Chapter 9

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Episode - 9

It's a bright Thursday. All arrives at college.

Sharon addressed team members who arrived at the canteen,' See guys, footloose is over & all misunderstandings were sorted out . Rey has resumed his responsibilities & Shivam also left the college. So, finally we are free from all problems. We also don't have any competition nearby , so let's go for a weekend trip. So guys think nah. where can we go?

Everyone starts discussing

At that time Taani & Rey arrives.

Taani hearing Sharon's plan said,'' Guys, there is another good news. Our Management along is planning to launch new courses in our College. For that reason, they will be having two days meeting along with trustees. Additionally, they were also in touch with few professionals of those field, so there is a chance of new faculties being recruited. So, they have announced a two days holiday.'

Sharon said,' Wow guys...that's a great news. Let's do one thing, we should start early in the morning tomorrow'

Rey interrupted,'' Fine guys, in that case, boys will be staying with me tonight'

Sharon also got excited,'Fine, then girls at my place'

Neha asked,'Guuuys. Our destination is not yet decided.

Everybody starts suggesting different places. Sharon looked at Taani & Rey & cocked her eyebrows seeking their suggestion.

Both replied at the same time,' Whatever you say. '

After more discussion, it was decided, that they would travel to Lonavala, after all it's monsoon time.

Boys starts murmuring,'From when did they have started thinking alike?

Hearing this Taani get little flustered , so she makes an excuse & left.

After all the planning, whole team decides to go to Mahabaleswar. First it'sa hill station, secondly there was a waterfalls nearby named Dhobi. So, it would be just perfect. All of them decided to leave by Rey & Sharon's car. At first they decide, girls should stay in Sharon's place & boys in Rey's place. But Taani has to finish some official work. Besides, she forget her laptop at home., So all of them decided to stay at Swayam's place. & as it is Swayam's place , so Vishaka will also have no problem to stay over there & girls convince Sharon to stay over there. (As they were unknown of Swaron trial relationship)

At night, girls were busy in Taani's room gossiping whereas boys are planning about their pranks that can be done in the trip. Taani was not comfortable with the idea of Rey being at her house as she doesn't want her emotions to get stronger & face another heartbreak all over again. So, she decided to maintain a distance with Rey.

On the other hand, Rey was confused as he can't understand why Taani pretended to be with Shivam, though she gave an excuse but he was not satisfied.

Kaka calls everybody for dinner.At the dinner table, Swayam & Sharon share lots of secret glances towards each other which didn't gone unnoticed by Taani. So, she decided in her mind. to do all possible things to make her dearest brother & Sharon, a couple. Finally, one love story should be on track.

tuli_jayee2014-12-05 04:32:44

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