Chapter 3

KrazyRedMary Thumbnail

Mary/ Penname: Zoe


Then her fiance came. Apparently he was a big fan of mine and drags me down with him, to take a photograph. I look Taani and let him drag me. I didn't even got a chance to say sorry to her. I went with him. There I saw Sid, too. Actually, everyone who lives in my house was there. Everybody was dancing, laughing, goofing around. After some photography I went out. I could bare the closeness of Taani and her fiance. I just couldn't take it any longer.

I was walking on the road. Feeling very lonely for the first in life. I had barely gone down a black when I heard Taani calling my name. Don't ask how I know; I just do. I turned around and saw her coming towards me. Her lehenga was heavy making her walk slowly. "Reyansh, wait!" she cried though I had already stopped. When she stopped in front of me a little out of breath, I said everything in one breath, "Congrats! And I'm sorry for that night."

"Thanks and forget about that night," she tells me with a smile. For some unknown reason, I couldn't make myself to smile back. I felt so... numb. Panting, she said, "Actually, I wanted to tell you something." "What?" I asked curious. With twinkling eyes, she asked, "You don't believe in love, right?" I nodded and quietly replied, "yeah."

"Okay," she said finally get her breathing in control, "you know regardless of you being in love or not someday it will happen to you." She told me. "How? Is it a disease?" I asked lamely. "No, dumbo. It's a feeling which just happens," she says with a smile. Her smile that I haven't seen for days. "Just happens?" I ask not believing. "Yeah. It's always in your heart," she says as if explaining to a child.

"That's funny; if it is in my heart, I should know about it," I said being a butt-head. She patiently said, "It's not funny. Okay. Close your eyes." "Why?" I immediately ask. "No questions. Do as I ask. Close your eyes," she tells me in her stern voice. "Okay," I agreed not wanting her to get mad at me again. Sighing, I close my eyes.

"Okay. Now put your hand on your heart," I did as I was told, "now hear your heartbeats. Now see if you can see a face behind your close eyes." I heard my heartbeat. Thump. Thump. First it was all black but then I saw a face. Taani's face. Meeting her for the first time around midnight. Our Mandir trip. Then the look of disappointment when she heard my conversation with Tina. Lastly, her happily dancing with her fiance. I quickly opened my eyes baffled with this new finding.

Taani immediately asked me in excitement, "Did you see a face?" I didn't answer her. I couldn't. Taking my silence as a 'no', she says, "Oh, well. Maybe someday you will and she will be your love. I hope it's not a guy's face. Hehehe," she laughed at her own joke. "Anyways, thanks for coming to my Sangeet. Now I need to go in," she said and turned around and left.

She left and I didn't stop her. I was speechless. What just happened? This is crap right! It couldn't be. I can't love a girl who is getting married to somebody else. No! I ran back home not believing any of this.

Back to present...

That was the last time I saw her. I cannot live with her but I have to! Those days I spent with her were the best days of my life. Sigh! But I can't be with her! Now I only wish to God that her fiance will keep her happy or else... Lets just say it won't be nice for him and I mean that in the nicest of words but I might not be nice enough if he can't keep her happy. I thought with gritted teeth as I walk down a lonely road with no fixed destination in mind.

Suddenly I saw a car pass by which if I'm not wrong was Taani's fiance's. Having a bad feeling about this situation, I start following the car even though it was snowing right now also. Thanks to the snow, the car was going slow at least I think that was the reason. Anyhow, I ran in the snow which can be very risky but nothing was more important than Taani. I ran and ran. After 10 minutes, I was in front of the car.

The driver hit the breaks as soon as he saw me. As the car screeched stop, I went around the car and open the backseat door. There he was: Taani's fiance. He was with a girl in a condition in which I never expected to find him(ahem ahem). Suddenly, his phone rang and before he can answer it I got grabbed his cell. I saw the caller ID which says "mom". I slid and answer, "Hello."

"Hey Son, where are you? Come home soon. Don't forget you are getting married today, for the second time," I was rooted on the spot. I couldn't believe it. She continues, "Hahaha! Those idiots! They think you are all-nice and one girl person. Poor them," she fake sympathizes, "They don't even know that they are going to make their daughter marry you which will end her contended days and our miserable days. We'll be a millionaire as his Dad will transfer all his property in your name. So, come home soon son. We need to end this game today!" with that note, his name hanged up.

To say that I was shocked would be an understatement, I was aghast but one thing was sure: this wedding will only happened over my dead body and as I have no plans of dying anytime soon; I will stop this wedding. Forming a plan as I go, I give his drive Rs. 1000 and tell him to take this jerk to the wedding right away. The driver agrees seeing the money and leaves. Next, I call Sid and tell him about all this. Then I tell him to go and get a hold of his wife. All done with giving instruction, I also leave.

After some time...

At the Wedding Location...

When I arrive there, I see all the people standing up. I can barely see anybody. Firstly I notice that Sid is still not here. Next, I go ahead pushing people aside actually they moved because I looked pretty scary, I assume with all my hair messed up in a black shirt and denims with olive green jacket. As I step up, I see Taani and her fiance is about to start their seven rounds around

Just then Taani notice me. She ask exclaims in delight, "Hey, Reyansh! You are here for you my wedding!" I walk to her and grabs her wrist and pulls her close to me breaking the knot that was tied between her fiance and her. She was standing right in front of me.

"I came here today not to attend this wedding but to stop it!" I told her looking gravely serious. "What!" Taani ask stun. She really didn't know. My already broken heart broke even more at that moment. "Taani, I love you! You can't marry this guy!" I said with all the love.

"What? Are you out of your mine or what?" Taani cried. She couldn't believe it. Probably thought I was that same jerk Reyansh. "No! I am tell you the truth," I said passionately. "Reyansh, how could you do this to me? You are doing to this to stop my wedding, right?" Taani cried and slapped me. Slapped me! My Taani slapped me! I could hear the echo of the slap in my ear after the slap.

She waited for me to respond. To do something back but I didn't do anything. I was waiting Sid to make his entry. I have to stall till he comes. "Son, what are you saying?" Taani's Dad ask me trying to sense of this situation. "Whats wrong Uncle? I just said I love her. That is the biggest truth in the world," I said as I tuck my hands in my pocket arrogantly. The groom's mom stands up and cried out, "What is going on here? Sorry, I won't let my son marry this girl.

Out of nowhere, a guy comes and declares his love for your daughter in front of thousands of people!" "Please! Please, don't say this Mother-in-law," Taani begged folding her hands. I grab her arm and turn her around, "Oh, Taani don't be sad. Marry me! I have everything! I will always keep you near me," I said with all honesty as I couldn't see her begging in front of his mom.

"Oh, please! Leave me! You are disgusting!" Taani said pushing me away from her. Maybe I shouldn't take her reaction to heart knowing that any girl would react like this... But she was not just any girl, she was Taani, my Taani. Mentally sighing I was about to say something when Sid makes his entry with that lady. Thank Lord for that! So the lady comes and confesses that she is that guy's wife. Though the guy initially refuses to accept it, he admits to it later.

Now that everything was sorted, there was another problem. Her Dad was worried that no one will marry her in the future because of this turn of events. Taani was crying badly. Nobody utter a word. I couldn't let this chance go out of my hand. I couldn't lose her once again. So I did what I should have. I went up to her Dad and asked Taani's hand for marriage.

He was stun. I guess he still thinks that whatever I said earlier was a joke. Shaking my head mentally to get rid of any negative thoughts, I told her father that I will marry her but I want to talk to Taani first, privately. Her Dad was enlightened. He looked over to my parents who also seems delighted with this new change of plans. "Taani, go with Reyansh. He wants to talk to you," her dad told her. I took Taani out of the hall in the lobby and made sure it got empty. Now there only us.

In the Lobby...

Taani was in a bad shape. Her eyes were red from crying. Her mascara was all smeared. If it was somebody else, I would advice the person to use waterproof make-up next time. But it was Taani and I have to propose to her, right now. I look away thinking of the right words to say but I came up blank. I had no idea. I run my hands through my hair. "Crap, this gets a whole lot harder when you are saying this with all sincerity.

I look at Taani. It feels like she would be anywhere but here. I have to initiate. She would never start. I knew it. Taking a deep breath and letting go, I took a step towards her. She immediately took a step back in... fear? I hope not. Shaking my hand mentally, I called out her name, "Taani." She look up at him.

"Taani! Look, I know I am not your Mr. Perfect," I started as I look away embarrassed. This is so NOT going to be easy! "I know I always make a mess and have committed countless mistakes but I earn enough money which can fulfill both of our needs." I take a deep breath and continue passionately, "And the most important fact: I love you." I take a step and hold by her arms.

She seems stun not being able to believe. "I love you more than anything in this world. If you are with me, then all the wrongs will will be right; all my mistakes will be okay. Maybe life won't be this difficult anymore." I pause letting my words sink in. I reach and wipe her tears with my thumb.

I softly continue, "I don't know if you love me or not but please marry me. I promise you that my love will be enough for both of us. We both will make our own world. There won't be any my world or your world. There would only be one, OUR WORLD." She still look stun. She was not saying anything. Anything!

I hurried continue to get some reaction from her. I can't lose her. I can't be. "Please say you will marry me. I promise you that I will change. I have changed! I will be just like you want me to be. I promise I will try my level best to not hurt you or even let a tear fall of your eyes," I said huskily as I wipe the last tear. Her breath hitched and she closes her eyes. No! It can't be. She can't possibly effected by me. Could she? Can she..?!

"I won't promise you that I will always drop roses on you but I can promise that it won't be thorns. I promise to love you all my life," I said as lightly caress her cheeks. She close her eyes as if losing herself to my touched?! I smile not believing. Just then she pushed me and step back. It was my turn to get stun. "This can't be possible. You can't love me! I DON'T love you! I can't possibly marry you! No way!" she cried almost in disbelief.

"But I do love you!" I said softly with love in my eyes. "And I have a feeling that you do too! You are just scared of saying it or admitting to it." I said in dangerously low voice. I take a step towards her and she immediately takes a step back. Suddenly I was highly pi**ed, this girl has some guts! Right here, I'm confessing my love for her but she is denying everything and she is also hiding her feeling if I'm not wrong.

I reach out and grab her by her arm and pull her close. "Really? You don't feel anything for me? So why were you talking to your fiance about me? I'm that important to you that you talk about me when you guys are alone!" I spat the words as I look down at her with intensity. She looks away. "Answer me, dammit!" I barked losing it.

Abruptly, I let her go and step back. She looks at me with questioning eyes. I smile and ask her as I dig my hands deep in my pockets, "Remember, some days ago you asked me to hear my heart beat! I want to you do the same. Have you ever heard your heartbeat?" I ask her as I grab hold of her right hand wrist and bring it in front of her. She looks surprise definitely not expecting this.

"Go ahead! Put it on your heart and heart your heartbeat." I step back again and put hands back in my pocket. "Now close your eyes and tell me do you see a face? Whose face is it?" I ask waiting patiently. She takes her time but her emotions are right across her face from surprise to denial to acceptance.

She opens her eyes and look at me. They are filled with tears but a smile is playing on her lips. I just know it. I know what she saw. Oh yeah! I so know it! I get down on my knees in front of her with my head bowing down, "I love you and will always love only you! My love will keep all the sadness and mishap on bay. Please marry me."

For some moments, she says nothing and I can't see her face to read her expression but then abruptly she flung herself at me crying out loud, "Yes! Yes! Yes! I would love to marry you just as much as I love you!" I lost balance and fell backwards with her. We both laugh. I couldn't believe it. She loves me! She lub me! Me!

We broke apart grinning like idiots. She was still crying. God, why are girls always like Niagara Falls?! Anyway, I reach and swiftly wipe all the tears leaving no reminder of them. Then I helped her stand up as I also stand up. As she fix her dress, I brought a ring out of my little finger and reached out of grab her left hand.

Then I slipped that ring in her ring finger making her officially mine. I smile and she smile back, a big toothy smile. I interlock my right hand with her left and walk back towards the hall taking the first step of making our world: getting married.


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-Love, Mary๐Ÿ˜ƒ

CrazyRedMary2014-11-08 08:47:23

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Comments (29)

awsm updatelove itvery nicely writtensorry for late comment

9 years ago

Awe such a lovely ending first she makes him realize his love n then he makes her realize hersWas fab how he came to her rescue like a knight in shining armour n stopped her from marrying that slime can't believe even his mother was in on this scam disgusting loved his excitement when he realized she was effected by him thanks for pm n plz keep em coming my way

9 years ago

Lovely TS loved all the parts Tnx for pm angelmaria2014-10-08 13:56:00

9 years ago

only one word commentyyyiiipppeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9 years ago

wow dat was an unexpected and superb ending. Lvd it .

9 years ago

Its awesome..I like it.Rey proposing taani just few minutes before her marriage... Awesome story... ๐Ÿ‘

9 years ago

Its awesome..I like it.Rey proposing taani just few minutes before her marriage.putti_taarey2014-10-08 03:36:24

9 years ago

Nice start so am I thinking right that Taani had a crush on Rey n wanted to meet him to see if it could be more b4 she got married ????Asfor him letting the other girl down he really ddidn't do that bad granted he shouldn't have used her in first place but his words were as kind as poss n he was trying to let her down gentlycan't wait to see what's comin now thanks for pm plz keep em coming N continue soon

9 years ago

Rey confession was amazing Beautiful ending

9 years ago

Firstly, sorry for the late commentI liked it even before reading it because I knew it was going to be awesome ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Absolutely loved it!Rey ne shaadi rok li...yayyTaaRey confession was so cute.. ๐Ÿ˜ณ Great job ๐Ÿ‘ Love, Tubelight ๐Ÿ˜Š

9 years ago
