Chapter 7

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Episode - 7

Rey was thinking of all the events & was thinking about Taani. He felt the urge to call her, but thought of giving her some time to get back to normal.

Next day, whole gang met at Canteen.

Rey asked Swayam,'How is Taani ? Is she alright?

Neha also added,' Ya, Neha thinking the same.

Team also continued,' Exactly. So many revelation & that too at the same time. We toh can't even digest the whole things & she had to face he whole thing.

At that time, Taani entered the canteen. Everybody looked at her.

Taani said,' So, you guys are already here. Good. It's better, I should go & give all the eveidences to VP sir .

Taani leaves & went to VP's cabin. She shows all the proof to VP. VP sir calls AVP mam, the whole team & also Shivam to his cabin.

Everybody arrived at his cabin.

Shivam (seeing all these, got very shocked). He shouts at Taani,' What proof, do you have, that I was behind all these things ?

Taani replied coolly,'Shivam, for once, let's believe that you are not responsible for hiding the approval letter of Mr Rai Prakash. But college IT department has confirmed that the IP address from which, all these rumours were posted, is of your laptop's . At the same time, the CCTV camera that has been installed in the canteen is also connected to your laptop. This has also been confirmed by IT people . Now, do you need any further proof? VP sir have seen the foodfight footage, not to forget, the original version & he knows that it was nothing serious.

VP: Look Shivam, we all know the truth. So please shut your mouth. Rey , you can join your responsibilities today itself. Taani, just inform the students that election has been withdrawn Shivam, if Taani wanted, she would have put everything infront of the students. But she decided to keep it between us only. Whatever , issues you have with team, sort it out between yourselves. Now, all of you please leave.

Outside VP's cabin,

Taani said,'Shivam, if you want to give any kind of explanation, give it to the team, & let them decide, what they want to do with you & guys , please keep me out of this.

Shivam opposed,'But Taani, I am your boyfriend. How could you leave me ?

Taani said,''Oh , puleeez Shivam, stop it. Entire team knows the truth, so there is no need to pretend.

When team confronts Shivam, he shows all his frustration as in the story. Hearing all this, team decides to give him a 2nd Chance, but Shivam decided to leave by saying sorry individually to all team members & especially to Taani.

Taani went to put the 'election is withdrawn' notice.

Team said,' Guys Taani need some time. It's better, we should give her some space.

Swayam agreed,'Ya guys, let's go

Sharon suddenly said,' Guys, don't you think , we should celebrate? Like, all the problems in our lives, just get solved, this calls for a celebration guys.

Teams members agreed,'Ha yaar, party toh banti hain'

Sharon suggested, they should plan a weekend trip as would be refreshing for team especially Taani

tuli_jayee2014-12-04 04:30:21

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