Chapter 1

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Warning: It's painfully short and might not satisfy your hunger... =P

"God dammit! Can you just stop tossing around for a second? I'm trying to get some bloody sleep here!" he hissed.

She thrashed her head in her pillow with a groan. "I can't sleep! I'm hungry!"

"When are you not hungry?" she heard him sigh and snapped her eyes towards him viciously. She could only make out his form in the dark but she still glared at it, somewhat offended by his comment. He pulled himself up into a sitting position, throwing the blanket off his body and swinging his feet onto the floor. She saw him hunch over himself for a few seconds as he rubbed his eyes, then he got up and started to walk towards the door.

She quickly sat up to. "Where are you going?"

He paused, glancing at her over his shoulder. "To get some peace," came the bored reply.

She pouted and fell back into bed, turning her back to the door so that she would not have to see her husband when he returned. He could be so cruel and grumpy sometimes. Laad Governor!

But minutes later, she found herself sitting up again, sniffing the air. Something was cooking. She could be crazy, stupid and clumsy like anything but this never failed her. Her nose was a real food detector and she knew something was definitely cooking somewhere around her. She looked at the bed. He was not back yet. Slyly, she crept out of bed and down the stairs to the kitchen.

The sight brought a small smile to her face even as she squinted, her eyes still try to adjust to the lights. Her husband stood at the stove, shirtless with only a pair of jeans - which he must have picked on his way out of the room - hanging low on his hips. It definitely looked and smelled like he was cooking something. Grinning, she licked her lips, both at the smell and at the way his muscles rippled on his back as he moved around.

She crossed the kitchen as silently as she could to surprise him but she was still a few feet away when he spoke casually, as if he had known she was there all the time.

"You finally decided to come down?"

She could not help the frown that his snide question drew out of her but she hoisted herself on one of the high chairs, her chin high with pride.

He turned around lazily, his face impassive, and he handed her a plate. She looked down at it in surprise. "Pancakes? You made me pancakes?"

The reply was a non-committal shrug with an unintelligible grunt that she instantly smothered in one of her hearty hugs. She heard him chuckle before he dropped his head to place a quick kiss on the top of hers, his free arm going around hers. With a giggle, she pulled back and snatched the plate from him.

"Make me more!" she cheered, taking a bite.

He rolled his eyes. "Yes, your Highness."

"Listen!" she giggled, tugging him back to her by his belt.

"What do you want now?" his voice rang with sarcasm but she didn't miss the smirk on his lips.

"I love you too."

He hummed pleasantly with a rumbly chuckle and pulled her in for a long, sweet kiss. "We'll see that when your hunger is satisfied."

ShikhaKhushi2014-12-17 12:38:20

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Comments (29)

aww soo cutearnav is so sweetcontinue soon

9 years ago

Oh mannn... That was wonderful!I am definitely hungry for more such cute-sa One Shots! ;-) ;-)

9 years ago

Haiii, they are cuteness.. He made pancakes for her..❤️

9 years ago

This was really sweet and cute.

9 years ago

Awww...that was so cute Loved it

9 years ago

Awww this was so so cute! Thank you for sharing it, I loved it!

9 years ago

Cant get enough of it!!! Absolutely lovely!!!! 👏👏👏👏

9 years ago

amazing👏 👏 👏 👏

9 years ago

Adorable and fluffy. I could clearly imagine it. Thanks for writing and sharing this brilliant piece of work. Enjoyed reading it immensely.

9 years ago

Aww, thanks for this cute tale!

9 years ago
