Chapter 18

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"Sometimes in life you make a decision and you find yourself questioning it. A lot. You don't regret it, exactly. You know that you probably made the right choice and that you're probably better off for it. But you do spend a lot of time wondering what the hell you were thinking." from One Tiny Lie (K.A. Tucker)

"Wherever you go, I'll find you ."
"No " .
" And I will finish what I should have ended long ago."
" Leave me alone ! Go away . "

I'm in the dark, then under a scorching sun . Wherever I am, he is always there. He looks at me , laughs at me an he is just waiting for his chance.

" Khushi, Khushi! Wake up . "
Two strong hands shook me so hard that I had the impression that the head could break away from the neck at any moment .
I wanted to open my eyes, but a sharp pain in my head would not let me . Then later I felt my face wet , burning throat , the stomach was hurting .

" Khushi? " .
" Arnav ? " .

I spoke with difficulty , and I rubbed my eyes , feeling a sweet taste in your mouth, like tea. I blinked, seeing everything blurry and then slowly the face of Arnav took his beautiful contours.

My stomach became hurts even more when I met his eyes . More time passed and more worsened the effect that I did.
He was far from me , but not much , he was in his side of the bed. He was turned towards me , even with the body and held his cheek resting on the pillow. His face was calm and relaxed , even if the veil of dark purplish weighed down his look . In the dim light of the little lamp on the bedside table behind me, his skin looked amber and warm and also soft .

I turned to check what time it was and grimaced when I saw that there were only six in the morning . Beside the lamp there was a half-empty cup of tea and still steaming .
I looked back in Arnav's eyes , having the strange feeling of having done something serious and wrong .

" How do you feel Jaan ? " He whispered reaching out to me to kiss my forehead. I closed my eyes and felt reassured by his proximity and smell clean everywhere, fruity bubble bath , even the linen seemed to have been freshly changed.
I laid my cheek on his chest and hugged him . It seemed that I saw him after a long time and I had missed him terribly.

" I think I got the flu," I whispered as he gently stroked my hair.
"You do not remember anything about last night? " .

I licked my lips, feeling the salty tears. Damn it, I was crying in my sleep again .

" Why , what happened yesterday s ... " .

The images of the previous night broke out in the mind with an atomic bomb. I opened my mouth and at the same time I wanted to disappear, sucked into a parallel universe, or even Hell for example.

I remembered being ran away during the scene of Arnav 's girlfriend and then drinking in the bar and then ... nothing .

I got up and took my hands in my face in the grip of some strange kind of panic.

"DeviMaya ... what have I done? " .

Arnav grabbed my hands shaking in his . "Nothing irreparable " He comforted me with a faint smile.

" How did you find me ? " I asked him.

"When you do not come back , I came looking for you. Fortunately, I almost immediately saw through the window of the bar and I came to get you . "

"Thanks," I muttered embarrassed.
" Do not thank me , it's the least I could do."

Why was it the least he could do? He had no obligations or duties towards me. The marriage was facade , the ring he wore on his finger was false , and what I felt I ...
Despite the battle that raged in my mind , I could not help but look at him with adoring eyes for his gesture, for his constant presence , to his concerns .

He was my angel.

Yet , I did not deserve it . There were people who had definitely need him more than me and instead , just as a gift of fate , Arnav had been placed in my way.
I even got married with him .

"Thanks," I said again , suppressing the instinct to get close to his mouth to kiss him.

I had to stop to make the stupid actions and then repenting , crying crocodile tears .
Although kiss him would have been the more stupid action that I'd to do nicely.
Unfortunately , the memory of how I had felt the night before, when his girlfriend had surprised us in the act, was too deep and painful.

Arnav lifted sitting up and reached out toward me shaking my waist. Brought his face close to mine and gave me a kiss on the mouth half . That kiss made me collapse even more than could make a deep kiss .

That confidence , that affection showed as if he knew me for years, made me feel like a different person. It made me feel as if I did not need anything else.
Yet life is complex and you have different needs, at times very different between them. To me it was enough .

I wanted to cry and I turned away from his body.
I remembered the insults that I had gotten the night before, when I ran away from his house and I did not want to hear into them again . I did not want to fall in the errors of the past, when I swore that I would have rather avoided them as you avoid death.
I was aware of his relationship , so I had to stay away , even if I did not want to.

But there was a substantial difference between this and what I had experienced . Arnav was now with me , now that I needed him most . While the man of whom I was madly in love in London , he was never . Whenever I was in need of comfort , of his presence and of his love, he came back to his real woman , abandoning his mistress.

" What am I doing here Arnav ? Do not you think you've had enough problems with your girlfriend ? " .

Arnav's eyes were blue in the shadows of the room and his expression now had something wrong , a strange mixture of relief , sadness and even a little anger.

Recalling the look of disdainful of Sheetal, I had goose bumps and did nothing but remind me how much I fall down. How much I had put myself in the game and how much I had fallen for the man in front of me . And maybe something more.

That's why I could not take a strong decision , as when I had decided to go away from my home town . I was just thinking that I should not get carried away in that kind of relationship, I had to stay away from him , that I did not kiss him ... I thought , but I was not acting .

" Sheetal is not my girlfriend ."

"Please , Arnav. At least not lie. "

"It's the truth. We were already breaking when I came to Las Vegas. "

" You never told me so when we met ."

Arnav pursed his lips. " Never mind what I said earlier . I could never know that anything was going to happen between you and me . We were in a kind of crisis , it did not seem appropriate to tell my quarrels love to a stranger . "

"Then why did she react that way? She was going to kill me with her stiletto heels if it you were not there with me . "

"This is her character ."

I could not believe it. It was not possible that it was all so simple and that there was not some big lie underneath.

" But ... " .
" Oh, come on Khushi " cried Arnav exasperated . " What 's the matter? Looking for an excuse not to believe me? " .

I knitted my eyebrows estranged from his sentence . I was not looking for any excuse , but it was true that I had already decided to leave.

"Come on Khushi, speaks ."
"What ... but what do I have to tell you Arnav ! " I blurted out nervously .
" Rather , tell me right about you and Sheetal ."
"Maybe later, now speak . Because I 'm sick .
Who the hell is this Sameer
? " . he asked

My eyes got wide and rolled on my side , resting my feet on the cold floor .
At first the name snaked into my mind going in search of something. I felt even the hiss of his wandering in the maze where it was dark , but there was nothing that he could attack , where it was helpless. He was able to escape only in my dreams.

Arnav stared at me for a long time and his lips curled downwards sign that he was thinking and fought together against the doubts that unleashed my silence .

" Khushi, I asked you who is Sameer ."

I found myself panting and then grit my teeth , with the fear that started from the tip of the hair and came to toe . I felt like I was making a huge effort and instead I was not doing a very good thing.
" You said you had something to tell me " Arnav said again , now with a calmer tone , eyebrows furrowed soon . " Tell me Khushi, please."

I gulped and looked around frantically , looking for a way out but ... I saw Arnav's shirt hanging behind the door , next to mine, our shoes abandoned in the same corner of the room, my bracelets in the midst his watch ...

That vague feeling of normality , made me calm . The thought of sharing with him, even silly thing , it was like a tranquilizer injected directly into the veins .

I decided to talk about my past , because I wanted to get rid of it once and for all , I wanted it to be nothing. I wanted the past to become air .

Then why now was I shaking ? What was happening to me ?

He grabbed my wrist pulling me back towards him. His fingers gently caressed my neck . I closed my eyes to that contact so thoughtful .
He seemed like he cared so much to me. Yet we knew each other for a short time .
I wondered if he was really sincere , but perhaps this hesitancy stemmed from my defense . I knew that he was sincere .

" Sameer is my ex-boyfriend " I admitted between my teeth.
Arnav moved between the sheets and leaned against the headboard of the bed.

"You ... you still love him ?" He asked with some uncertainty in his voice.


" Do you see him or contact him now ? " .

"Absolutely not ."

" Khushi, the only thing I ask you is sincerity ."

I rubbed the sleeve of my pajamas. Why would I lie? He went all the way to my detriment .

"This is the truth." I told him.

"I heard you say his name several times tonight and on the ticket that was among the roses ... " .

" There was his name , I know ."

I began to scratch my neck, as I always did when I was nervous. It was horrible to revive certain things buried in my memories . Horrible and painful.

"I think he managed to find me ... In fact , I'm sure ." I said.

"What do you mean? "

" Just what I said ."

" You did not want he found you or ... "
Arnav yanked me by the arm tightening his grip . His face suddenly became dark and pulled. " I need to know if this guy can be dangerous for you."

Dangerous. Sameer was dangerous , of course. He had killed his wife and his child, but for the London police it was just a tragic accident. And then he tried to kill me , but my skin had proved tougher than I myself expected.

I bit my lip ... only then realizing that with my stupid actions , I was risking Arnav .
In London , I had threatened to involve my parents, now I risked with him.
Sure ... I was still finding it difficult to realize that Sameer was really here and that it was not a figment of my imagination , but maybe now I could no longer ignore it . Even Arnav had read his note.

I never thought he could find me with such ease. I was just an idiot.
Arnav's grip began to ache and I had the courage to meet his eyes immediately after they wandered on my arm , stopping on the wrist.

I freed myself from his grip too late ...

"Those scars ... was he? " .
I did not answer , not really. I would not be able to tell him the whole story .
" Khushi , answer the damn question ."

" ... Yes ."

" Why did not you report to police? " He darted out from the sheets and began to walk back and forth like a madman .

"I could not ! He threatened to kill me and my parents . "

"Stupid ."

He grabbed the phone by dialing a number and waited impatiently for someone on the other end answered.
" Do not call the police! " I Exclaimed scared. " Arnav, you do not know him . I would pay dearly ! And I do not want ... " .

It was too easy to use him as a target to hit me. How could I be so stupid ? I'd get involved with my stupidity .

" Look, let's do this " I began without looking . "You go to work, in the meantime I lock myself in the house and see how to resolve the situation without creating some trouble. When you come back , we discuss it and decide what to do better . "

I got up and went near him giving a reassuring smile, certainly not very convincing. I stroked his shoulder with a trembling hand pointing to a slight smile , but I had a weight on my stomach that at times prevented me from even to breathe.
Arnav's eyes stared at me blankly , I wonder what he was thinking .

"You think I'm an idiot , Khushi? " He asked quietly .

" W ... why? " I asked.

"You want to go away, is not it? " .

Immediately lowered my head and turned my back . How was it possible that he had already figured out ? I was really bad even with the lie !

I walked over to the window and pulled back the curtain, looking at the buildings in front , then the deserted street below .

DeviMaya, in what situation I am...

Arnav 's arms encircled me from behind and I almost gasped in surprise. I felt his lips on my neck and then his nose.

"You can not run forever Khushi ."

I groaned . How right he was ... Yet it seemed that the only solution to prevent Sameer to hurt the people I loved. And to me.

"You should go to work," I repeated , closing my eyes.

"You need me " he answered with platitudes.

"No Arnav , you do not need to do so . Even skip work ... it's not right. "
" It would be unfair to leave you here alone , after what you've spent the evening and after all this " he said

" I'm sorry ... " I whispered , feeling guilty.

I could feel his warm chest against my back and his strong arms that gripped me protectively .

He turned my chin and touched my lips with his, with his eyes half closed .

It was as if a whirlwind swallow me . It was him that swallowed me .

His body , his manners ... his concern , that streak of jealousy that made harden his features , that take care of me that I loved despite not want to rely on anyone .

I turned and threw my arms around him filling me with its flavor.

This time he could do to me what he wanted ... My angel .

DUGGUlicious2013-12-12 03:44:06

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Comments (52)

its a fab story.. read all parts in one go i'm eager to read nxt parts.. i'm scared of khushi's past was she just mistress for sameer.. loved arnav & khushis chemistry... plzz updt soon..

10 years ago

its ending of may and still you are gayab!!!when will you update...are u fine???

10 years ago

Plz update soon waiting for the next chapter.

10 years ago

Love your stories and miss reading them. Update soon! :)

10 years ago

DUDE!!! ITS MARCHhope ur exams are over and you can update sooon x

10 years ago

missing you so much...plz update soon!!!

10 years ago

hyy whn r u gna update...missin ut strys soooio much...<3 <3 <3

10 years ago

missing this tory a lot...please update fact is this story going to cont...please update na...

10 years ago

wen will you update ji!!! missing the story...

10 years ago

hey where're you update next chapter please.

10 years ago
