Chapter 13

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Episode - 13

After the set up, the whole gang decided to play truth & dare. They started spinning the bottle. Ist round between Taani & Vishakha.

Rinni said,'Let's do one thing guys. when we have decided to sort out our misunderstandings. So let's take 'truth' for the first round.'

All the team members agreed.

Taani asked,'Okkk, so Vishakha when we all have agreed on this, tell me, why do you hate me so much?'

Swayam looked at Taani. The whole team looked at Vishakha.

Vishakha after a few minutes of silence said,' After my BFF Kriya left the college, I was upset. When you started dressing like Kriya , I thought you are trying to take her position. After Rey's decision to make u 6th dancer, I thought, if this continues, everybody is going to forget her. Thinking this , I was completely lost. I got very agitated towards you. I don't know, but I simply start hating you. I can't tolerate you. I always wondered, why actually you came here? '

Swayam was very hurt to hear all dis. (in his mind): Taani has just faced so many problems. & now all these hatred. I should try & divert her mind somewhere else .

But before he does anything,Taani said,' I know Vishakha, all my stupid acts have hurt you guys a lot. But I have never thought of the consequences in so much details. If I would have an idea, I shouldn't have done them in the first place. But now, I have realized, that no one can take other person's position. Everybody has to make their own position. I am sorry for all my deeds. I will try not to create further problems in your life .'

Vishakha said instantly,'It's ok Taani. I don't hate you anymore. You alone have taken the initiative to clear all this mess which was not even created by you. Whatever happened in Footloose , you are not responsible. I do not have anything against you. Infact, you are no more that 'nagging Taani'. You have changed a lot & started speaking for yourself which I liked. So lets be friends.

Seeing this Swayam becomes very happy. All the gang were also happy. Again, they spinned the bottle, this time Taani & Bharat . Suddely an idea came to Taani's mind . (She wanted Sharon to hear all good words for Swayam, may be sshe can admit her feelings then.)Bharat also agreed to said the truth

Taani asked ,' We know, who is your BFF. So tell us, why he is your BFF?

Bharat said with a smile,'Swayam always consider me as his BFF. He never made fun of me. He always use to share his secrets with me. He is a true friend indeed

Everyone agreed to his words.

Sharon : (in her mind) I know Swayam is very cute. I only act complicated behave all the time.

tuli_jayee2014-12-05 23:37:43

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