Chapter 18

_Chaverah_ Thumbnail




Chapter 15:

"You sure you okay Di? Its your 7th month, for heaven's sake!! Why are you walking, dammit?! Where the hell is Jiju?!"

Payal looked bemusedly at her Boss cum Bhai who is now playing the role of his Di's Chote and Jiju's saale.. Payal chuckled to herself at the last words, spilling the orange juice she just sipped..

A new tag line to ASR, an apt one by the way, mind you..

And suddenly, the living room turned silent.. Mrs.Gloria was on skype, sitting in the sofa, talking to Arnav's Mamiji and Nani; while Arnav was sitting on the dining table, talking with his Di, on skype.. So that left out Payal, who inturn, was busy in serving herself with Orange juice.. She mouthed a quick Sorry to both of them who were looking at her with a concerned questioning look.. Helping herself with a Novel, Payal plopped onto the couch that lay between the other two.. But she had all her ears on Arnav.. She knew Aakash would talk to his Bhai for sure.. However, she couldn't stop herself from smiling at her Bhai's rants at his Jijaji..

"Ithna bhi gussa mat kiya karo Chote.. It ain't good for your health.. I'm perfectly fine here.. I'm pregnent Chotey, not sick!! And I do need to keep walking too.. Its good for the baby's health.."

"I don't care, Di.. If you really wanna walk, then I'l make sure you'l do it every single day of the rest of your life, but, that would be only after your delivery.. I cant risk your health or my niece's health.."


Payal mentally slapped her head.. As far as she knows, Di dint check for the gender of the child she's bearing.. And here's her Bhai who's screaming that its a Neice, as if the Doc gave him written about it on a stamp paper..

Typical ASR..

Business thodi na hain that it'l go as he plans, wants and wishes..

Bacha hain.. God's gift..

God knows what will happen to all the collection that he'd already booked in advance for his Neice, if the child turns out to be his Nephew.. May be she could easily buy a complete year's worth of exclusive party wear in exchange.. Not a bad idea, Payal..

"Acha? How do you know that it is Neice? We dint check the gender Chote.."

Exactly! C'mmon ASR, answer it!!!

"I know.. But, Jiju desperately wants a Princess.. Even I do.. Just like Maa.. So, a Niece it will be.. Now coming to Jiju, where in the world is he? And why is it that not a single male member of the family is interested in talking with me?"

What the hell is the problem with this man?! One minute he prays that his Jiju's wish would come true and the next minute he's ready to bark at him?! God save Khushi!!

"Relax Chotey..I wanted to eat Gol Gappe's the previous night.. Okay, not at night, in the wee hours of morning, around 2:00 I guess.."

Payal stiffed her fist in her mouth in an attempt not to laugh out loud at Arnav's expression.. Oh, this is gonna be fun!! Wonder what all he'l have to do for Khushi, now that she began to become herself..

"Di, do you want me to be there? I mean, are you okay?!"

"Haan Chote.. Why?"

"I.. Something must be wrong, Di.. I mean why would you want to eat Gol Gappe during your pregnancy and that too at 2 in the morning?!"

"Offo Chotey! That is the reason I keep pestering you to get married.. You need to learn a lot Child!"

"Learn what?! How to go mad and insane at 2 in the morning?!! No, thankyou.. I have no complaints with being sane.."

Payal couldn't stop the laughter come out.. But since she stifled her hand in her mouth, much to her luck, it came as a feeble whimpering..

"Shut up Chotey.. These are called Cravings.. It happens during Pregnancy.."

"And can't it happen in decent hours of the day?"

And that was the last string.. Payal couldn't hold herself anymore!! Boy, her Marital life would be far more fun and colorful than she had ever expected it to be.. She stood up abruptly and walked back to the kitchen to hold her stomach and laugh out loud.. It was then she realized that she isn't alone there..

"Khushi? When did you come?"

Khushi smiled happily chirping away her entire morning routine, making Payal smile at her in nostalgic awe and misted eyes..

Arnav Singh Raizada, I owe you..

"Auntyji wanted me to, Jiji.. She needs some things in the market it seems.. She just went to talk to Ratna Aunty ji.. She's in the garden, I guess.. She wanted you to accompany her and oh, wait.. Jiji, Auntyji wanted you to give this to Arnav ji.."

If it were some other day, Payal would have teased Khushi till she would turn up into the deepest shades of Red.. But no.. Not today.. Not when she's finally smiling with all her heart.. She cupped Khushi's face and kissed her forehead lovingly..

"I will.."

Payal walked to Arnav with a smile of gratitude..

"... So, as a compensation, he and Aakash are cooking Gajar ka Halwa.."

"Unbelievable, Di.. I really pity them!"

Aakash? Cooking? Hmm.. Another point to be added in the list of 'Tadpao Aakash ko'.. With an evil grin, Payal made a mental note to get him cook for her as many times as possible after they get married.. Or wait.. Get Aakash cook for the entire Family? Ah, that's better.. It'l help the women of RM to take rest.. Quite often.. Payal saw Arnav looking at her with his eyebrows raised.. She nodded a nothing and gave him a piece of Paper..

Arnav nodded and put the paper below his lappy and continued his talk unaware that Payal left and that Khushi watching him from far..

"Unbelievable? Just wait till Khushi ji accepts you and then the moment will come, when I'l start to tease and irritate you till no end, officially, that too with the help of your beloved wife.."

"Oh please.. As if you are letting me live in sanity now.. And dont worry, Khushi will surely help you but, its Arnav Singh Raizada you guys will have to face.. So, just buckle up.."

"I'm so happy for you Chote.. I pray everything goes in the best way.. I just cant wait for the day you'l bring me my Bhabhi.."

"Neither do I Di.. But, it'l take time.. A lot has to be taken care of.. A lot to be fought.. A lot to reveal.. A lot to be realized..."

"I know you Chotey.. You surely will.. Aur waise bhi, when did Arnav Singh Raizada ever fail..? You just take care of yourself and Khushi ji.. Okay?"

"Will she like me, Di?"

"Love can mend and melt anything Chotey.. Love her truly and I don't find a reason why she'l not love you back.. Take care.. Bye Chotey.."

"Take care Di.. Bye.."

Khushi made her way into the kitchen silently as tears cascaded down her face, her body shaking with the sobs racking within her.. HE was wondering if SHE would like him? His family knew about her? His sister was calling her Bhabhi?! They are waiting for her response? Do they even know what she is? How she lives? What has she done to deserve this?! Is this truly not a dream?? Khushi splashed cold water in an attempt to control her raging emotions..

Arnav sighed and leaned back a bit before he pulled out the paper and read it..

'Going to visit an old friend of mine.. Am taking Payal with me.. Since you aren't going to office today, will you accompany Khushi to the market? I need some groceries and a few necessities.. Khushi's got the list with her and for your information, if you haven't realized yet, she's in our home right now..

P.S. Utilize the chance and time and make me proud.



Arnav stood up stilled and numb.. Khushi is here? From how long?! He crushed the paper into his pocket and began walking to the kitchen and stopped, stilled..

Time froze..

Khushi looked ethereal in the red and white salwar.. She looked as fresh as a blossoming spring flower bathed in the morning dew.. Bending over the Kitchen sink, was his Love, splashing water on her snowy face.. The drops of water that made their way down her face glistened in the peeking sunlight before they traveled down her neck and disappear at the neckline of her dress.. Arnav thought he went insane, because may that be just for a moment, but still, he felt a huge wave of jealousy sweep through him at the water droplets that were being able to touch his morning beauty, while he helplessly stood at the door shamelessly drooling over her..

Khushi felt his gaze on her.. Of course he would have come to the kitchen.. His gaze always left a heating path trailing shivers down her spine.. Her stomach already began to flip even before she saw him.. And it's better if we don't talk about the condition of her heart, because, scientifically, it is impossible for one's heart to beat so fast and yet the person to survive, specially if that happens almost all day long.. She opened her eyes and looked at the aphrodisiac vision before her.. Clad in black tee and blue denims, was her man standing at the door, checking her out intensely.. Heck! With this man around, she would never be able to see anything beyond him, let alone think straight... And despite what all her mind had been thinking the past few minutes, all Khushi felt right now, was being loved, light and content.. She felt her skin burning..

Arnav smiled at the effect he was having on her.. He slowly and languidly took lazy steps towards her until she was trapped between him and the kitchen slab.. He moved his left hand around her waist, pulling her to him.. His smile broadened at finding Khushi close her eyes, breathing rapidly but not flinching away.. He trailed his right fore finger down her cheek to her lower lips and back to her temple.. Tucking her hair back, Arnav cupped her nape and pecked her fore head..


His love filled chocolate brown eyes clashed with a confused hazel green ones..

"Do you know that Red is my favorite color?"

Arnav chuckled softly at her eyes now wide and round.. He pecked her right cheek and whispered huskily making Khushi go weak at her knees..

"But with white, it looks pure and bold.. Just like.. You.."

Khushi snapped open her eyes.. What did he mean? How did he know about her so much? Why the hell cant he reveal who he is? But, does it matter? Is it necessary to know who, what and how about him? Her heart screamed NO.. No, not as long as his Love for her is this pure, true and strong.. She softened her eyes and looked at him, who was studying her and now smiling.. Khushi closed her eyes as she felt his warm lips inprint their love on her left cheek, making her skin heat till the tip of her hair and her breath going all labored and hot..

"Yes.. I want you to start trusting me, Khushi.. The day you would finally trust me with every ounce of your soul, you will realize who I am.."

Arnav could easily read her.. And for some unknown reason, this became his latest interest.. Reading Khushi and answering her even before she asks anything.. So, wanting to save her from anymore confusion, he spoke up again..

"By the way, thankyou.."

Khushi looked at him confused..

"For the color changing session.. A perfect start to my day.."

And as if on cue, Khushi awarded him with another session, all over again.. Chuckling, Arnav bent down and kissed her tiny red button nose, before he left her waist and entwined her hand..

"Mrs. Gloria needed something, I guess?"

Khushi looked at him questioning..

"Oh come on Khushi.. It aint that complicated.. She told me.. You have the list, it seems.. She asked me to accompany you.. Hope you don't mind.. I'l behave.. Promise.."

A warm set of tears made their way through Khushi's eyes.. Never did she ever feel so important and special.. He'l behave? Well, when did he ever misbehave?! How is he able to read her to such perfection?? And he's putting her comfort before his choice? How much more will he love her?! She felt her tears being wiped away and looked at Arnav who was now looking at her with all the love and concern that brought new tears to her..

"No.. Not anymore, Khushi.. Please?"

"Why is it so crowded?"

"Its the weekend market.. We get all the goods and vegetables from the villages around.. Kind of a direct buying from the farmer itself.. So, we'l be getting the best at its least price and as fresh as ever.."

Arnav smiled to himself as he saw Khushi talking with him with no barriers.. The market did seem to have its positive power on her.. Its been half an hour since they started from their home.. On Khushi's insistence, both of them came here on foot.. He must agree that it really turned out positive for him.. The fresh nature and Khushi's opened up talks were soothing his soul to an extent he never knew that existed.. He made a mental note to visit Manali often with Khushi, every time he would feel stressed out.. He heard her asking for something when he came out of the thoughts..

"Bhai, how much is that Gobi?"


Khushi turned to find Arnav looking at her seriously and confused..

"Yeah.. Gobi.. Cauliflower.. You don't like it?"

Still thinking deeply, Arnav nodded a nothing and spoke with confusion laced in his voice..

"Then what is a washer man called?"

Arnav watched Khushi in awe as she burst out laughing.. She clutched his arm and continued laughing like a child.. Just as she used to.. Arnav took in a deep breath as he felt his soul flutter at the tinkling innocent genuine laugh of his Love.. But his heart clenched at realizing how rare her smiles have now become, let alone laughter.. Before he knew, he felt his eyes sting and his vision blur.. Steeling himself from not to crush her into his arms and kiss her senseless, Arnav cupped her hand resting on his arm, with his other.. And finally when she composed herself, she wiped away her tears and spoke with laughter in her voice..

"Dhobi.. Dhobi is a washer-man and Gobi is Cauliflower.."

Smiling at her now brightened face, Arnav held the bag open as Khushi dumped the Gobi into the bag.. Upon his high insistence, she finally let him do the carrying which she din't like even a bit..

"Well, then I guess I'l need to remember that well.. For future, you see.."

They made their way to buy some carrots while Khushi was still smiling..

"Why? I mean, I'm sure you wouldn't do the groceries shopping for your family.. And to be honest, I guess this is your first, isn't it? The way you held the bag open for the vegetables to be dumped showed it all.."

Arnav smiled warmly at her..

"I'm not used with this kinda ones.. Not that I don't want to.. I just din't get a chance to.. And its nice to have doing this.. Specially with you.. And as for the Gobi, I mean, in future, if you'd want to shop by yourself, I can't let you go alone, not in Delhi, atleast.. So when I'd accompany you, if I'd end up asking for a kilogram of Dhobi, you'l find the entire E-page news filled with 'ASR-Dhobi' session the next day..."

Khushi chuckled.. But she did go still when she recalled his words.. He had already planned for their future.. Smiling to herself, Khushi blushed.. He was so sure and confident about their relation.. Wish she was as strong as him.. Suddenly Khushi realized that she was standing like a statue in the middle of the market.. She snapped her head up to find herself standing alone.. A sudden fear began to engulf her.. And before she slipped into it, Khushi felt a warm hand encasing her's.. Needless to see who it was, Khushi spoke out loud, her voice shaking, shocking Arnav..

"Where did you go? Why did you leave me?! Don't you know I'm afraid to be alone? Please don't do this to me again, Arnav.. Don't leave me alone.."

Arnav immediately crushed her into him.. Not caring for the audience they had, he kept rubbing her back, kissing her hair, soothing her..

"Shush Khushi.. I'm here.. I din't leave you, Sweetheart... I never will.. I'v come to take you back with me.. And I'm not going to go unless it happens.. Nothing ever can keep me away from you, Khushi.. Not even you.."

Arnav pulled Khushi back when he felt her come back to normal and kissed her fore head firmly.. Wiping away her tears, he spoke softly as he took her hand in his and rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb..

"Shush.. It's okay... I'm here.. I'm sorry yaar.. Please don't cry.. Okay look what I'v got for you.."

Khushi lifted her eyes to the packet Arnav held out for her.. Her mind and heart were already in his magically woven wonderland, his ministrations and words not leaving any chance for her to be in control of herself.. And that embrace and kiss just blew her out! This was too good to be even a dream!!! She looked at him with questioning look to which he smiled and thrust the packet into her hands.. She slowly opened it and the next moment stood still frozen...

"That's where I went.. Jalebi.. Hot and fresh.. Just the way you like.."

Khushi kept looking at the man in front of her.. How come she became so lucky? What is going on with her? Why is her life more beautiful than her imaginations could ever make? Her tears kept rolling down unconditionally when she felt herself being pulled into the tight warm and protected embrace of the very same man who has finally given her a valid reason to live..

Her Arnav.. Her Love..

New buddies, 'buddy' me for PMs..

Updating Schedule:
Every Saturday

P.S.S. :
Wont be able to do the update tomorrow.. So, here's the update before hand, a day in advance.. Hope you like it..

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Buddies, my schedule's getting highly tight! So, as I'v informed before, I'l not be able to reply to your comments untill the mid or end of Feb.. But, I shall read each and every comment you'd give to me.. They really mean a lot to me and are a kind of stress buster..

Let me make one thing clear.. I am not active at all.. The updates that I'm giving here, are the ones that are already posted in my blog and FB.. And till the time I'd return back, these updates would equate to how far its already present in the blog/FB and after that, I'l update all the 3 simultaneously.. These updates would make it seem as if I'm active, when in reality is I'm not! I'm so very sorry for not being able to reply to your PMs.. Thankyou every one, who are taking your time out and appreciating my work.. It really is soothing me!!

So, please do keep encouraging and loving.. Shall reply to each and everyone once I'd get free!

Love ya everyone!!! 🤗I'v not just read and like, but also LOVED each and every comment you'v put forth! I seriously think IF should start putting up a button for 'Loved it!!' too!!!😆 All in all, I just wanna say that, You guys RocK! Thankyou so very much yaaron!! Love ya, muah!!!!

Chaverah_TFC2014-02-03 04:35:02

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Comments (48)

Read all the chapters in one go Awesome story and very wel written :)

10 years ago

Chap 12 - Khushi was so happy and feeling alive after soo long. Loved how she always keep thinking about him, the way he hugged her, praised her and thanked her and made her feel special. Loved how he indirectly proposed her and asked for dinner date.Arnav already had a hard time to control himself and emotions after the hug but he did for Khushi and the way Khushi was reacting he was so confident of his moves. Loved how he wanted her to know everything about him and his day and his feelings for her.Khushi was nervous and blushing and Arnav asked her from window is she was fine but she smiled back to relax him.Stupid step sisters of Khushi talking about how they lost chance and how he is out of their reach and they are happy thinking that there is nothing between Arnav and Khushi and how dare they say Who would want a maid to be his bride? Poor Khushi was heart broken hearing this as she again lost hope.Khushi's heart told that Arnav loves her but brain said that she is not for him and he deserves better. She wants him to realise that she is not good for him and she made a plan to ignore him and not to talk to him.Khushi's this behaviour made him mad and he couldn't think what went wrong in just few hours that she is behaving like this. He knew it is hard for him to convince her but seeing her sudden change of behaviour, her pale face, lifeless, fake smile he was broken and he is in pain to see his love like this and couldn't guess what went wrong.Loved how Arnav stood on his decision and not let her weakness win and he wanted surely make her break her shell and made her to speak about it with his ASR touch this time. On other side Khushi is thinking that he is in pain because of her and how much more will he have to face if at all they share a future together.Loved how Arnav confronted Khushi in Payal cabin and he want to know reason for her behaviour and said to Khushi that no matter how much she avoid him, her eyes tell everything as she is pure soul and thats wh

10 years ago

Another amazing story from u👏 ... Loving this ❤️... Very sweet story ... It reminds me a lot of Cinderella ...Waiting for the next chapter & looking forward to the chapter when finally Khushi will recognize Arnav...

10 years ago

Thanks for beautifully written updatesChap 9 A&B - How Arnav was tired but mere presence of Khushi has strong effect on him. Loved how Arnav is tired still he drive towards museum without Knowing the route😆 till Khushi told him the route. Loved the way Arnav opened door for Khushi like a gentleman and another entry to Khushi's list for falling for Arnav. Arnav felt relaxed when they reached museum and Khushi was telling him about garden but Arnav legs carried him to the valley where he felt peace and loved hoe Khushi felt happy seeing him peace, pure and innocent and prayed for more happiness for him and she too felt at by seeing Arnav and his mere presence is healing her.Arnav felt different when he heard his name from Khushi. Arnav want to sooth her and comfort her in every way but he wanted to go slow. Loved Arnav mantra One Step At A Time.Loved how Arnav said Khushi how to deal with life and indirectly said after every bad phase there will be good phase waiting. Khushi was shocked as she didn't except Arnav say as if he was able to read her fears and giving suggestions but Khushi has been broken so much that she didn't have strength to lose anything now and she prefer to shut away from him, as she won't able to lose him if she went further. Arnav knew what Khushi is feeling after their convo and loved how he all the way to restroom controlling himself and wants to go slow with her.Loved how Arnav said he "love" the room and the word love hit Khushi well. Khushi was dazed her heart was telling Arnav is the same person with chocolate brown eyes and her mind is confused, Arnav was shocked when she asked his identity but she was passed out which freaked Arnav but he was sure of his answer for her one question, he has come for her and loved the way he took care of her.Loved how Arnav called Payal to look after Kushi and loved how because of her obligation and assurance he went for rest and how she told everything to Aman. The way Payal scolded was her way and Payal

10 years ago

That was an awesome update...& poor aakash & Shyam...hehe...😉😆& Awww... Now khushi knows certain things about his family too...😛

10 years ago

chapter Chaverah. WOW dat was indeed one hilarious skype chat between Arnav-Anjali, especially Payal's 😆 . Hahahahahaha dam Payal all set to make her future hubby to do d kitchen work and she was very right her Marital life would be far more fun and colorful than she had ever expected it to be... . Yepiii very happy dat Khushi got to hear Arnav-Anjali's convo about her and how much everyone is waiting for her to accept der Chotte and come to der house as Bhabhi . ohhh dam Chaverah its first time seeing some humours chapter in entire FFs of urs, hats-off to u buddy and can't wait to see more of some nok-jok in dis FF. "Gobi?!"... Khushi turned to find Arnav looking at her seriously and confused... "Then what is a washer man called?" seriously is ASR sooo back in knowledge regarding household things . In dis matter hve to agree to Payal, wat'll poor ASR do wen Khushi comes back to her original self, man hve to suffer worse den his family's antics . Update soon chaverah, can't wait to see how Arshi's relationship will go fast forward dan it is now and much eagerly waitiing for a proposal from Arnav's part and a very big YES from Khushi as acceptance. Thanks 4d pm.

10 years ago

D way Arnav loving her...God...She s very very lucky...Lovd this update...Beautifully writtn..Cntinue soon

10 years ago

Arnav is so sweethe really loves Khushi and would do anything for her

10 years ago

Such a beautifull..n lovely update!!Love is in the air!! 😳 😉

10 years ago

Awesomely Excellent Update!!Finally Khushi addressed as ''Her Arnav''...Though It will take time but her love confession is not too far..Waiting for next eagerly...

10 years ago
