention of every single person present in the function on them, Arnav spoke in his calculative businessman tone that never fails to give goose bumps to the opponents..

"And which part of that is not clear to you?"

He felt Payal rumbling with laughter and from the corner of his eyes, he saw that she was doing a fair job of not letting her emotions being exposed.. He saw Aman step ahead and before he could speak anything, Arnav spoke in a dead pan voice...

"Mr.Mathur, I'v been a witness to your wedding with my close friend, Lavanya on your word that you'd be with her for every single second of her life.. So, where the hell were you a few minutes ago when she was panting from searching for you and almost falling? I dint give her hand to you to see you do all this sh*t! Once more if I'd find Lavanya as much as sweating, I swear I'l kill you! Untill I'd get a verbal assurance from Lavanya regarding this issue, you are fired!"

He then turned to a now literally sweating Aakash.. His mask almost fell but the grip on his hand reminded of what an as*h*l* his brother has been for these 3 long years...

"If you'v come to me for help, let me clear this out for once and for all.. Payal comes first to me and then you.. She's my sister first and then your wife.. You are her husband first and then my cousin.. And nothings gonna change that.. As of now, if you want Payal to wear this ring, go convince Di & Lavanya along with Payal.. Only if all the 3 ladies agree will you adorn that ring on her finger.. If you'd as much try to emotional black mail, you'l join Aman the next minute, only difference is that no assurances of anyone in any form would get you back.."

Turning to his Di and Lavanya, Arnav spoke sternly..

"Ladies, you know very well what happened these 3 years.. But let me reveal this to you that its been 7 years all together.. 4 years before anyone of you knew.. I know how much Payal went through and I want you guys to give him what you think he deserves.. No pressures from my side or anyone else from the family, for that matter.."

Turning to Aakash, he mouthed go'.. Soon as Aakash left them, Payal hugged Arnav as they both burst into silent laughter...

"It'd be a damned funny time now! Thankyou.. No, let me.. Not just for this, but for everything else as well.. AR, Manali, Khushi, Gloria Aunt, Aakash, Raizada family.. Everything! I really love you Bhai.. Really really do.. And that was quite an intelligent move, uh? Convincing a 3 months and an 8 months pregnant ladies?! God! Aakash will be having a grandly pissed off time.. Come soon with Khushi.. I know you going in search for her.. I don't want you guys to miss this fun.."

Arnav finally reached their room, his frown replacing the former smile.. The room was dark and silent.. But how can something be silent when his Khushi was in it?! Switching on the lights, he was about to call out to her when he heard the water running in their wash room.. Removing his watch and that pathetic excuse of a traditional attire, which dint let him breathe even a single second holding him on the final straw of fear & fury of the possibility that it might lossen and end up pooling at his feet right among the crowd whenever he turned or tried to walk fast.. And not to forget, the packed up material that hardly let any air embrace his boiling skin.. He stripped himself into a formal white shit pairing with a jet black suit, but later decided to ditch the waistcoat and the coat as well.. Leaving the top 3 buttons open, letting his bronze wide chest peek sensually just as his Love loves, Arnav moved to the washroom with every intention of breaking it open.. Just as he was a 2 feet far from the door, he saw Khushi emerging out of it..

The striking blood red saree, the slender milky waist exposed for his eyes to feast upon, the deep cut and short blouse, the stunning diamond ruby jewelry dint catch his Chocolate orbs for the first time.. In one long stride, Arnav reached to Khushi engulfing her in his embrace.. Her sullen red bulgd eyes, her pale face, her short gasps of intake of breaths, her wet distraught hair sent him into a terrifying frenzy.. Lifting her up in his arms, Arnav placed her on their be carefully as he moved to get water for her.. His vision blurred but he'd be damned if he'd break infront of her.. Its been 3 years since he saw her this shaken up and seeing her like this after so long brought out those ripe painful moments he went through watching her being treated like a maid and yet could do nothing.. Shaking his head, he was about to retreat to his wife when he felt her tiny soft hands curl around his waist from behind.. Letting out a shuddered breath, Arnav closed his eyes as Khushi came front hugging her husband to herself... Placing the glass back on the side table, she cuddled more into him as his warm huge hands instinctively encased her tight in his embrace.. Kissing his peeking chest, Khushi laid her head on his chest her ear listening to his thumping heart...

"Shushh.. I'm alright, Arnav... With you, I'l always be.."

Crushing her into him, Arnav bent down inhaling her natural scent that wondrously calmed his heart... The way Khushi calls him tells him in what mood and mindset she is in.. If its Annie, its like her best buddy time that she'd want to go jumping around doing all the crazy stuff leaving the dramatic and disastrous results to be covered up by him.. If its Mr.Raizada, she's red with her anger, her button nose glowing as if she is Rudolph - the reindeer'.. If its ASR, she being sarcastic.. If its Arnav Singh Raizada, she's being bossy and that the decision is taken and no discussion ahead... But if its Arnav, its just him and her.. Two soulmates.. He kissed the soft temple and the baby hairs that were damp and stuck to it from the face being washed... He caressed her back, drawing circular patterns..

"You'v been sick since yesterday, Love and.."

He stopped abruptly as he felt Khushi kissing his neck.. He tilted her chin only to be left shocked at the now evident deep crimson blush.. Checking her forehead and neck for any temperature, Arnav frowned deeply at hearing her soft giggles.. Pulling her into him harshly, Arnav bellowed...

"This is NOT funny, dammit!"

Smiling into his eyes, Khushi lifted herself up on her toes as she reached his lips and pecked them lightly before she whispered to his nape...

"I know.. The coming 8 months are gonna be.."

Not getting what she just blabbered, Arnav led her to the bed as he surfed through his contact list trying to reach their family doctor..

"What the f.."

He couldn't understand a thing and to top it, Khushi's weird behavior was really worrying him.. He began to almost panic and confused at how Khushi jumped onto him and threw his mobile aside, dragging him to the wall beside their French door that was adorned with her paintings... He saw her dig herself into him, rubbing her cheek to his chest as she pointed out to an empty space at almost the centre of the wall...


Frowning worriedly, Arnav opened his mouth but nothing came out as he felt Khushi placed his palm on her midriff and pressed into it, repeating the name...


Khushi gulped as she saw her husband going stilled with shock.. His huge confused Chocolate eyes now shone with clear water, love, gratitude and joy oozing out of them.. She felt his hand on her tummy shivering and a soft chuckle escaped her mouth...

"Or Ayat? I seriously want Ayaan, though.. A Xerox copy of his father.. A junior ASR.. Hn?"

Arnav took a step forward closing his eyes as he let the tears leave his eyes yet once again, but this time, in absolute pure joy.. He slowly took her lips in languid passion letting her know how happy, proud and excited he was feeling right now.. Showing her how much he loves her.. Pulling her up onto his feet, Arnav walked the both of them to their bed.. He placed her carefully in the centre of the king size bed and moved back to watch her with adoration and huge fascination.. He shifted her pallu from her mid riff and gave fluttering feathering pecks followed by deep ones, every single time whispering that

Pappa loves baby and is waiting eagerly for the arrival..'

He chuckled like a child mastered in making a paper plane as he moved up and met his wife's wet hazel eyes... Kissing her with love and joy, Arnav whispered softly as he caressed her red soft cheeks...

"I love you, Khushi.. I.. Thankyou.."

Smiling, Khushi pulled him onto her as she whispered into his ears...

"It was a team work, remember? So, thankyou too.. And yeah, I do love you too!!"

Laughing in an unbridled manner, Arnav made love to his crazy wife, the Mother of his child in the most gentle and sensual way ever.. The engagement left forgotten, the relatives, the guests, the responsibilities, everything left untouched outside the doors of their room as the two lovers danced in the age old rhythm to the music of their hearts.. The cool breeze and the gentle whispers adding to the soft moans set the evening on fire as the two soul mates tried to quench themselves with their love and desire that was ever ignited between them...

Hours later as they lay cuddled in each other's embrace with Arnav's hand never leaving Khushi's abdomen, Arnav buried himself in the crook of her neck as he whispered in a hoarse voice..

"Can I feel? Can.. Can she?"

And Khushi knew that it was going to be Ayat... Smiling as she kissed his hairs, Khushi whispered softly..

"Its too early for you to feel her.. But she can hear you.. She can feel you too.. Our Ayat.."

Lifting himself up, Arnav smiled as he kissed Khushi's eyes.. Moving a wet lock of her hair, he whispered to her lips as his every word touched her soft wet swollen lips, caressing her heart and soul...

"Or our Ayaan.. We can have an Ayat the next.. For your information, Mrs.Raizada, your husband is highly capable of giving you as many Ayaans or Ayats as you want..."

Slapping his chest playfully, Khushi blushed really hard as and dug herself mumbling a besharam' into her Man's chest that was rumbling with laughter... Arnav cuddled her back into his arms, kissing her softly as he whispered his love to her till they both fell asleep awaiting for a new dawn to enter their lives...

*...*...*The End*...*...*

The Ray Of The Dawn officially ends here... I thank every single person who has been with me through this journey!!!

Love ya all!!!

See ya in a new FF...



Chaverah_TFC2014-05-05 11:41:07

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Comments (198)

Very nice story Read in one go Arnav is truly a prince charming And soulmate in real sense Just love how he got back khushi to lifeArshi made for each other Sweet and so romantic yaar Wonderfully writtenThe epilogue was so good Poor akash

6 years ago

Read this again and it felt like I'm reading it all over again for the first time I love your style of writing xxx

7 years ago

Simply mind blowing ' wish I can get someone like the arnav u described 😊

7 years ago

😳 Read ths stry n a go n i loveddd tSo awesome...👏👏Uh hw cud arnv luv her like thz😃arshi love s entirely great here😆Apart from their love i alao loved all yur characters😉Gloria s really cool woman😉a great match maker😛N aman a very gud bro at times needed😉Shyam😛i always wanted shyam to b thz positive n our drama atleast i gotta see him so here😉Anjali n la cute bubbly self like n ipkknd😆N akashi pity tht poor shy soul😉but he deserv tht fr making payal wait ff 7 yrs😆😉Payal😃much needed role ..i qwish thz strong her role cud hv been n stry😃super professionl cute jiji lovable lil sissy n dom lover😉I admire yur skill fvwriting its simply wrds 👏Ps😳 i luvd d way arnv say bachu😉its tooo cute wen he call payal tht😉

8 years ago

Such a wonderful awesome story... love it...👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

8 years ago

A beautiful story. Very nice portrayal of a childhood friendship that endured and the painful life Khushi had to lead through the years.

8 years ago

I lovd all ur story..And im reading it again..Amazing...

8 years ago

it was a beautiful mesmoring and captivating ff I came across.. Oh how beautifully awesome it was.. I can't even find words to describe how wonderful the ff was.. Congrats for such beautiful work

8 years ago

OMG just seen this in your index how the hell did I miss this one it was just beautiful From arnav being a garndson to brother to lover to a husband was just amazing... Loved the way arnav had khushi it was just like a fairytale Canny the way your story's I'm just in love with them hiuytlm2015-07-02 17:35:53

9 years ago

this is one of my favorite stories.. love the purity of arnav and khushi's relation..

9 years ago
