Chapter 1

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(Credits: Ankita)

~~AsYa OS: Love thy Neighbor~~
By Mrina

Note: Please DO NOT try to relate this story to QH storyline. Only the names are taken from the show!

Asad's POV

I stood in the balcony of my new empty apartment looking down at the entrance and the beach in front. What a view!

The cool sea breeze caressed my skin as i was just wearing my superman shorts.

"Damn.. I'm hungry!", I wondered to myself as my stomach growled.

I did not have any furniture or the fridge. I sighed in hunger and slipped on a tshirt and walked out of the door and turned to lock it when I heard a honey dew voice. I was dazed by the voice.

I turned to find a gorgeous girl standing at the door opposite to mine talking on the phone. Her face was angelic, voice was melodious. I was mesmerized by her or shall I say I was completely attracted to her. I could feel my lower harden at the gorgeous lady standing in front of me.

I turned back to my door hoping not to make it too obvious.

"You're new here?", I heard her ask. Realization dawned upon me. She was asking me something.

She repeated her question, "You're new here right?"

I turned to her and replied, "Yeah! Moved in last night!"

"That's nice! Then, I'm your neighbour!", she said with a smile.

I smiled back and asked, "You know any place close by where I could grab a quick bite?"

"Don't you know.. It's a strike today in this area of Mumbai. Everything is closed including the public transport!", she informed.

"Oh! Ummm..", I trailed off not being able to reply as my stomach growled again.

"You're hungry?", she asked sweetly.

I nodded guiltily.

"Come on in!", she invited as she unlocked the door of her house.

"Weren't you going out?", I asked.

"No! I just came back from my cousin's place!", she replied.

"Ohkay!", I replied as I followed her inside the flat.

Zoya's POV

He followed me into the flat. My new neighbour! Damn he looked hot and his superman shorts made him look cute too!

"Stop ogling at him!", I scolded myself in my mind.

"Have a seat! I'll make some omelettes!", I said and made my way into the kitchen.

He sat in the hall with his eyes glued to me. Being honest, I was enjoying his gaze on me. I twitched a little and turned back to the stove and put the oil in the pan to grease it. I felt myself go wet with his warm gaze. I walked over to the fridge and picked out 3 eggs and broke them into a vessel and started beating them.

"Shall I help?", I heard him ask.

"No! It's okay!", I replied in a hurry and chopped half an onion and half a tomato and added it to the beaten egg. I mixed it once again with a fork and dropped the mixture into the heated pan.

I could still feel his gaze on me so I did not want to look up or talk to him. Itook a deep breathe as I felt my lower region throb and drip. I busied myself in the kitchen when suddenly I felt his presence in the kitchen. I gulped in nervousness and continued to work pretending that I did not feel his presence at all.

I walked over to the stove and flipped over the omelette. I felt his warm breathe on my earlobe.

"Are you sure you don't need help?", he asked in a husky tone. I shuddered and felt goose bumps all over my body. I felt a soft kiss on my earlobe. I clenched my fists.

"Yes. I. don't.", I whispered. He gathered my loose hair and put it over my left shoulder. He bent and closed in on my neck.

"You still don't?", he whispered.

"No!", I replied in a whisper.

He dropped a kiss, correction, a wet kiss on my neck. My head fell back as his arms snaked on my waist and held on to me tight.

"The omelette..", I whispered.

He quickly switched off the flame and turned me around to face him. He caressed my face and tucked the loose strands of my hair behind my ear.

"You're beautiful!", he whispered.

"Thank you!", I whispered back.

"I love you!", he confessed.

"Huh?", I said out in surprise.

He pulled me closer and grinded his hardness against my wetness.

"I said, I love you!", he whispered.

"How can that be?", I asked nervously.

"Don't they say.. Love thy Neighbor!", he said with a wink. I felt my cheeks warm up. I blushed. I lowered his lips onto mine and gently kissed it. I nipped on his lower lip and I felt his lips curve into a smirk. We continued to kiss when he suddenly lifted me off the floor and I wound my legs around his waist. I carried me to my room not breaking the kiss.

Soon our clothes came off our bodies one by one and the omelette was forgotten. I moaned as he made love to me and fondled with my body. He came inside me and fell on me. I held onto him close.

"Indeed it's true! Love thy Neighbor - and if he happens to be tall, debonair and devastating, it will be that much easier.", I said.

"Am I tall, debonair and devastating?", he asked me as he looked up deep into my eyes.

"Yes you are.. And I'm falling in love with you!", I replied.

"I already have!", he confessed.

"Aren't you hungry?", I asked.

"I am.. But when I have you, I don't need an omelette!", he replied with a wink.

And there we went in for our second round of love making. Sheer bliss! And what should I call this? I guess it really does happen.. Love at first sight!


Finally done! It's a random shot that I have been wanting to write for quite sometime which I finally have! There is NO continuation, so please don't ask me to do so!

But please, Likes & Comments pretty please! P.S.: I LOVVEEE LENGTHY COMMENTS! Be honest... If you did not like it.. Chappals and Tamatars allowed!

For PMs, buddy MrinaLoveNote <<< This is my PM Account! 😳
-Mrinalini-2015-02-01 10:54:10

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Comments (62)

What was that hehehe no chat no talk direct on love make hehehe still love it nice one shot

9 years ago

They just met and made love already?? That was quick.. Itni jaldi pyar bhi ho gaya.. Wow!!lol!! Cute one!p.s yeh pehli baar pada hai!

9 years ago

I don't remember where I resd... Good one... Love thy neighbour? It was actually meant to be love thy neighbour as thyself... meaning, love your neighbour like you love yourself. and it most definitely did not mean this... LOL. LOL. LOL. I am laughing now... gosh... nice one though. i kinda liked it. i want a hot neighbour now... pity they are all oldies... LOL.

9 years ago

hahahahahah not only u I found this today aisa lagta h kya maine ye padha tha??:( 😆 😆

10 years ago

Hahaha.. It was too fast. 🤣 Meant to be, it's a fictional story after all! 😆 Well.. errmm.. I shall not discuss things about my life in public forums! 😳

10 years ago

OMG !! 😳Mrinss.. This was some quick hot stuff !! ☺️Didn't things happen way to fast ?!😲😆Okay , I'm hungry for omelettes too..😳😆 Only , the house next door is vacant ! Jk ,Anyway, I really liked the OS. ! 😃 Tell me , you've been there, done that ?!!!! 😉P.S : I was going to comment just -- Sweet / Quick Hot os ! 😆😆

10 years ago

Thank you Appu! 😆

10 years ago

Thank you so much for the appreciative comments! 🤗 I'm really overwhelmed with such an amazing response! 😳Mrina

10 years ago

Nice os :)OMFG Asad in superman shorts :O

10 years ago

😛...wonderful OS...thanks for the PM

10 years ago
