Chapter 1

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Anjani Patel



Character names belong to 4Lion's Production excluding characters that aren't associated with the show. All storylines, plots, quotes, dialogues, etc belong to me unless separate disclaimers are provided when necessary. Do not copy and post anywhere without my consent. All rights reserved.
She Will Be Loved

He peered up through his lashes, his eyes barely open, as he heard the bathroom door shut with the softest click yet.

Once he was certain that she wasn't in the room anymore he fully opened his eyes, which immediately lifted up to the ceiling over to her side of the side where her priceless plastic stars hung.

It didn't take long for his eyes to fall shut again in pain when the memory of his downright ridicule of her stars played in his mind. Those wide doe-like auburn eyes, misted over with tears, flashed before his eyes while his words, harsh and dispassionate, resounded in his ears repeatedly.

His hands fisted, the short nails digging roughly into his palms, as this single reminiscence was followed by those before and after, ever since this nightmare of a wedding he had imprisoned her in.

Her nights spent by the poolside, the indifference thrown at her by him, his family and hers, his unfeeling, snide remarks at the drop of a hat, and most of all her will and strength as he had watched her continue to love and smile through it all for the sake of their families.

And now he couldn't help but push her away as she assisted his weak form, as he saw the hurt and worry pierce through her in her expressive eyes.

His mind raced and his heart ached as his life was turned upside down once more, except this time it turned upside down, split down the middle, and shook up its contents before coming back together in the most unforeseen way.



"Aman, have the Dutta's file prepared by the time I return with the Chauhan file." Arnav's agitated mood was no mystery as he barked at his PA while sneaking through the back door of his house.

The stream of crass words that were grumbled under his breath were of no surprise as the Arnav Singh Raizada had to sneak back into his house for a damn file all because he didn't want to face his exasperatingly inquisitive family.

Normally Arnav would have sent some menial employ, but he hadn't yet driven that far from home when he remembered the importance file he had conveniently forgotten in a mad-dash to get out of his own home.

Entering his bedroom through the poolside Arnav immediately located the necessary file on the coffee table. As he bent to pick it up he noticed a white speck on the file.

He meant to flick it away, but it stuck to his finger instead. He looked at his finger and recognized the orange bindi that was now sticking to the pad of his finger.

It was the same bindi he had placed on the mirror for her during Akash and Payal's wedding. And that same day he had found the flaw he had been searching for in her this whole time. She was no innocent, she was a home wrecker. His Di's home to be exact.

He scathingly removed the orange bindi as if he had actually been burned by it. Grabbing the file he turned and stepped back out into the poolside, making his way towards the back door when he heard a crash of one of his precious pots from the terrace.

Instantly he growled, "Khushi" under his breath, first that chit of a girl was the reason he had run out of the house without breakfast and forgotten his file, now she was doing God knows what up on the terrace and had apparently broken one of his pots.

Leaving the file on the table by the poolside, he paraded up the stairs only to come to a halt right behind the slightest open door when the voice of the man broke through the silence that had seemed cloud the atmosphere.

"You should be more careful, Khushi." Came the leering voice, followed by heavy footsteps along with lighter ones. "What if you got hurt? What would I do?"

Something else crashed to the ground, probably another pot, but this time Arnav could care less as he listened to the voices with a tight jaw and clenched fists. He knew that voice, it was Shyam's, and it seemed that Khushi was with him. Oh how he felt like barging in, but he wanted to wait and be sure of catching them red-handed.

"Khushi come he--" Shyam was cut off, by Khushi's shaking yet fierce words, "Stay away from me Shyam. Don't you dare touch me."

The confusion that painted across Arnav's face was a sight to see, he couldn't take it anymore and so he pushed the door open a little more and peered in, finally being able to see the two monsters that dared to hurt his Di.

Only he didn't know that he was the greatest monster of the three.

He heard the footsteps again, in the same pattern, but this time he saw Shyam stalk forward while Khushi hurried moved backwards, not at all caring about the pots and tools she was running into. The moment reminded him of his and Khushi own little dance, except it was evident to him that this was no dance, this was a hunt, where Shyam was the predator while Khushi was the prey.

But, then the terrace scene from before flashed in his eyes as if warning him for treading into false waters.

Shyam lifted his hand to grab Khushi as she stumbled over yet another pot, but the second she felt his slimy fingers graze her skin she braced herself and lifted her other hand to strike him right across the face, the disgust and anger overwhelming her.

Taking the chance, she pushed away a shocked Shyam as he held his face, which was still stinging from the slap he had just received.

Khushi cleverly maneuvered herself so she had a clear path to the door, to her escape. But before she left she had a few words for this so-called man.

"This is the last time I'm saying this Shyam." Khushi literally growled, something even Arnav hadn't heard her do when she was downright mad at him. "Leave me alone and go back to Di. She loves you so much, yet you come after me?!"

Shyam attempted to say something but Khushi wasn't finished. "No. I'm married now Shyam and you have been since the time you had come to Buaji's as a paying guest. Get that in your misconceptualized head! And if you can't then I suggest you leave Di, I'm sure there are hundreds of more men out there, who would love her for her."

Arnav was beyond flabbergasted as he unseeingly backed into the aperture behind the door as Khushi rushed out, pausing abruptly at the top step before brushing away the tears with the back of her hand.

He didn't even noticed as an agitated Shyam left minutes later, cursing, because at that moment every time those pearls had ever leaked out of Khushi's doe-like eyes flashed before his eyes. And almost in every instance they were because of him.

A cold hand gripped his heart, squeezing it painfully, but for the first time, Arnav Singh Raizada relished in this pain.

He had finally heard the truth, the real truth. He had been wrong. Khushi was innocent, she could never hurt his Di. Shyam was a vile creature out to hurt his Di and his Khushi. Khushi didn't love Shyam.

Yet he couldn't understand how Khushi could still hope for some good in this monster. But then again... when had he ever understood her?

*Flashback end*

He flashed back to the present, his throat suddenly feeling parched, he sat up looking around for water not having heard the faint opening and shutting of the bathroom door.

His hands went to removed the comforter that was entangled around his legs when the softest of pressure against his left shoulder pushed him back down as a chilled glass of water appeared before him.

In a daze, his eye's rose to Khushi's downcast ones, pleading for them to look into his, refusing to sip the glass of cool water until she did. Unable to resist the alluring draw of those two pools of chocolate her tired auburn eyes fluttered up to met his.

He finally parted his lips letting the icy water soothe his throat. Not knowing how thirsty he really was Arnav drank the water to quickly, leading him to a coughing fit.

The cup instantly disappeared while the hand on his shoulder began rubbing his back in alleviating circles and the other came back around to his stubbled chin, tilting his head backwards to provide him relief.

The thumping against the door caused Khushi to draw away, although not before making sure his was fine. He heard her thank someone, then tell them that they may go to bed now, that she'll take care of the rest.

He was staring down at his hands when he heard the shifting of furniture, looking up he found Khushi adjusting the recliner next to the bed as she sat down with a plate of food in her hands.

She began preparing a morsel while asking, "Have you eaten all day?"

When she was met with silence, she looked up to see him looking away. Turning his face towards her with one hand while holding up the morsel with the other she continued, "So you haven't eaten all day. That means you haven't taken your medicine either."

She feed, he ate, she spoke, he listened.

"Aap aisa kyun karte hain?" Khushi asked all of a sudden. "If everyone had seen you like this, then do you even realize how worried they would have been? Aman and the rest of the employs depend on you, we depend on you."

Khushi looked up to see Arnav staring back at her, the look of a lost helpless teenager in his eyes. Her heart lurched at the sight, but she kept feeding him and talking, hoping he would listen to her this once despite everything.

"You do so much for us, I mean for Di and everyone, but you never let them do anything for you, take care of you." Khushi gaze met his, not allowing either of them to look away. "You don't have to do everything alone, Arnav, because you aren't alone."

"Khushi, you--" Arnav tried.

"I know. I know." Khushi interrupted. Putting the plate aside, she looked out the poolside door, up at the stars. "You don't care about what I have to say. I know, don't worry."

He watched as she smiled while saying he didn't care, almost like she had accepted it. She had accepted that she meant nothing to him and never would.

But she was wrong. And he was a monster for even letting her think that.

"Your family is with you and they love you. Your staff looks up to you. You're an icon in the business world." Khushi finally looked him in the eye again and said, "Your Ma is also always with you, will always love. You just have to let her."

A serene silence engulfed them momentarily, both basking in the light of the stars and moon.

After a while Khushi began clearing everything up before she turned to tuck Arnav back into bed. She turned to leave the dishes downstairs when he called out, "Khushi? Tum theek ho?"

Her steps faltered and he heard her sharp intake of breath. Looking slightly over her shoulder, she nodded and then walked out.

As the door shut behind her, Arnav leaned back, his eyes closing as if in pain. Caught up in his thoughts he missed the opening of the door and choked out a, "I'm sorry, Khushi."

The same sharp intake of breath caused his eyes to flash open and he saw Khushi standing in the doorway, her hand on her heart, and this time he stared straight into her eyes, his throat husky with tears, and said, "Khushi... Sorry. I'm really sorry."

The next thing he knew she was flitting around the room, telling him he need to rest and that if he needs anything she'll be right there. His eyes followed her for a while, but she wouldn't as so much as turn towards him.

An hour later, Arnav opened his eyes to she Khushi asleep on the recliner, her face inclined towards him. He stared at her ethereal form for several moments, finally reaching out and tucking a wayward bang behind her ear and whispered, "I'll fix everything, Khushi. I promise."

And as his eyes drifted shut after feeling some peace, he promised himself to prove his love, prove himself to her.

Because... She Will Be Loved...


The OS is dedicated to my Manu(-Manal-) because she is just a pretty little bottle of adorableness, sweetness, and craziness.<3
This song means a lot to her and I hope I could make it mean even more to here through this OS!
So meri sorry and thank you ki choti si stall, I hope you just love this OS like you love me! <3 :D
And a special thanks to my soon-to-be dewaar for painstalkingly proofreading this for me! :)
This OS was inspired by the song She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5.(Below)
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Titaliya_AP2014-01-17 22:19:16

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Comments (75)

Aww.. this is soo good! Well written 👏

9 years ago

So well written! Loved the range of emotions that you showed for Arnav. Great Job!

9 years ago

Hi read this now. I loved arnav's realisation and his guiltyness

10 years ago

I am listening to the song right now! :) Very nice OS!!

10 years ago

Very well written. I enjoyed reading the os and would have been happy if I had seen something along these lines in IPK.

10 years ago

Awesome OS..I always wanted Arnav to hear the truth in the same lines that he heard on the marriage day..The same lines 'leave Di'...loved it...😊

10 years ago

Beautiful OS!Arnav's redemption lied in the key to make Khushi loved.. He's free himself of guilt, binding her to himself with Love.

10 years ago

very emotional n heartwarmin.loved it

10 years ago

Please continue. This is a wonderful story.

10 years ago

that as a well written os!👏very beautiful and emotional also😃

10 years ago
