Chapter 23

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Episode - 23

Taani & Rey spent wonderful moments while chatting.

All couples are so busy among themselves, that they get separated from one another. In small groups i.e each couple in a group.

Rey was feeling happy as he & Taani are alone. After noticing this, T looked for others. Rey also tries to call them, but there was network problem, so they cannot contact one another.

All has reached quite interior. Suddenly it started raining, so all run to took shelter.

Swaron runs & rook shelter under a CAVE formation & sit closely, so that none of them gets wet. Swayam wrap his hand around Sh s shoulder.

SWaron's shelter

Viha took shelter under a big tree & thereby save themselves from rain

Team manage to return back to the tent. Since it was lightning along with rains, so they decided to stay in 1 tent. Boys as usual decided to do planchet (as they were greatest pranksters). There used to be a haunted house near the garage where Bharat used to work. It was said a grl named MEERA used to stay in dat house. So all of them decided to cl the ghost of Meera

Taarey manages to took shelter under a cave like formation, but actually its not cave

Taarey's shelter -

tuli_jayee2014-06-21 01:23:45

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