Chapter 14

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Joy and Sorrow

I laughed inwardly , in fact they were hours that I was laughing like an idiot .
It was not possible that I were a rookie , a stupid newbie .
Me, the prince of the forbidden is more tempting , promised to Khushi that I would never touched , really I had to be a fool .

Now , I had already ascertained to myself that only look at her, unleashed even more my imagination and my body already had considerable trouble. Alas and woe .

I was working now. With a tremendous effort I had finished my article with photos on the front page and correlated between a period and a comma , the mind did nothing but go back to Khushi, on her perfect mouth and her white body and smooth .

It was for this reason that I was re-reading for the umpteenth time what I had written, I was afraid of careless mistakes that I could not afford .

The title of my article called Joy and Sorrow and the photograph that I had attached immortalized children who lived in a gypsy camp in difficult circumstances and despite that , they were happy to play with each other with a half- deflated ball .

When I felt that my work was impeccable, I saved and sent it via e-mail to office next door . Then I rigged with patience and began to browse the various messages pinned on a note pad , future work that I had to start and cell phone numbers that I had to call ; strangely in those numbers there was the number of Sheetal .

Why had she phoned the office and not to my phone ?

Oh, I almost forgot that in the last days I had not replied to anyone.

However , now that I could think of it , in the calm of my tiny office , I thought that the feeling I felt for her was not as strong as I thought.

I mean ... if with Khushi had been so easy to let me go without having the slightest doubt or remorse , then there was something wrong .

By now we were at loggerheads again before I left for Las Vegas, but I had devised a plan to make her jealous so she would stop being the first woman and understand that she was not the only female to be existing and that I could to focus my eyes on someone else.

A girl less fussy , less full of herself and more normal.

Now think about the melodrama that I was going to do, it made me feel like a moron . Maybe it was not worth wasting so much energy .

However, Sheetal and I had a physical attraction which is not indifferent. It never ocured that we left a room without having sex . This was the only question I had about it: when I'll see her, how would my body react to her ? Will I desire her more ?

It was useless to address the problem , because by the time I was not going to respond to her messages or to call her and then there was Khushi whose physical attraction I couldn't ignore .

I never withhold myself in that way, in other circumstances I would have tried to get laid with her since the first night, but it was something different, something that appealed to me in advance.

She occupied my mind all day either she was with me or if she was a thousand miles away .
I had got a crush , I admit. And at my age I do not think it was normal to feel revved up like that, like a baby that has popped up the first coat.

In any case, she seemed to reciprocate , and I guessed she liked me.
And he kissed me , most important thing. She refrained from being more expansive because of my relationship and me by my hand, I had not yet said how things really were , because I wanted to think better.

When I came out with that stupid promise to never touch her again , I did not really plan . I was hoping she argued, she found a sneaky way to tell me that she liked my attention and wanted me to continue , but think about - what little I knew - she would never have done.

In any case, even though she had not expressed her opinion in words and seemed to accept without problems that my promise , once in bed she kissed me . And that was the first time she took the initiative .
And Arnav Raizada know how to read between the lines . I can read things that no human eye can see .

I know ... I was dropped entirely in the role of artist crazy . But I really thought to have some kind of special gift to read people .
And I was more than certain that over the attraction she felt for me , Khushi was hiding a troubled past she did not want to talk . I just wanted waiting for her to smile again without reservation.

The phone in my office rang.
" Raizada ."

"There's a phone call for you, from the Boston Medical Center " said the shrill voice of the secretary beyond the handset.

"Sure " I replied a bit worried. I hoped that something had happened to my family.
The receiver fell silent for a few seconds , then turned the buzz in the background.

" Hello? It's Arnav Raizada ."
"Hello, here is Dr. Robinson , you're the husband of Khushi Gupta? " .
Oh shit , my heart leapt . " What happened to her? " I snapped .
"Do not worry , she will get away with a few days of rest , I called because insurance is not provided and she is not yet an American citizen ."
" I'll be there as fast as possible."

I grabbed the car keys and rushed out of the office .
"I'm going to take out picture " I warned my secretary who was taking notes .

Once in the car, I pinned on the accelerator

Just because it was in a hurry , the road seemed busy and semaphores were slower. Surely during the entire journey I had violated the code of the road and the fine would come home in about a week , but little did I care .

What had done Khushi? She was burned or had fallen banging her head ?

Although the doctor had told me that she would manage with a couple of days off, I could not get peace. The thought that something serious had happened , made me anguish .

That girl would make me die sooner than expected ... And those damn scars that I had discovered on the wrist is not helped me at all.

" I am looking for Khushi Gupta ."

I hated hospitals with all my heart . I hated to see people suffer and cry.

I hated to see the light of hope that was lit in the eyes of many people and that same light disappear when hope was slipping away .

The hope ... a beautiful demon.
Gives you the illusion , making you believe that things could go for the best, but it is a privilege of the few to receive his grace. Often disappears quickly as it appeared , leaving only sadness and desolation.

" Yes, she is in the emergency room. You need to sign this paper"

I did the usual paperwork and then reading the signs that indicated the emergency room , I went down to the basement .

Hospitals were places where there was the highest rate of indifference than anywhere else in the world . And be indifferent to death , death is not something to brag about because it is by definition the worst thing there is.
Sure ... both doctors and nurses, were accustomed to see their patients die and over time you get used to it. But ascertain the vast difference between their happy faces and those anguished relatives of patients , it was creepy.

That morning the emergency room was crowded , maybe it was always crowded , but it did not take long to find Khushi sitting on a chair with a blank stare .

It almost seemed that there was an aura around her that separated her from the rest of the people .

" Khushi ! " , I called her back approaching . I dodged the crutches and a woman limping, then I bent before her.

" Sorry," she whispered, her eyes full of tears. "I do not mean to bother you at work. I'm sorry . "
" What has happened ? What have you done ? " .

She shrugged torturing her hands. She had a little scratch on her cheek and her jeans were raised to her knees showing her legs scratched and a bandaged foot . She also had a gauze on the elbow .

"It's nothing , it's just bruises will heal in a few days told the doctor ."
" Luckily " I took a sigh of relief. " Shall we go? " .

She nodded and started to get up but I took her in my arms before she could lay her bandaged foot .

"I can do it."

"Me too " I said firmly. "There are few steps to the car and then it will not hurt you ."
She drifted without question and laid her head on my shoulder. " How did it happen Khushi? Where were you? " .

"I wanted to visit the city , that's all ... " .

"You could wait for my return , I would have gladly accompanied , you know ." I said

"I won't disturb you more than I'm doing " she sighed putting her hair behind her ears. " But once out there, I thought it was better to visit the city with you, I felt strange ... observed ... " .

My heart leapt into my throat again . " What do you mean ? " .

" Arnav ... I think someone has invested me intentionally. "

"What the hell are you talking about , Khushi? " I snapped annoyed . " Why should they hit you on purpose? You know who was driving the car ? " .

" I have not seen him in the face and he escaped . Or so they told some passers-by the police. I was not even on the pedestrian crossing when I have been hit . "

I opened the door and settled on the seat. The air out there seemed to have suddenly become more hot and stuffy and the traffic noise unbearable .

Khushi had put a flea in the ear not indifferent and from now on I would have been attacked by a thousand fears at the thought of leaving her alone .
I went back to driving on the road up to the house . In my mind continued to appear in the title of my article : Joy and Sorrow.

Even during the wedding the priest had repeated those two words : everything in joy and in sorrow , and it was just for me and Khushi.

Not that I had expected, let's be clear . Everything that was happening , it was a real surprise both for good and for evil . Exactly in joy and in sorrow.

I parked at my usual parking and went to open the door to Khushi , but she was about to go down.
"Wait " I commanded . " You are wounded and bandaged , you can not even charge your body weight on it."

" Arnav , they are only small bruises, they have put the bandaged to prevent from gathering dust . I can walk , seriously. " she said.

"It 's fine. As long as you accept my support. "

He took my hand , instead of clinging and I realized immediately that she walked well. She was not limping or grimacing in pain, she just walked more slowly.
With her I cared more than I should , and it seemed so weird ...

" Why are you so sad? " I asked as we boarded the elevator .
"I'm not sad," she replied looking at her reflection to the doors.
" Yes you are , and do not lie to me."

She sighed . "I'm sorry I wasted your working hours . I do not want to give you scrapes , I told you . "

"Why do you think it's a nuisance ? Why for you is hard to believe that everything I do, I do it for pleasure? " .

" Thank you," she said a hint of a slight smile. " I was lucky to meet a nice person like you."

We entered the house and I was surprised to find it clean and tidy. Surely Khushi before leaving had cleaned all because she was thinking she was a burden for me .

She sat on the couch while I was preparing something to eat .

It was three o'clock in the afternoon and I had skipped lunch , moreover all the adrenaline that I had wasted until I was satisfied that Khushi had not happened nothing serious, seemed to me all the energy drained .

I prepared some more toast and then went to sit next to her , taking with me a bottle of water. I laid it all on the table in front of our feet and then I passed a placemat.

" I'm not hungry , Arnav ."
"Have you had lunch ? " .
"No , I have the stomach closed but thanks for the thought ."

It made me immensely tenderness. I wrapped her waist with my arms until she was close to me and then I kissed her on the cheek.
" Maybe you'll be hungry soon ... " .

She nodded, resting her cheek under my neck and clinging to me in a way ... I do not know , as if searching for something. Like she was trying to forget something or feel something.

I had to stop to...

" Arnav ... I."
" Enough with excuses , okay? You gave me an heart attack , but it is certainly not your fault . "
"Yeah ."
She moved her hair behind her back and I went to kiss the cheek where she had a small abrasion. "Soon everything will pass ."

She nodded, closing her eyes. " But ... the promise you made last night still worth? " She asked shyly.

"You want to be worth ? " I asked.
She shook her head and moved her lips on mine. "No , I do not want."

That was a huge step forward for her. Who knows what tremendous effort she was doing to be able to say those words , but she had done it and that meant she liked me very much.

I returned her touch , kissing just her lower lip. " And then it will not be worth anything."
" But ... " she mumbled , clinging to me. "It's not fair for your girlfriend and I do not want to look like a snatch man girl type ."

I smiled as I lay on the couch with her diminishing even further the gap between our bodies .

"At the moment she is the snatch man girl , because you are my wife."
She smiled awkwardly . " Do not be silly ."
" I swear I'll fix everything as soon as possible ."
Khushi ran a hand through his hair and then propped himself up on one elbow . "I ... I have to talk to you . "
" About what? " I asked, curious .
" Of one thing . About me" .
" I listen you " I said stroking her collarbone.

She took a breath, swelling of courage , then the home phone rang.

I stood up bored and even angry about the interruption do not like.

" Who is it? " .
" I have not taught you to answer the phone this way , Mister."
" Hello Amma."
" Hello to you Duffer , why you're not at work at this hour? " .
" Well, I was there ... but since when you're so much interested in my work's time Amma ? " .
My mother laughed on the phone, a forced laugh and grim . " Maybe you're enjoying your honeymoon , is not it ? " .

Oh shit ! The news that I had put out , had already come to their ears before I could talk to them about me! I was f*cked !

"I ..." .
"Tonight you are invited to dinner. And bring your lovely wife as well , we can not wait to meet you ."

My mother hung up the phone abruptly leaving me thrilled with the phone in my hand.
That was not an invitation, but an obligation with a lot of beautiful and good threat .
" Arnav ? " I recalled seeing Khushi in silence staring at the clock on the wall. " What's happening? " .
"We have a problem Jaan" I growled scratching my temple . " Your in-laws want to meet you"

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Comments (45)

Devdas ji 😎*edits*"AT THE MOMENT SHE IS THE SNATCH MAN GIRL, BECAUSE YOU ARE MY WIFE"Haaye... I so loved that epic dialogue of Arnav. *swoons* HahahaParo ji the ff is going great ji! Thanks a lot Devdas jiWas that Sheetal who tried to harm Khushi? Or does it have something to do with her past? No. It's her past...Sheetal doesn't know anything about Khushi yet😉Well she was about to share something, but again an interruption! ihih...familia meetin Bahurani jiCan hardly wait for the next chapter.Love ya 🤗PS : NOW A DAYS, I'M ALWAYS GETTING ONTO THE FIRST PAGE! Lucky Moi Upd in 1HR😉[ /QUOTE]

10 years ago

It's meet the parents time!

10 years ago

Reason arnav married khushi is too muchKhushi meeting raizada family in next update waiting

10 years ago

Dil Toh Bachha Hai Ji ! kabhi kuch mangta hai aur kabhi kuch doosra ! kabhi kuch chaahata hai and sometimes something else ! Khushi is the same here.. what she was getting at that time she got angry and walked off and when she didn't get, she tried to get it ! MAAN BAWALO HO GAYO ! 😉( sorry have bn watching Maharana Pratap) What is this thing about Khushi's past..damn keeps haunting her now n then ! now what is this accident ? Blast From The Past !? 😲

10 years ago

Awww love dis side of arshi...

10 years ago

nice update... well when the phone rang even I was frustrated...after so many days Kushi began to open up...but the phone... it will be interesting dinner for Kushi in her in-laws...I guess.. between did someone hit Kushi intentionally...then who could it be... according to' already thrusdayji...waiting for the update ji

10 years ago

fabulous update !!! so khushi is all set to meet her in-laws.. loved the update.. 😃thanks for pm 😊

10 years ago

awesome partthanks for the pm

10 years ago

Uh-oh! Glad that he kinda cleared about Sheetal. So they are very physical together. But Khushi has an aura to her own. 😉Happy that she is not severely injured. In laws house. Can't wait.

10 years ago

Thanks to all of you ji guys :D

10 years ago
