Chapter 39

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Part 39

"I am sorry, Khushi. I shouldn't have..." He said.

"Yes, you shouldn't have" She cut in and rushed to her room.

Abhay stood there, smiling a half-smile.

"This is to help you, Khushi. You won't ever arrive to a conclusion regarding you and Arnav until you think about it. And now you are going to do the same" Abhay said to himself, satisfied that he had done his part.


As Khushi rushed inside her room, locking the door behind her she fell straight on the bed. Not crying, because that's what she had always done. So she contained herself from crying, pushing back all the memories which were swarming her brain.

She just lay there, hiding her face in the pillow, with her eyes closed and thoughts scattered.

The first image which came to her mind was Arnav grabbing her by elbow on the terrace of the cafe, where for the first time he had apologized to her, after she had completed her month long work in his office.

"Don't you get this single point that now I can't imagine myself without you? I need you Dammit.. I so need you"

"I so need you" The words echoed back to her, and she clutched the pillow in her fist, trying to stop herself from falling into the depth of those words

Once upon a time he wanted her. And now he needs her. Isn't there a difference? Her inner self asked her.

But does she care enough to care about the difference? Does the difference matter to her? Her mind replied.

"Do you want him to give another chance? He can hurt you" The mind continued its assault on her inner self.

"You are not giving a chance to him. You are giving a chance to yourself. You need to come out of your past, Khushi. You need to let love reach you. It's love which can heal your scars. And you already love, Arnav. You know that you do, because love never dies. It always breathes inside you. No matter how badly you want it to go, it'll always be there. Love is forever, Khushi. And now's is the time to let it bloom again. It would be painful but it would be beautiful" This time her heart told her and her clutch on the pillow softened giving way to a deep slumber, the type of slumber which invades you when you have returned from a long tiring journey.

And no sooner her eyes closed, she found herself in a beautiful meadow. As far as her gaze travelled, she could find lavenders all around her. Their strong smell making her feel dizzy. As her senses adjusted to the surrounding and she walked a few steps into it, she could see a person emerging out from nearby shrubs. As he walked purposely towards her, she couldn't see his face; his face reflected sun's brightness and she had to close her eyes as the brightness blinded her vision.

"Khushi" A familiar soft and husky voice travelled to her ears and she slowly opened her eyes to find Arnav in the meadow, standing real close to her. So close that she could hear his heartbeats. For an instant she wanted to step back, but something within her didn't let her move. So she stood there, lost in that man's caramel eyes. She didn't understand how that was possible but neither of them were capable of blinking their eyes. It was as though there was a spell casted on both of them.

"Arnav" She let out a small voice as he bridged the small gap between them, letting his arms encircle her waist. But that wasn't the end, it was the beginning. He continued pulling her more into himself and she didn't want him to stop. In that minute, she wanted herself to melt in his arms. They were so close that now she could feel his heart pounding against her own, their breaths mixing into each other.

"I love you, Khushi and it never stops. Every day I can see myself falling a bit more in love" He murmured against her neck, his lips softly brushing against the skin there.

The feel was electrifying. For both of them.

"Do you love me, Khushi? Do you love me the same way I do?" He asked his voice like a soft whisper in her ears.

"Tell me" He repeated, as his lips kissed her earlobe making shivers run all through her body.

"I do" Her heart screamed in pure joy but she couldn't voice out those words. She was lost in the feeling as his lips danced on the exposed skin of her neck.

"Tell me, Khushi" He repeated, creating a small space between their bodies so that he could see her face.

A small smile broke loose on his face as he studied her face. There was redness suffused on her cheeks, her eyes were closed and her breaths shallow.

"Do you love me?" He asked again, as she opened her eyes to meet his gaze.

"Khushi..." Suddenly the voice changed and the meadow was disappearing but she could hear the faint reverberation of that voice "do you love me?"

"Khushi... Open the door" The other voice was now louder and clear.

"Do you love me?" She heard that voice for the last time and then she could she Arnav being pulled back from where he had emerged.

"NO" she screamed as she felt the loss of his touch from her waist.

"Arnav...come back" She screamed again, her hand in mid-air.

"Khushi..Open the door Dammit.. For my sake" All she could hear now was the other voice and continuous banging on some door.

With that she woke up with a start. Looking bewildered she threw urgent glances all around. No meadow. No Lavenders and No Arnav. And then she realised she was in her room.

"Khushi..Are you okay?" The other voice again reached her ears and she realised it was Abhay, shouting from the other side of the door of her room.


Abhay was standing with that half smile on his face as he heard Khushi rushing in her room and bolting the door.

With a sigh he too walked back to his room, impatiently waiting for Khushi to come out and talk. He knew that it would take time. So he too lied down on his bed, thinking about himself and Anjali. About his further life with Anjali. He was so deeply in love with that woman and she too loved him back. Arnav had no problem with it and Khushi was always ecstatic about it. Everything was perfect in his life. There was no reason to worry.

All he wanted now was to have Anjali in his life, as soon as possible. Wanting to live his each day with her. To give her all happiness of the world.

But all this not until he was sure Khushi too had all this. He can never overlook Khushi's happiness for his own sake. What he has with Khushi is an indescribable bond of affection, of a unique sense of brotherly love and protection.

And as he thought of Khushi, his thoughts snapped back to what he did a few hours back. He intentionally caused hurt to his friend.

That was indeed painful to his side. So, he got up and walked towards her room. It was more than three hours and Khushi hadn't yet come out. Reaching before her door he softly tapped it, earning no response.

Then he softly called her name but the same response. Feeling a bit worried, he took out his cell phone and dialled her number. But she wasn't receiving.

That was enough to ring the bells of alarm. No matter how upset she'll be she never ignored his calls.

Getting panicked, this time he knocked hardly and called out her name.

He called again and again but there was no reply.

And then he heard a scream within the room which sounded like a 'No' from her.

With that whatever was left of Abhay's patience, died right there.

Even before he can knock or shout again, another scream hit his ears "Arnav...come back".

Was she dreaming? Hallucinating? Or hurting herself? Or was she once again getting those nightmares which reign her during her early days of stay with him.

"Khushi..Open the door Dammit.. For my sake" He started banging the door like a maniac and shouting. He could never live with the fact that something wrong occurred to his friend just because of him.

Tears threatened to sting his eyes when the door opened suddenly and Khushi appeared out, pushing him by his chest with all her might, making him loose his balance which he quickly regained.

Before he could react anything, she punched him in his chest, crying and shouting "You did that deliberately. Didn't you? How dare you,vAbhay Singh?"

A wide smile replaced all the worries from Abhay's face as Khushi hugged him, sobbing.

"I love him, Abhay. I love him" She spoke in between her tears.

"I know" He said, as he affectionately patted her back.


Arnav Singh Raizada was standing stupefied in his room. Unaware of the fact that his love and patience was finally fruiting at some place.

Anjali had asked him a question which he was unable to decide to answer it or not.

"Bhai, I asked that do you love Khushi?" Anjali repeated her question not failing to notice that Arnav was fighting with himself.

"Bhai, you can tell me. Sharing makes things easy. Like I shared my feelings with you, that I love Abhay. In the same way you too can tell me" She said, in a soft and cajoling voice, taking her brother's hand in his.

That helped Arnav. Taking in a deep breath, he walked to the bed, gesturing Anjali to follow him. She did.

"Anjie, it's not as simple as it looks or sounds to you. This is...complicated" He started, his gaze resting below on Anjali's hand which rested upon his.

"Even if it is complicated, I am ready to hear. Maybe I can help?" She said.

"Anjie, it is not about being complicated. It's just that I don't think I'd be able to face you once we'll have finished talking. You'll hate me" Arnav said, his voice getting emotional and faint.

"I won't, Bhai. I can never hate you, for anything. And here it's just love" Anjali said, wondering was there more than what she was expecting.

"It's not just love Anjali. It's a journey of hurt and pain which I caused Khushi" Arnav replied, slipping his hand away from Anjali's.

"I don't understand" Anjali said, confused.

"I'll make you understand then" He said and turned his back towards her.

"This story starts three and a half years ago when Khushi and I were in the same college"


"I left her alone after my lust was satisfied and joined you in California. There I completed my MBA and returned back with you. It was then I met Khushi again".

"And now you are repenting as you have fallen in love with her" Anjali cut him short and Arnav nodded.

"You know what, Bhai? Being a girl and that too in love with someone, I can totally understand what Khushi would have gone through when you deserted her. It would kill me if Abhay comes to me and tells that he doesn't love me. I would die right there, emotionally. But here, Khushi's love was returned as lust, so I can just imagine the intensity of her pain. It's not a surprise if the thought of loving of you again scares her. You can't expect her to come back to you and offer her heart again which is already scarred"

"I know" was all Arnav could manage without breaking before his little sister.

"But I have seen that love in your eyes, Bhai. The love which is capable of healing her heart" Anjali said, smiling.

"Anjali?" Arnav's voice choked as the lump in his throat increased.

"Yes Bhai, I think you can heal her. In fact it's just you who can heal her heart. It's your love which can force Khushi to love again" She said, stepping towards him and once again, taking his hands between hers.

"How can you be so sure of this" He asked, doubting himself.

"Because true love has a power which cannot be explained. And what I see in your eyes is true love"

"Thanks, Anjali. Thanks a lot for understanding your Bhai. And even more thanks for not hating him" Arnav said, hugging Anjali, letting himself break in his sister's arms.

His only family.


"You didn't tell me how you came to know that I love Khushi" Arnav said, as both the siblings sat in the poolside, sipping coffees delivered by an overwhelmed Hari Prakash who had witnessed the siblings hugging each other and crying.

This was the second time he had seen them crying like this. The first time was when they had lost their parents in a plane crash. After that, it was their Naani, Devyani Raizada who took take care of them. But seven years back, they had lost her too.

Delivering them coffees he had headed back to the kitchen and now Arnav Anjali sat in the pool side discussing random things, feeling a new bond of understanding developing between them. Now they were not just siblings, but friends.

"Oh that. You see Bhai, I am not blind" Anjali replied, chuckling.

"Oh, I thought you were" Arnav teased her.

"Well I am not. The first time I grew suspicious was when you two, I mean you and Khushi were dancing together in my b'day party. Not just me but everyone present there could she something strong bubbling between you two. But I never asked because I wasn't sure of it. Then the second time was in the fashion show, when you two walked up on the ramp together. The joy on Khushi's face, the contentment on your face spoke volumes. But the confirmation I needed for my doubts was when I entered in your room and found you dreaming. You said 'Khushi'. I had heard it. Ever since then, I had been wanting to talk to you about this but never got the right opportunity" Anjali explained with a grin and Arnav found himself blushing.

"Oh my god. This is a moment to savour. My Bhai is blushing" Anjali laughed and Arnav joined her too.


The next morning was equally special for four of them. Arnav, Khushi and Abhay, Anjali. None had anything to hide from anyone. It was like finally spring had come after an eternal winter.

Anjali was not at home and was visiting her friend while Arnav was in his room, sleeping late deciding to work from home.

He was actually not sleeping but just lying awake in the bed, feeling light hearted, after a long time. Khushi had forgiven him whole heartedly and Anjali too. What more he needed for now?

"May I come in?" A voice sweet like music reached his ears and chased away all his drowsiness.

He woke up from the bed with a start and found Khushi standing in the doorway, smiling at him.

"No, it's a dream, like the previous time" he told himself and got down the bed, sauntering towards Khushi, knowing she was not real.

"Oh my god" On the other hand Khushi screamed as he walked down the bed and she noticed that he was shirt-less wearing just a trouser.

"What the hell is this, Arnav? Why are you half-naked?" She screamed and it was now when Arnav realised she was there, for real.

"What the f***" He swore inaudibly, baffled and pleased at the same time to see her there, standing in his room.

"Get a shirt. I am waiting in the hall" She said turning her back towards him and hurrying out while Arnav stood there, wondering if he is yet dreaming, or she was here.

But the smell which lingered in the room told him she was here.

Grabbing a shirt from the cupboard, he headed downwards. His mind racing to know, why was she here.


I don't know how many of you have already guessed it, but the meadow scene was inspired from New moon, the opening scene of the movie. 😉

Just thought I should make it clear, before anyone comes and hits me with a rolling-pin of plagiarism. So, yes the initial idea of meadow is inspired from New Moon but everything else which follows is my imagination. 😳

P.S.New readers please DO NOT SEND ME BUDDY REQUEST. If you want PMs for the story, please comment on the thread and I'll do the job. You'll just have to accept the request and comment regularly on the updates. 😆


Pearl_Oyster2013-11-18 05:23:58

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Comments (59)

Nice luck for your exams😃

10 years ago

Wow! Nice teaser! What's cooking? 😃

10 years ago

it sound nicewaiting 4 update😳

10 years ago

loved the precapstill got some previous chapters to readwill read them soonand good luck for ur test :)

10 years ago

All the best for your exams ;)Even my exams are approaching :(

10 years ago

hahaaa so cute yaarjaldi updt kaar

10 years ago

nice teaser. waiting for d update

10 years ago

amazing 👏 👏 👏 👏update soon dear😃

10 years ago

Eagerly waiting for ur next update

10 years ago
