Chapter 8

-doe-eyes- Thumbnail



9 chances out of 10 this won't make very much sense...

The title comes from Shakespeare's play 'Romeo and Juliet', the balcony scene. However, this drabble has NOTHING to do with Romeo and Juliet :P

ArHi Drabble |What is in a Name?|

The first time he meets her, she asks him questions.

What is your name?


Who named you that?

My mother.

...She loved you a lot.

...How do you know?

She named you 'Arnav', didn't she? That means 'ocean'. It means that she thought the world of you. It means that her love for you and her hopes for you are as vast and as depthless as the sea.

...What is your name?


It is only several years later, and they have grown from the teenagers they used to be to the adults they have now become, his wife slips her dainty fingers around his numb ones, and he feels her grip them reassuringly and tug him forward, that he realises she had given him the answers as well.

He draws in a deep, bracing breath, steels his nerves and ignores the racket his heart makes, and hands entwined with hers, he braves his way through the gates of the graveyard he had never been able to set foot through since he had been fifteen.

To make up to his parents for not visiting all these years.

To tell them he loves them too.

To finally meet her parents.

To thank them for giving him Khushi.

Hope this isn't TOO weird or random...I blame exam prep for it!
Please leave your thoughts!

-doe-eyes-2013-11-30 03:33:45

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Comments (29)

Simply amazing ! How you can pack so much emotions and nuances of a relationship in such a small drabble is beyond imagination. You are an amazing writer !!!

10 years ago

Each Drabble so beautifully written and unique. Loved loved he knows. Good luck with your examsdprover2013-12-01 16:06:04

10 years ago

Beautiful and amazing Drabble,Honestly you know how to weave magic in a few sentences perfectly,Love the way Khushi told Arnav the meaning behind his name,Loved the Drabble, Thanks for the PM xx P4rveen122013-12-01 13:14:42

10 years ago

Awesome drabble 😊Best of luck for ur exams 😛

10 years ago

Hahaha! That was so cute! They are like chalk and cheese! These two! But so in love, eh?

10 years ago

That was short and sweet...😊

10 years ago

superbb...i feel good every time i read them...& i wish some one like this arnav in ur story

10 years ago

m going 'awww' after reading this, literally...

10 years ago

I like your one shots but hoping you can complete your ff mohobhatt door Na jaane de it's a nice story which needs to be completed .thanks do well in your exams as that's shd come first in your life I am a mom of two one is in med school the other in undergrad ,so I appreciate all the time you give to create these wonderful stories ,all the best .

10 years ago

I loved all of them . I was sad reading what goes around. I can't see Arnav breakdown. he loves her yaar.

10 years ago
