Chapter 1

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Hello guys , this is my first os so I hope you all like it
This os is on werewolf so those who don't know anything about werewolf , ask me I will answer your questions okay
I made it on werewolf because am a big fan of werewolf books
So here you go
Hope you guys like it


Found My Mate On My Bed

Taani POV:

Hi my name is Taani Wingston am from the Blue Shine Pack, well now am not from any pack because my pack got attacked by some rogues, my alpha is my dad which makes me the next alpha , well I guess I am no alpha just a rough. Well if you don't know what a rough is , I'll tell you , a rough is a werewolf that don't belong to any pack and it travels anywhere , you heard me right werewolf. Am a black powerful werewolf. Its been 1 years sins my pack got attacked , no one survived, it was only me who did. You might be asking how .well I just ran, what would you do when your father won't let you fight and a mother holding you back from everything and then both at the end tell you run away. Might be that the fight is over but before leaving my pack land I had promised that I will kill all those rogues that have killed my parents ,my love ones, my pack. My people begged for mercy but no those cold, heartless werewolf didn't even leave the poor little children. Ohh well it is going to be the same end for them too DEATH, that's what they deserve.

I have been looking for shelter for 2 hours and now finally I found it. It was a huge mansion and one of the windows were open. Well I think whoever left the window open is a sweetheart but for the world that person would be careless and stupid. I could smell no one is here and I could hear that no one is in the house so I change back to my human form and jumped though the window and i landed inside .It was some girls room ,just by seeing pink walls ,white furniture . I tell you most girls do like pinky pink, hayyy don't think I do because I don't , I like whatever looks good. Okay this is going to be awkward, I am naked so I better find some clothes. You guys might be thinking why am naked , well the thing with werewolf is that when we shift to our wolfs the clothes gets ripped off because the wolf form is bigger then human form , but its not just that we just get bigger , our hearing, smelling, even our speeds is faster , let me tell you we are or I am faster then the blood suker vampires. Non of the werewolfs like them they are our enemy, you guys must have heard the story right , come on Twilight or some where.

Ehh this girl seems so kinda s**t.I mean she has netted bras and panties and most of her tops are small and ripped and she just has short shorts. You guys might be thinking am stupid because am saying small so it might be some baby room. No it isn't, it is a grown up girls. I will go with the sleeping pj becuse i felt like am going to go to sleep very soon.

I quickly took a shower and I wore it quickly and came out the room, as I went out , I smell something like rose, vanilla, chocolate, I know werewolf's don't have that smell. I keep on sniffing the smell and following it wherever it is coming from . " ummm" I moan, this smell is so good, am getting closer to it , I stopped in front of a door. I twisted the handle and went inside, it was some man room but there was no one in here but the smell is all over the room I have started to get wild thoughts and I don't know why my wolf is getting excited and jumping in joy, 'weird'. Ohh yes I forgot to introduced you to my wolf Tayzzy. Yaa the wolf always stays with us. It comes out when it is angry or it might just come out because of their mood. We can talk to them by our mind. You might say cool but NO it isn't cool, they can get so demanding and stubborn.

Tayzzy wants to lie down on the bed , well I don't want to just lie down I want to sleep. I put my body on the nice comfortable bed, the pillows are so soft ,I dig my head in to it, the blanket has the same smell , I hugged it, "ummm" this is so nice. I don't mind staying here , but I can't , I would have to leave tomorrow, actually maybe after tomorrow or maybe after , after,after tomorrow, 'ehhh' this is to good to leave.

The room

End of her POV

Soon she drifted off to a deep sleep.

Here in a party hall

There were many people dancing , talking and having fun time but for the person who this party is for , is not enjoying himself. He was standing next to the window , looking at the sky and thinking about something or about someone.

"Man you gotta loose it up a bit, its your party you should be enjoying yourself. Rey are you listening to me" said his friend in a annoying tone. Sam was his name, he is the best friend of rey and his beta (second in command). " Sam i just feel am missing something, i don't know i just feel like going back home " rey replied to Sam in a sad tone.

Rey POV;

I replied to Sam in my sad tone, first am sad because of my mate, i haven't found her yet. Its my 20th birthday party and I am not enjoying myself, how can i ,when all my friends and most of my pack member have their mate , but their alpha who is me, haven't found a mate. I have been waiting for her very long. Dad says if i don't find her in two months then i would have to choose a female shifter( female werewolf) and would have to do mating with her and make her the Luna(female alpha), but No i am not going to do that, i want my own true mate and i want to do mating with only and only her no matter what and the Luna of my pack would be the rightful owner ,my true mate. Dad can go an f**k himself and his f**king words. He is no more the alpha so he has no right to tell me what to do, as a son i wouldn't mind but as an alpha then wow he is going to hurt himself bad.

Yaa i know must be thinking ' wow this man really hates his father ', no i don't hate him, i think he is a grate father and was a grate alpha too. Its just that these things annoy me, you know when someone talk about your love ones in a bad way, who would you feel?. Well i love my mate even though i haven't even seen her or know who she is. "Crazy guy" that's what you guys must be thinking of me but, come on she is my soul mate, and i cant wait to make her mine. Ehh when i think of her it sometimes make me angry or sometime happy or sometimes dreamy, and sometimes sad.

Angry because i haven't found her, happy because i have a hope i will see her soon, dreamy because i dream of her in my arms, dream about her features, as if have seen her and describing her, but i can only wish for now, sad because what if am not perfect for her and she deserve better. Okay now am sad so leave that to me and my mate.

"Ohh brother what are you doing here" asked my sister Sharon, she had dark black hair and green dark eyes just like mine , " sister are you seriously" i said that looking at her annoyed, i can see she just came out of her making love session with her mate because her hair looks like a mess, who would want to know that ,that is so gross to even think about it. She gave me a confused look and said "what have i done ". okay that annoyed me more " sister you don't come in front of your brother after your making out session with your mate-" before i finished my sentence sister interrupted with a gasp and a shock expression. " you were watching us" she slapped my arm and then i hear her giggling. i smiled at her and then faced back to the window. " i don't like seeing my sister while she makes out with someone". she giggled and then she signed " whats wrong rey, why aren't you enjoying yourself ". She asked me in a concern way. " i don't know i feel something is wrong, something good, i feel impatient, i feel like i need to be back at the pack house , like right now". I said that to which made her looked confused, " rey if you know there no rogues around, that's what the other alpha's said from the other territory--' i interrupted her." I know...but its not that". The other alpha's informed us about how there hasn't been any rogues around any territory. It was strange how these rogues just disappear. But hearing this news my pack got happy and started making plans on going to a vacations for all the pack and also my BD.

"Well then i think you should go back to the pack house, since you have that feeling, and anyways we are all coming back in two days, so i think you should go, it might as well make you feel better" she said with a sad smile, i felt bad seeing her sad. " son I think your sister is right". I looked at where the voice coming from, it was my mom coming my way with her smile which she kinda never leave behind. " yaa i see mother and daughter trying to get rid of me". as i said that, they both giggled as well making me giggle. " son its not that, i just don't want to see you like this". She said that in a serious tone. " okay i will go pack my stuff " i hugged my mom ,then my sister " oww Mr alpha, your very strong" my sister giggled as she said that. i broke the hug and smiled " sorry" being the alpha we have to be strong, specially the male wolf but me being the alpha then i am more powerful then them, my wolf form and my human form.

" get will soon brother" Sharon said that and then left with my mom , leaving me back to my thoughts.

End of POV

He went to his room and packed his stuff, he didn't bring a lot just a few clothes and few other things. When he finished packing , he went out and got his car and went to the air port. HE couldn't understand why was his wolf getting so happy.

After some few hours later, his plane got landed and then he was off to the pack house. As he was getting near the pack house, he started sniffing the air.

Rey POV:

I sniff the air there is a sweet ,chocolate and woodly scent, it smells amazing. I remember that there wasn't anyone left in the pack house so who owns this scent. My wolf is so happy which is weird, but this scent is making me so impatient, excited. I feel that the pace of my walk has turned faster.

I keep on sniffing that beautiful scent, i think it is leading me to my room, how can that be and who can it be in my room. I take a deep breath before turning the handle, in a swiff the door opened smoothly and i go inside and then sniff again, the scent was now really strong and it was from my bed.

I look at my bed and what i sow made my jewel dropped and my wolf to jump and shout


This beauty in my bed is my mate, i go near my bed and went close to her. She was hugging my blanket, i think it's because my scent is on it. WAIT she is hugging my blanket because my scent is on it which means she will love me because the scent is own by me. Ohh yaa man.

I quickly take off my jacket and top off,as well as my shoes, i lay down in the blanket next to her, she turns and comes to my chest , i can feel her taking a deep breath or is smelling my scent.

I take a deep breath of her sweet scent, she smells so good, i really want to just put my lips on hers, man i have been staring at those since i layed down with her.

Okay one little peck won't do any harm, so i putted my lips on hers and felt how smooth and tasty those lips are. I was going to move back when her move shocked me.

She just moned and kissing me back, WOW

Taani POV

" hmmm" whatever that it is on my lips it tastes so good, i can't stop myself from kissing it, i feel like eating them, i still have my eyes closed, i don't want this tasty thing to go so fast by opening my eyes, i would rather enjoy it. "Hmm" i felt some kinda weight on my waist but that is no the thing, the thing is that this weight made tingles go through my hole body.


Whatever am kissing is kissing me back. Okay i really need to stop kissing which i did just now. Okay this thing is not a thing this is someone.

I opened my eyes to be faced with a pare of dark green eyes and that's when i found who those eyes belong to.


End Taani POV

Taani and rey were both staring at each other with undescribable emotions that they forgot what position were they in. ( taani was sitting on his stomach and reys hands were on her waist).

Rey was the first one to speak without moving his eyes from Taani " good morning sleeping beauty", this made Taani smile as well as blush.

Taani" well good morning to you too sweet mate" this statement of her made him smile and thought to play with her.

" well how do you know am sweet" said rey as he smirked.

"Well i have just tasted you" she said that while she rubbed her thumb on his lips " i cant get enough of it". rey smirked at her while she was keep on staring at his lips and then back to his eyes. They both were looking at each other " well neither can i"said rey in her ear, by that rey putted his lips on her and came on top of her and both were kissing each other madly. Taani was playing with his hair while rey was trying to find a way to enter her mouth to explore more. But seems like taani is in a mood to play with him so she did not open up. But now rey understands her game so he puts his one hand inside her top and the other on her thigh. He pinched her thigh which made her gasp , rey took this chance and enter her mouth and started exploring each other . soon rey moved his lips to her neck and shoulder which made Taani moan in pleasure.


She tasted so good, me and my wolf want to claim her just right there between her neck and shoulder. i wanted to make her mine , just mine , right here at this second so that all the male wolf know that she is my mate and their Luna but no i will not do something which she is not ready for, she is my mate so i got to protect her from anything that harms her, so i will my whole life. Now my hole life depends on her, she live i live , she die i die, that's how soulmates are like. Sticking together for ever , just like I will with my mate.


Her moan's are making me wild i don't know how will i be able to control myself from claiming her. i knew i had to stop or I'll do something that might hurt her but before i stop, I gave her one last passionate kiss and then said "i think its better if we get to know each other". She is smiling and then what she said confused me " thank you", so to clear my confusion i asked her " thank you for what"

She replayed with a smile which i can die for " your not like those mate who i thought will be"

End rey's POV

Rey said " mate like what" with a confused tone.

Taani" you know girls are only for bed, and claiming your mate without their permission and bla bla bla" she said as she cupped his face.

Rey looked at her with a small smile and said " i will never do something that hurts you and will never let others hurt you" and then gave her a small kiss on the lips which made taani blush and smile.

After few minutes she moves herself off him and stand on her feet on the floor, while rey who was still laying down and he saw taani from top to bottom, he found her looking sexy and delicious, by that he licked his lips and said " you know you have some sexy ass".

This comment made taani chuckle and said " you are a parv" .

Rey got up and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close to him so that their chest were touching. He said " well wouldn't you want to know your perv name" with his naughty smile, which was returned by a cute smile from taani " sure, i would love to know MY perv's name"

" well then YOUR perv name is reyansh singanya the alpha of Dark moon pack ...yours" rey said while Taani looked at him and said "Taani wingston , a rogue"

This statement made the atmosphere serious for them both. Rey slowly moved his hand out of her waist and looked at her and said " your a rogues" to that taani nodded in sad way and she looked at the ground.

" How did you become a rogue" asked rey in a concern tone. This made taani look up to him, she said " its quite a long story want to have a coffee and we'll talk". Rey had a smile on his face " i would like that". and both went to the kitchen.


Both were sitting on the chairs next to the kitchen counter having coffee and Taani tells him everything.

Rey said " so you are the Blue Shine Pack Alpha" he looked surprisedly at her, which confused Taani. Noticing her confused face, rey said " means we are going to have full alpha blooded pup's" with a big smile. This made Taani blushed and she slaps his chest playfully which made rey chuckle and pulls her close to his chest and kissed her forehead and looked in each others eyes, which shows love, deep love and also lust.

Humans might think it is stupid that two people just met and already are in love but these are not just human but also werewolf's, they are mates, in human word will be soulmates.

They both were looking at each other.

Taani" mate me" she whispered which made rey shock.

Rey said " what"trying to clarify if he you heard right.

Taani pulled him closer by his neck and said " i said mate me , claim me yours"

Rey was excited but he wanted to make sure it wasn't the wolf side making her but she , her human also wanted it " are you sure taani"

Taani looked at him in lust full way " am more then sure Mr"

That's it rey putted his lips on her and kissed her hungrily. While kissing he picked her up and made her sit on the counter. Few minutes later taani' s legs got wrapped around rey's waist and both hands around his neck and reys one hand on the top of her but and the other holding her face, pulling her more into the kiss. they broke the kiss but rey keeps on kissing her neck and shoulder. When he found the spot , where he can mark her , he keeps on licking that spot and then the next minute he bit her there on that spot , marking her as his.

Taani screamed when he bit her but then she started to feel good when rey licked it. Rey backed himself for a little while to say " want to continue this in bed babe" while he was breathing heavily. For his answer he got a kiss from taani which made him understand so he picked her up by her but and moved to his...( no more his ) their room. And completed their mating .

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jallwa_taarey2014-06-23 16:36:59

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Comments (7)

WohaaAmazing One Shottruly loved itFinally Rey found his MATEThat to in very lovely way..On his Bed 😉The way you have described everything was so perfectTheir Romance was super hot ☺️I would Love to read an SS or FF from you on this concept 😳Keep writing

10 years ago


10 years ago

Whoaa it was awsm Vry interesting new just loved it The romance was vry hot n sexy 😳 N rey feeling many emotion happy n restless etc . He was going to harm her but taani change to kiss haww U r a great writter keep it up dear 👍🏼

10 years ago

wow amazing yarsuch interesting n unique conceptlovely osbeautifully written

10 years ago

superb dearamazing oswell written😃your writing style is superb👏

10 years ago

really awesome os jellu dear , sooo, goood new concept , very refreshing, n intreasting, n very very hawtt too, m very impressed n want u to write more like this,

10 years ago

ResWow swty this is superb n sexy I luv The concept it's totally diff one n amazing I luv how taani find rey home n all pics were Great how rey was sad awe but luv how he got to know tht something gud is waiting for him at Home n luv Sharon n his mom prt swt one taarey Kiss was sexy n thr mate making was more sexy Thanks for spl PM n u are great writer u shld defiantly Write stry n thanks for this os I needed it thanks raddhi2014-06-14 02:41:31

10 years ago
