Chapter 11

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Part 10

As soon as khushi cut the call arnav and khushi both left the house to meet each other. Garima was really worried as she know where khushi was going, she just hope khushi doesn't mess things up.

Khushi reached the garden first, she was standing gazebo when arnav come he saw khushi standing there quietly so quickly went there

Arnav: khushi

Khushi turned arounf and saw arnav

Arnav: khushi what happen why have you called me here

Khushi: you. You are asking me what happen you just came with a marriage proposal few hours back and also our marriage get fixed and you are asking me what happen

Arnav: oh about that its just that khushi I really like you as a person and when nani say first I have to marry before akash and nk I agree and you are perfect for our house so I suggest your name and my family agrees

Khushi: really

Arnav: yes and when we come to your house your mother agrees so that's how our marriage got fixed

Khushi: and what about my approval what if I don't want to marry you, what if I love someone else how can you do this to me, wait a minute what did you say my mother agrees let me tell you she is not my real mother and she agree because of her own benefit not for me.

Arnav: khushi do you love some one

Khushi: yes I do

Arnav was shocked khushi don't want to marry him as she love someone else. Someone else but who during their phone conversation she never told him about that then who is the person whom she loved. With lot of courage he asked

Arnav: who is that person does he loves you, does he know you love him

Khushi: you might think I am crazy but the thing is that person doesn't know that I love him and I also don't know whether he loves me or not in fact I have never met or seen him neither do he still I fall in love with him just because of once I dial his number accidently and from there the story begins and his name is arav

Arnav was shocked as he know don't know what to do, she don't want to marry him as she love him what type of situation he was in

Arnav: now what will you do and why are you telling me all this

Khushi: I will first meet arav for first time and tell him my feelings and if he loves me too I will not marry you no matter what and if he doesn't love me then I will agree to marry you and that too if you want to marry me after knowing my whole truth. I just cant keep you in dark, if you are marrying me then you have to know everything about me.

Arnav: khushi i

Arnav has nothing to say what we he say to her and how will she react. Just then he saw the time

Khushi: I think I should go now its quiet late

Khushi turned and start walking when suddenly her phone started ringing she saw it was arav calling she pick up the call

Arnav: khushi I love you I love you very much

Khushi: arav

Arnav: khushi I want to tell you the truth please don't go

Khushi: what are you saying arav

Arnav: just turned around khushi you will know what I am talking about

As khushi turned she saw arnav talking on his phone

Arnav: khushi now you know what I am talking about

And he kept the call

Khushi start moving towards him.she don't know what to do how to digest the reality that the person she talk to whose name she supposed was is arnav singh raizada, the same person whom she told her feelings. What type of game was destiny playing with her

Khushi: you are arav

Arnav; yes

Khushi: and all the time while talking to me you know that I was khushi same khushi

Arnav: yes

That's it khushi gave him a tight slap. Arnav didn't say anything as he know he deserve it, for hiding his real identity from khushi, for playing with her feelings he deserve it

Khushi: how could you do this you lie to me about your real identity I thought we share every secret of our lives and I trust you and what did you do all the time you were just lying and doing time pass with me

Arnav: khushi I am very sorry I know I have done wrong I should have not have my real identity but I have reasons for it but other than that whatever I told you about me is all true please trust me

Khushi: trust you why should I do you remember I told you once I will never trust a person who broke my trust once

Arnav: khushi please just listen to me first give me one chance

Khushi: ok arnav I gave you one chance tell me why did you hide you real name from me

Arnav: khushi do you remember when we talk for the first time I was about to tell you my name and then you said you have no interest knowing my name, you make me believe that name doesn't matter only that person nature matter, how good is that person matter, you make me believe they are much more better things by which we can spend our lives other than money. Khushi I never met a girl like you who doesn't like me for money but for whom I am my true personality.

Khushi now don't know what to say as she knows he was right she as she was the one who told him that

Khushi: just answer one question honestly

Arnav: yes khushi

Khushi: do you love me?

Arnav: yes khushi I love you a lot and that two ot because of your beauty but for your beautiful heart. Khushi you know if I never met you still I would have fallen in love with you

Khushi: I love you too ARNAV

1 year later

Arnav: this was our story

Akash: I never knew that

Payal: me too, khushi you hide this big secret from us

Arnav: this was our secret love story

La: whatever but it sounds so much fun

Khushi: you think it was fun; I was really heartbroken after knowing the truth

Nk: its quiet late we should all sleep now

Everyone went to their room

Arnav: khushi I am very sorry for lying to you

Khushi: no need arnav now I think everything was ound to happen and now I am very happy with you and arav you both are my life

Arav their I month old son, khushi name him arav as this name was the most dearest to her

Arnav: yes khushi our wrong number turns right

They both hug each other and sleep in each others arm

The end

Thank you so much for your lovely comments on this ff. I hope you like the ending and also make it long

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Comments (67)

Wow... Such a wonderful lovely story...👏👏

9 years ago

Wow!!!Awesome story with a beautiful ending.Could go few more chapters thou.

10 years ago

Nice mellow story. it was written 2 years ago. but still very nice to read it. Thanks for this love one. Enjoyed reading it.

10 years ago

Wow cute and lovely ss:-) a wrong number turns into right which make their life change. Cute love story.

10 years ago

beautiful love story i loved itgr8 ending😃👏

10 years ago

awesome story...thanks for sharing it...

10 years ago

Finally, am able to read this story...This is a beautiful way to bring two people together! jessjazz2013-10-09 02:45:37

10 years ago

oh just loved it!!!i read it in one go n it was awesome!!!

11 years ago

Hi Partner Shocked to see me here Well I have started reading your stories Yeah!! Finally I could manage to start reading Ok, now about the SSIt's simply awesome And NK calling Arnav as Ravan and Payal calling as Sadoo But I didn't like this Garima She is And the ending was lovely Now me off to read next SS

11 years ago

A really nice and lovely SSRead it all on one goLoved it too much

11 years ago
