Chapter 1

diyaswaronholic Thumbnail




Heyyy guys!!!

Here's an os for my kanika didu!!
Happy 2 Months to us!
Hope u like it!
This is my first one on Taarey.


Nights slept, waking up into bright days, time slipped faster than even running sand falling from those deft fingers, thoughts focussed on just one point.

Ping! My inbox burst out with another fanmail, adding another to a big pile of long messages, fans protesting violently in collection, endless scrawls converting into
a beautiful story. Every story of mine longed for an update, the ever last time I updated vanished from my memory.

No matter how famous I was, every strength, everypower of mine was controlled, infact even monitored by my readers. The first few months, they understood, permitting me time, encouraging me to rest, allowing me some
space. 'FEW', the word overgrew, becoming ages instead of a few months. Now, no one could even stop my readers from barking like a pack of wild hounds.

Bam! A sound boomed throught my ears. "Oh no. Krishnaji, another fanmail!?" I murmured, rolling my large eyes.

I moved towards my hot pink Accer laptop, forcing my body to work. My hopes dreaming about something new, taunts to be forgotten, a few kind words belonging to a faithful reader. Maybe Krishnaji fulfilled my desire, my already-so-frustrated inbox wasnt in a mood to welcome another new mail nor was I interested to browse through the giant pile.

A chat box opened, a name coming in front of my sparkling light hazel orbs, an unknown stranger greeting me, the greet shocking me. **Taani Shekhawat**, a name I had let go, no one knew my original name, pens signed with the only 6 letter word, indicating lonesome feelings, a suspense combating through
your crazy mind, the name being ::MYSTERY:: Was her a fan or rather a stalker? Who in the world was he?

My thoughtful brain stopped functioning, ideas equal to none striking my mind. My fingers curled themselves, pressing various alphabets, merging it into a warm,respectful message. Now I couldnt move back, the dare had been taken, I had answered him.

"Hello Ms Taani Shekhawat. May I please know when you are going to update your stories?" asked 'Dancer2001'. 'Dancer2001'? What a name? Who was he, umm the dancer ranked 2001 in the whole world.

"None for u to know. Taani is definitely not me, u might be mistaken." I answered, shoving attitude in that idiot's mouth.

"It sure is Ms. Shekhawat!" he answered, a naughty smirk surely placing on his lips.

"No..." I argued violently. My name was hidden under the ancient lands of Athens, no one, not even my close friends knew about my hidden identity. Still, just to make sure, I opened a new tab,following the blinking cursor towards the search engine 'Google', the biggest information container didnt have anything related to me, no info got uploaded. My brother was the only one who knew who I really was, the real me!

Maybe that guy knew how desperate I had turned, a thirst endulging from the deepest bit of my heart, leaving a no answer board on him. Urgh! time moved soo slow, evena second felt like looonggg, a minute felt as thought thousands of millena's had passed through. Maybe now I could totally relate, how would a boy feel afterproposing, those 3 words- I love u would be accepted or not, and worse, when the girl asked for time... I felt like apologizing every man who ever said those 3words, I regretted it so much

Just then that glowing green light switched off, a red light taking place, he was offine. Someone snaked its hands around my slender waist, my heart beating fasterthan usual, my hazel orbs enlarging.

"Hey beautiful.. My Taani Shekhawat.." someone whispered sensationally, a pink blush falling on my chubby cheeks.

"Rey.. Aap Bhi na.." I murmured.

He could completely take over me, not allowing any other to even come between us. From a couple of years, he was the reason I couldnt start thinking, I stopped
writing, he started burning my ideas, sticking his selfie pics permanently.

"Aap?? Aur aaj hindi?? Kya baat hai?!" he said, gripping my waist tighter.

"Shut up!! Fine, Am back to my english mode. Now GET OFF!" I shouted, a want blooming to see his oh-so-cute-pout.

"Awhh, wanna see my pout huh? Fine, I will see u later." he answered, a dangerous glare dressed on my pretty face.

"Gosh, he could turn so unpredictable at times. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!!" I thought, cursing him all the way.

"I hate u!" I shouted, the similar words voicing my thoughts.

"Hey! I love u more!!" he answered, proving his craziness.

"Someone better put some sense into him. Krishnaji, Whats this huh??!" I thought.

"Ms. Shekhawat oops, Mrs. Singhania for god's sake, STOP TALKING TO KRISHNAJI!!" he shouted, an expression cooked with rage opening up on his charming face.

"Oh really?!" I asked, turning myself, standing face to face against Rey, my palms stroking his cheeks. He overlaped my hand, meeting his caring light brown orbs withmine, the distance exiting itself, both of coming closer, more closer with every single step. He lifted me, lightening the weight, giving the earth a rest.

I wouldntdeny, I wanted to kiss him, those mesmerizing lips deserved a few smooches. I agreed, he's changed me, I love him, hes my life, hes my everything. I closed the gap,
kissing those lips, tasting every corner of his delightful mouth. I kept on absorbing that moment but he stopped it, he stopped me.

"Hey, Wait.." he started.

"Rey? Is everything okay?" I asked, wondering what was wrong.

"I.. I am in love with someone else." he mumbled, the love dissolving from his orbs.

"What.. what about me?" I asked, not able to speak, not able to get over that I was betrayed.

"Shh..." he said, his finger stopping the flow of countless words, its ingredients being rage, anger, pain, sorrow, frustration, betrayal.

"Rey! How could u! Urgh... Just leave me alone!" I shouted, clouds being my pair of brown orbs, the raindrops showing off as my pearls, my watery tears.

"Shut up! Its my wish, its my life. U have no right to order me, moreover you are nothing to me!" he shouted, not even noticing how hurt I was.

I didnt answer, my long legs wobbled, giving up, I fell on my knees, betrayed. Tears overflowing, my apartment becoming a waterbody, a river, an ocean or even a lake.

My head ached, my hands trembled. He left, nor did I care, nor could I ever be the same. I threw his pictures, the photoframe brushing to the hard floor, smashing it into loads of bits and pieces. My nose went red, my hazel orbs lay swollen, not moving ... I wished to die, I just sat, experiencing my last day, the couple of minutes guiding me.

The clock ticked-tocked, two minutes about to get over. I ran as fast as I could. My vision clearing, a red and white large kitchen crossing my way. I dashed inside, breaking a transparent glass on the way, the glass pieces tearing apart my flesh, flowing blood dripping down. What was the use? Who even cared? My lifeless body was determined to meet death. I grabbed a silver knife, proceeding it to dash into my heart.

I was stopped, the knife snatched away from my hand, throwing it away with crash. I turned, ready with such a dangerous glare to kill the one who had dared to stop me. My feet stopped me, its growing roots landing firmly to the ground.
I couldn't believe what I saw? Rey!? Why was he back? Were those scars damaging his face? What in the world happened? Oh Krishnaji, what's going on?

"Angel, I know whatever u went through. It was a fake, it was a mirage. " he explained.

Yes, this was the voice of my Rey, my Rey hadn't betrayed me, a storm of joy graced my heart.

"But ..." I started

"Hey... I know what u want to ask." He said

"In the morning, I woke up in a different place. It wasn't home, it was a forbidden room, the quietness crumpling my thoughts. I knew I was kidnapped. Next to me, a note was taped, an oak table supporting it. The note threatened me, the kidnapper had taken my place. I feared of losing u, tension filled to the brim . I don't know what I did, I was on fire. Somehow, I got out of those ruins and hailed a taxi. I thought I was late but thank the gods I was perfect in time. I couldn't let u die. I would die without u! " he explained everything, details matched, I believed him.

"Rey I believe u... I love u. " I answered, choosing trust over rage

He didn't answer, he didn't let his words flow, all he did was remove the gap between us. He grabbed me, pushing his soft lips over mine, fighting to win that love, the beauty of romance. His hands ruffled through my silky, jet black hair, my hands carefully tracing his chiselled body.

Our mouths battling, our bodies not even staying a milimeter far, our hands interlocked, we were one...

"Ahem ahem!!! Mr Reyaansh Singhania who the hell gave u the right to kiss my little baby sister? " a voice roared from a mahogany door.

"Come on!! I have every right to! " Rey shouted, declaring his right on me.

"Oh shut up! Don't make me start how much u wanna irritate this idiot. U even made a fake account and greeted Ms writer! " the voice teased.

"Swayam! Shut up! " Rey shouted, knowing he was gonna die, well, he was gonna

"What the hell bhai!! Rey knew about it?! " I shouted, confused

"Duhh baby! I was ur fan from the starting. " Rey answered, winking.

"Whaattt! " I shouted.

"Yep .. " Rey answered, engulfing me into a huge, tight hug

"Perfectly internet connection! Rey finds u by the help of internet and so the boring story continues..." says Swayam, rolling his eyes with boredom


So that's about it!
Hope u guys liked my gift
Plz do comment and like
Critism widely accepted.

diyaswaronholic2014-10-18 11:11:28

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Comments (15)

awsm osvery beautifully writtenloved it

9 years ago

amazing os 👏loved itthanx for the pm

9 years ago

👏Lovely OS dear...Keep writing...👏

9 years ago

Awesome OS :)Loved it :)

9 years ago

Beautiful.. 😳

9 years ago

it was so cute..something new

9 years ago

superbbb awesometoo good keep writingthanx for pmtake care!!!!!!!!!

9 years ago

Hahaha nyc oneDo keep writing

9 years ago

this is nice os thanks for the pm

9 years ago

Amazing OS.Loved it.Internet connection lagta hain bohot strong hain. 😆Anyways, keep writing more of these, and send me pms. 😃

9 years ago
