Chapter 32

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Part 32

New sun dawned in the sky, spreading its rays in all directions. A ray from this ultimate source rushed into Arnav's room by the glass windows, disturbing his already tormented sleep.

Rays after rays followed the course and lit the room with warm sunlight.

"Hari Prakash, draw the curtains" Arnav shouted, trying to block the direct rays using his hands.

"It's 8.00 a.m. already" a sweet music like voice reached his ears, shaking off all his drowsiness.

He quickly sat up and looked around the room to locate the source of the voice.

"Khushi?" His eyes widened seeing her standing beside the bed.

"Yeah me. And since when you started getting up so late?" she asked, walking towards the window and pulling down the curtains.

"Wo..I." His mind was too shocked to respond. What was she doing in his room?

"Seems like my sudden appearance in your room has sent you off guard" Khushi said, with a hinge of naughtiness in her voice.

"No..yeah.. I mean what are you doing here? I mean why did you come?" He asked, perplexed.

"I have come with Abhay. He had something urgent to discuss with Anjali and since they needed a bit of privacy, I thought I could spend my time with you"

Arnav was too confused with himself. Should he be happy that Khushi was here in his room or be angry about Abhay talking to Anjali in private?

"Arnav, I have missed you so much" The words travelled down his hearing system and gave a soothing sensation to his overriding brain.

He looked at her, longingly, lovingly and desperately.

"I too have missed you, Khushi. More than you can imagine, more than I thought I was capable of" He said and Khushi bridged the distance between them by climbing in his bed and sitting next to him, cross-legged.

"I know, Arnav. But it wasn't easy for me to forget our past" She said, resting her head on his shoulder and snaking her arms around his waist.

Arnav was busy processing the significance of the past participle she just used.

"It wasn't easy for her to forget their past"

Does that mean now she has forgotten everything?

"Khushi, I can't explain in words that how overwhelming it is for me to have you sitting beside me, your arms entangled around me. I love this feeling" He said, leaning into her and breathing the scent of her hair.

"And I love you, Arnav" She replied, removing her head from his shoulder and letting her hands roam on his chest.

"She loves me" He declared to himself and before he could rejoice the moment, everything started fading. Someone was shaking him.

"Bhai?" He realized it was Anjali.

"Bhai..? Are you okay?" He could see Anjali sitting on the edge of his bed, shaking him.

"Yeah, I am okay. I am okay" He said impetuously, sitting up against the headboard of the bed.

"You were rambling while sleeping. And when I entered your room, I just panicked. It is the first time I have seen you talking in your sleep. Is something bothering you?" Anjali said, lines building up across her forehead.

"No, nothing Anji. All is well" Arnav said, looking everywhere in the room, as if searching a trace which could prove he wasn't dreaming all this while, but didn't find any.

"Are you sure, Bhai? You look disturbed. Didn't you sleep well last night?" Anjali asked.

"I am good Anji. Stop worrying about me. I'll just go and take my bath" Arnav replied, climbing down the bed.

"Bhai..!" Anjali called after his back, her tone different this time.

"You were speaking about Khushi? I thought I heard her name" Anjali asked, walking towards him.

NO! She couldn't have heard it' Arnav cursed himself.

"What? Are you serious, Anji? Khushi? Really? I mean REALLY? How can you think I'll dream about Khushi Gupta? She is my ex-employee, for damn sake" Arnav said, biting his tongue after every line.

"Oh, okay. I was just... Maybe I heard it wrong" Anjali said, noticing the rigidness which had crept in Arnav's voice.

"Never mind that. I am going to take my bath. You ask Hari Prakash to get my breakfast in here. Okay sweetie?" Arnav said, patting her cheek lovingly.

"Okay Bhai" Anjali smiled back and exited herself out of the room.

She was still thinking about Arnav's reaction when she mentioned Khushi, when her cell phone beeped.

"Can you come over to my place at 1:30? Please?


The message read.

Anjali read it thrice before deciding that she won't go.


"Don't forget to go on your knees and sing those lines" Khushi instructed Abhay, as she continued gulping down her breakfast.

"I am not proposing her for marriage, Khushi..!" Abhay said, giving her nonsense' look.

"So what? It won't kill you to be a little romantic. Especially after the treatment you have given her the whole week. Be soft, romantic, humble, romantic, loving, caring, romantic, serious.."

"And romantic" Abhay cut in.

"Yeah" Khushi giggled.

"Let me be just myself, Khushi. Otherwise she'll think I have lost my mind. And aren't you getting late now?" Abhay said, as he leisurely buttered his seventh toast.

"Arey haan. I am getting late" Khushi shouted, throwing a look at the wall clock and taking a last sip of her coffee.

"Bye" Abhay said.

"Bye Bye. See you in the evening" Khushi took her things and left.


Khushi was sitting in her cabin, occupied with a new design when her heartbeats went erratic.

The air was suddenly no longer the same.

"ARNAV" she breathed in his name. And the name brought a strange tug in her heart.

A tug to see him.


"Thank you very much, Mr. Raizada for gracing my office with your presence" Mr. Roy said as he shook hands with Arnav.

"Please, Mr. Roy. You are embarrassing me by calling me Mr. Raizada. Being so elder to me, you can call me Arnav" Arnav said, as he took a seat in Mr. Roy's cabin.

"Okay, Arnav. So what brought you here?" said Mr. Roy, mentally adding the word humble' to Arnav's testimonial.

"Here, this" Arnav said, passing a file to him.

"This is an overview of the Fashion show by the critics. And it also includes the statements from AR group that the deal between the two companies is successfully over. There are no legal and official matters unresolved" Arnav summarised.

"Ohkay. But you could have sent this through someone else, Arnav. You shouldn't have bothered yourself" Mr. Roy replied.

"It's okay, Mr. Roy. I wasn't bothered. Besides, the file.." Arnav stopped talking as he felt the familiar change in air.

"May I come in, Sir?" Khushi knocked the already open door of the cabin.

"Come in, Khushi" Mr. Roy answered smilingly.

"Good afternoon, Sir" entering in, she wished Mr. Roy, ignoring the existence of Arnav in the cabin.

"Good afternoon, Khushi" Mr. Roy said and gestured her to take the chair next to Arnav's.

"I think you missed, Arnav" Mr. Roy said, when Khushi didn't wish Arnav.

"Oh Sorry. Good afternoon, Mr. Raizada" She said, adjusting herself in the chair.

"A hello' would have been better, Khushi" Arnav replied.

"Hello" She said.

"Thank you" Arnav answered, bringing a playful smile on his face.

"You had some work, Khushi?" Mr. Roy decided it was the time to interrupt.

And the question caught her off guard. In her desperation to have a glimpse of Arnav, she had forgotten to think of a proper reason before presenting herself in the cabin.

"Yeah Sir. Wo.. I wanted to say that.. There is lot of inflation in the market" She blurted in nervousness.

"Inflation?" Mr. Roy repeated.

"Yeah, Sir. The rate of onion and other vegetables is touching skies"

"WHAT?" Mr. Roy was shocked to witness such an absurdity from Khushi.

"I guess Mr. Roy, Khushi wants a raise in her salary" Arnav guessed.

"Yes sir.. What? No" Khushi gave a stern look to Arnav.

"Actually Sir, since there is inflation in market, I was thinking we should offer some discounts on our collections. This would attract us more customers" Khushi rescued herself.

"Oh" Mr. Roy said thoughtfully.

"I'll think about it" he further said.

"Okay, Sir" She said, stealing glances at Arnav.

What is happening with me?' She thought.

Why was I so desperate to see him? Why can't I stop myself?' She asked to herself.

'Am I once again trying to walk in dangerous territories? No, Khushi, hold yourself. You can't once again let your heart run to him' She said, reeling in her emotions.

"Is there anything more, Khushi?" Mr. Roy asked, when he noticed she wasn't leaving.

"Nothing, Sir. Sorry for the disturbance" She quickly replied and hurriedly left the cabin, leaving behind a confused Arnav.


Sorry to all of you for this delay 😳

Though the reason wouldn't compensate for the delay, yet I feel myself obliged to let you all know the cause of this delay.

So, the reason is my net sucks, these days. I am having a hard time trying to log in my accounts and do stuff. Will try to get it fixed soon. 😊

Till then, bear me buddies.


Pearl_Oyster2013-11-15 07:19:01

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Comments (38)

inflation part was hillarious .. i m guessing if arnav will come to khushi s cabin n if thy ll hv n heated up disscussion on their past n if khushi s gonna make h im realize his fault yet again**patting my back* ahh i m soo good at predictions lol

10 years ago

wow loved the updateloved khushi's excuse😃 was very funny

10 years ago

I pl nvr get bored sayng ths "i love this FF "

10 years ago

Thnax a lot for the pm!! really liked the update!! so cute she still loves him!! desperate to see him even after such a heart-break!! bedroom morning part was so cute+romantic!!do update sooon m waiting!!

10 years ago

'Nyways ..UPDATE SOON Yar !:)

10 years ago

OMG!! OMG!! OMG!!Khushi wuz soo eager to meet arnav tht she jus' randomly came into her boss's widout thnkn' of an xcuse !!& Thn shez givin' the LAMEST xcuse of ONION PRICE GETTING HIKED !!!I mean SERIOUSLY ?!Lmfao! :DYe ladki puri pagal hai yar !! :*

10 years ago

NICE UPDATE...Thanks 4 d pm.

10 years ago

Awesome update thanx for the pmTwinkle

10 years ago

Superb update I hope arnav dream come true. Khushi acted nervously and confused i front of arnav. It's high time for Khushi to at least think to give arnav second chance. I hope abhay date with Anjali go perfect of Anjali is willing to go.Update soon

10 years ago

nice updatearnav was dreamingwaiting when this dream will come trueloved khushi's talk about inflation😆thnxx for the pm

10 years ago
