Chapter 1

4 days ago

_Chaverah_ Thumbnail





The past 12 years were the most crucial of his life. Arnav changed from an orphaned teenager to a successful multi billionaire businessman.. The last 6-7 years have been hectic.. He had set up his own industry, AR Fashions and improved it to be a world wide business.. With nearly 27 branches in 13 different countries all over the world, Arnav Singh Raizada is the youngest and most powerful business man ever in the history of Fashion Industry.

If his family were his strength, his mentor and guide, Sashi uncle was the reason behind his emotional strength.. He knew he hadn't maintained any proper contacts with any one since the last 6 years but he had already informed them that they would have to co operate with him for that span so that he could move back to India permanently.. And now, Arnav Singh Raizada was all set to leave to his Mother land the next week when he got a call from his Nani..


"I need you to pre pone your visit to India, Chote.."

"Everything all right Nani?"

"Chote, Sahsi ji has expired.."

"What?! How.. I mean when?"

What ever may be the news he had to be filled about the last 12 years, this wasn't anything near to what he expected.. The man whom he looks up to, the man whom he loves as much as his own father, the man who guided him through the rough phase of his life, the man who showed him how he could build his own empire is no more?!? Nothing ever shocked Arnav as this news did.. Not even his own parents' death 13 years back. He couldn't get it straight..

"5 years back.."

"'What the!! No.. It isn't possible.. 5 years?!?! And why am I being informed now Dammit?!!"

Arnav din't mind raising his voice against his Nani.. He felt betrayed.. The man whom he believes as his Guide and Philosopher was dead 5 years back and not a single thing he knew about it.. No wonder why the calls have been stopped, not responded.. Guilt hit him like a hurricane.. He tried to calm down in vain..


"Chote, even we weren't informed.. We met Parmilaji and her daughters yesterday in Rohan's marriage. Sashi nor his elder daughter were present. Not just that but Parmilaji behaved very cold towards us.. She wasn't like how she used to be.. Din't even acknowledge us.. I couldn't stop the feeling that something was wrong and I sent people to find out more about Sashiji.. Nothing is good there Chotey.. You need to be here as soon as you can.. You are needed here.. I have a lot to tell you but not over phone.. When are you coming back?"

"'I'l be there by tomorrow Nani.. I'l come.."

The line cut but not the words of his Nani..

Chote, Sahsi ji has expired..

5 years back..

Sashiji nor his elder daughter were present..

Parimalaji behaved very cold towards us..

Nothing is good there Chotey..

You are needed here..

I have a lot to tell you..

Arnav snapped open his eyes whispering a broken cry..


Chaverah_TFC2014-02-03 04:26:41

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Comments (4)

Amazing prologuewaiting for the chapter 1

10 years ago

Hello,I saw u r index just now, thank for posting u r stories here...Prologue is arnav knowns kushi...Looking forward to the chapter1 ...I will read and comment to the rest...If u r going to pm please add me to u r buddy list...Cheers...

10 years ago

waitng. I wud like 2 get pms wen u update.

10 years ago

FF:The Ray Of The DawnA lonely girl who never misses to watch the first ray of the Dawn, since it gives her the hope to fight back her life with a renewed hope.. The story of how '' enters her life and turns her midnight dark life into a painting of vibrant colors.. A feel good light hearted story where the childhood friends get back together : while one is on the mission to bring back the olden sparks, the other is oblivious to who the other person is and what attempts are being done..Status:CompleteIndex: (Chapters 1-21)Updating Schedule:Every SaturdayP.S:Buddy me for Pm's😊 Chaverah_TFC2014-07-02 08:37:15

10 years ago
