Chapter 3

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Episode 3-

Rey seeing Taani stopped in his tracks ,'Arey Taani, you are still in College? What are you dong here so late?

Taani seeing him smiled back & replied,' Yah actually some work were pending. But you need not to worry , I have finished them all . You guys should concentrate on your dance routines only.

Rey said,'Oh, Ok, cool. By the way, where is your boyfriend ? He left you alone at college at this time of the day?

Taani hesitates but can't find anything to answer. To avoid it she replied back ,' Do, you have any problem with that?

Rey said,' Why would I have any problem? I was just wondering how irresponsible & insensitive is your boyfriend that he left you all alone over here. Slowly Rey's frustration was coming out,' I toh, don't even understand why are you with him actually? He doesn't care for you. He is not concerned about you. He can never make you happy. would never be happy with him.

Taani was getting disturbed with all these discussions,' That's enough Rey. You chose, not to stay with me , you decided & I left. But you are nobody to decide with whom I should stay & whom not. If you really have so many problem, then I would ask Shivam, to stay back with me.

At that time, Swayam & Sharon arrived & they heard the last part of conversation.

Swayam answered,' That wouldn't b necessary dear little sis. When your brother is here, you don't need anybody else. I usually stay back so late, so it's better, we should leave together . & moreover I don't get much time to spend with you these days, so it's better this way.

Sharon supported,' Ha that's right. & when we would be busy with our rehearsals, you finish your work & in between breaks , we would come & help you, if necessary. Now, let's go, it's already very late'

Rey murmured, 'ya right. Moreover, I don't want that person to be around you , so late at night & even he comes infront of me, I can't even control my anger. So it's better this way

Rey said,' Yes Swayam, you need not to take your cycle, I'll drop you guys home.

They left in Rey's car. Rey was discreetly glancing at Taani , about which Tanni remain unaware .

tuli_jayee2014-12-04 00:54:08

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