Chapter 5

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Episode - 5

All are upset about elections & gathered at Rey's place for deciding strategies. In the meantime, somebody rang the bell. Swayam opened the door & seeing Taani, he gets shocked.

Swayam said very calmly & in a low tone,' Look Taani, team was deciding on strategies for election . Since, you are in opposite camp i.e with Shivam, automatically everybody is against you. You are my sister, but I can't allow you inside, as everybody will be hell lot disturbed with it.

Taani replied back,' Bhai, I know that, you guys are busy. But, there is something important, I need to tell you right now. '.

The whole team overhear this.

Sharon said,' Ok Taani, whatever you have to say, say fast. We have important works to finish.

Taani replied,' Surely Sharon , it will not take long.

She shows the team all the proof regarding Rey & Taani rumours, & written approval of Mr Rai Prakash & also the food fight footage (both original & edited)

Showing all these, Taani said,' I think, these are enough proofs to withdraw this whole election. As , such a manipulative character like, Shivam is not an ideal candidate for election. Additionally, these proofs will also release Rey from all the charges & I think , his suspension will also be withdrawn.

Weakling say sorry to Sharon for misunderstanding her.

Team seeing all this got very angry.

Vicky & Nil said,'Thanks Taani, but we don't understand that why you brought us the proofs that can lead to your boyfriend' punishment?

Hearing this, Taani smiled weakly & said,' Shivam was never my boyfriend . We were pretending, to end those discussion once & for all. I wanted you people to concentrate on your dance practice session, not some other 'unimportant' things.

Swayam said,' Taani, something related to you cannot be 'unimportant' to me.

Taani replied,'I know bhai, but now I understand why he has done all this

1) By involving Rey in it, his reputation will get affected as he always behaves impulsively. This will affect his performance in Footloose too.

2) I was related , so you would obviously get hurt & can't focus. So, both the team's performance will be affected

3) But then also, when he didn't succeeded , he intentionally went on to help Rey's team as he was sure problem will definitely happen. & he will manipulate the situation, so that you people would definitely not get the required help.

4) In this whole misunderstanding, you people will suffer the most, as you got disqualified

5) Everybody misunderstood Sharon .

He targetted all of you through me, & I simply just like a stupid person help him in achieving that.

Taani broke in tears. Sharon hold her tight

Taani said in an upset tone,' I always end up causing trouble in all your lives. am simply sick & tired of all these. You deal with Shivam in your own way, I will not interfere. I will only pass on these proofs to VP sir aur AVP Mam. Let them decide then.

After some monents of silence, Taani said,'I should be going home'. & left from there .

All gang members including Sharon, Rey & Swayam are shattered with all these revealations

Swayam said angrily,'Shivam will have to pay for all his deeds. He has problem with us, there was no need to drag Taani into all this. Whatever mess, he has created, I will not spare him. But anyways guys, I should be going. Taani needs me'

After some time, other members also left. All are thinking about VP sir & AVP mam's reaction

tuli_jayee2014-12-04 03:34:15

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Comments (5)

awesome and lovely update ...update soon add pm me

11 years ago

you are such an awsum m amazed by your way of writing...:-)superb!!!!!!!!!!

11 years ago

Amazing chaptersWow Taani stand against Shivam, I love how she stay strong and had the courage to tell the gang the truth about her and Shivam fake relationship Love Taayam bonding Plz continue

11 years ago

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11 years ago

wao its freking oswon but plzz jo cvs nhai dikhya wo ap dikha..jaisa swaon mussy mussytaayam bond shivam se reveng...plzz update soon...

11 years ago
