Chapter 27

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"So Anjali, what brought you here? I mean so early in the morning?" Khushi asked as both of them settled on the couch.

"Bhai.." Anjali replied, now revealing the true reason, making Khushi's eyes get narrow.

"Bhai?" Khushi repeated.

"My Bhai, Khushi, not yours" Anjali laughed.

Khushi moved uncomfortably. Arnav as Bhai? Disgusting! She mentally recoiled and it was at the same time abhay stepped back in the room, as if he had heard Arnav's mention. Without saying anything, he too took a seat opposite Anjali.

"I meant Arnav" She managed a smile.

"Yes, I know. I was kidding. Bhai sent me on some special purpose" Anjali said.

"What purpose?" Abhay asked in a wary tone, looking slightly on edge.

"Relax, Abhay! It's nothing big. And before I tell you about it, wouldn't you offer me something to eat or drink? I should tell you, both of you are currently showing very poor manners" Anjali said with a teasing laugh.

For a moment both Abhay and Khushi felt like asking Anjali to stop playing around and spill the beans. But, both of them held their curiosity and Khushi got up to prepare some coffee.

** ~~~**

Watching the flat piece of land turn into a spectacularly arranged fashion ramp made Arnav realise how much things can change if you work hard.

Even coal turns to diamond if right amount of pressure is applied to it. So, is it remotely possible that his coal like relationship with Khushi can be transformed into something as valuable as a diamond? Yeah, poor analogy! He knew that.

He also knew that there was barely any chance for him to win back Khushi. But, how can he just give up? There was something about her that made his heart beat with passion, something that made his life so much more tolerable. Her presence made his life exciting and worth looking forward to. How strange was this?

The girl for whom he felt nothing in the college had suddenly become so important for him. But..did he really feel NOTHING for Khushi in the college times? Maybe he did feel something. Maybe he was scared of admitting those feelings back then. But, what does it matter now? That time is long gone and the present time was nothing but a steep rock for him to climb. No amount of regret or love can bring back the old time. No amount of pleading will bring back Khushi! But that was not going to stop him from trying. He'll keep trying to take small steps to cover the miles of distance that lay between them. Maybe he will end up getting closer to her. It was with the same mission that he had sent Anjali to Khushi's place.

"Sir, is this how you had imagined the stage?" The event manager asked Arnav, bringing his long train of thought to a halt.

"Yes, it's alright He replied, looking at the assembled stage before him.


Anjali was taking slow sips of her coffee and both Abhay and Khushi were impatiently waiting for her to finish it and start speaking.

"It was good. I couldn't help but take my time finishing it" Anjali chuckled as she kept the mug on the table. Khushi could practically HEAR Abhay trying to silence his rash thoughts, as both of them waited for her to speak further.

"Great! Now tell us why did your Bhai sent you here??" Abhay beat Khushi to the question and earned Anjali's narrowed eyes.

"What's the hurry, Abhay? I am telling" Anjali said, slightly affronted.

"Never mind it, Anjali. He is always cranky in the mornings" Khushi tried to ease the situation while Abhay simply ignored the comment.

"Yeah, I can see" Anjali replied. Then she turned to her handbag and produced an envelope.

"Khushi; Abhay, on behalf of AR and Bhai, I invite you both to the Fashion Launch of AR's latest collection" Smiling widely, she offered the envelope to them.

Khushi didn't reach for the envelope and sensing that Abhay took hold of it.

As for Khushi, she felt mixed emotions. This was a moment of surprise and joy.

Her designs will be displayed in this show. In AR Fashion Show! This was such an achievement for her. But, there will be Arnav in the show, running it, managing it. And she'll have to see him, smile at him, talk politely to him because he will be the ultimate boss there.

"That's great, Anjali. Thank you!" She finally exclaimed, realizing her silence had stretched over seconds.

"Not at all, Khushi. It's my pleasure!" Anjali replied.

Abhay was still watching Khushi's face and then he said.

"He invited Khushi. Makes sense. But, why am I being invited?" His face was still wary, trying to figure out what game Arnav Singh Raizada was trying to play.

"Because you're my friend, Abhay! I want you there and that means you have to be invited. I am sure Bhai would love to see you there" Anjali explained to Abhay.

Abhay's face which was scrunched until now, broke into a smirk and then a loud laugh.

"LOVE to see me there? Arnav would? That's hilarious!" Abhay laughed and laughed making Anjali narrow her eyes again.

"What's there to laugh about? Bhai never minds meeting my friends" Anjali made a face.

"This is such a LOL moment. Isn't it, Khushi? Arnav would love to meet me. Damn!"Abhay said again and looked at Khushi's face only to find her staring at him with pursed lips.

"Maybe not so much of a LOL moment" He finally muttered and stopped laughing.

"Ignore him, Anjali. We'll surely be there. I am excited" Khushi replied, making an effort to sound so. She has to go there. Why not focus on her achievement rather the sour face of Arnav Singh Raizada.

Abhay who by now wasn't acting serious suddenly turned dead serious.

"What? We'll be going?" He said aloud, looking at Khushi with are-you-kidding-me' expression.

"Yes, Abhay. Don't you want to be there and cheer for my success?" Khushi asked sternly.

"Well..I do" He said.

"Good. We'll come, Anjali. But could you please make sure we get seated together? Abhay, you and me? I think that way we'd have more fun" Khushi added.

"Absolutely, Khushi. This is such a great idea. I'll make sure we three remain together" Anjali clapped her hands.

"Bhai would be too busy anyway! Besides, I always get bored sitting with him" Anjali confessed softly, winking at Khushi.

"It's settled then!. It'll be just the three of us" Khushi's smile was a genuine one this time.

"Yeah! I shall get going now, shouldn't I? I have already taken so much of your morning" Anjali said, without making any effort to get up. She looked at Abhay, expecting him to ask her to stay for a bit more. She felt that something was off between them today. In fact, if she thinks, Abhay was acting strange ever since he had abruptly left the party. Did something happen there? Did her Bhai say something to him? She looked at him hopefully again but Abhay was constantly looking at the invitation card, holding it in his hands and reading it. Not a single look at her. She sighed.

"Not at all, Anjali. You're welcome anytime" It was Khushi who said it.

"Aww, that's so sweet of you, Khushi. I can't wait for the show. Chalo.. I really should leave now" Anjali said, finally getting up. Khushi stood up as well while Abhay remained seated, looking at the card as if it was some complex code he was trying to decipher.

"Umm..Abhay? I am leaving. Would you like to drop me?" She finally asked him. That made him look up from the card.

"Actually, I haven't bathed yet, Anjali. I should go take a bath. Why don't you call your driver?" He said, still seated but looking at her.

"Oh okay" Anjali said, finally feeling disappointment flooding her. She quickly moved past him and out of the door. It all happened in five seconds and Khushi stood confused at her place.

After Anjali disappeared and another ten seconds ticked by, Abhay continued sitting in his place.

"What is wrong with you, Abhay?" Khushi said, in an angry voice. He had been treating Anjali quite badly the whole time today but Khushi couldn't say much in her presence.

Now was the time to drive some sense into Abhay.

"Nothing is wrong with me" Abhay said, keeping away the card and standing up.

"I don't think so! You were being RUDE to Anjali. And didn't you take a bath when I was in the bed? I heard the shower running" Khushi said.

"I am getting late for the office. Excuse me" Abhay replied and walked out of the room, leaving Khushi surprised and angrier.


"What did they say, Anji?" seeing Anjali appear at the door washed Arnav with a big tide of curiosity.

"They will come" Anjali said, giving a weak smile.

Arnav tried hard to contain his excitement. He was finally getting a chance to see her again.

"Well, that's great. And for doing this, I have a gift for you" Arnav said smilingly.

"Gift?" Anjali repeated.

"Yeah, it's in your room. A Dress" Arnav revealed making Anjali's glum face brighten.

"Your design?" She asked clinging to his arm, forgetting all her worries.

"Yeah, my design for my precious doll" Arnav patted her cheek.

"Oh Bhai, thank you so much... I love you" She hugged Arnav and ran to her room.


"Khushi, look who's at the door"

"I am painting my nails, Abhay, you go check!" Khushi screamed back from her own room.

"Sorry, I am not missing the match on the last wicket" Abhay said, his eyes glued to the television.

"Fine!" She groaned and coming out of her room, opened the door.

There stood the mail man.

"Miss Khushi Gupta?" He asked.

"Yes. I am"

"There is a parcel for you" The man handed her a big parcel.

"From who?" She asked, taking the box.

"The address is pinned inside"

"Okay" She signed the clip board and walked to her room.

"Who was it?" Abhay called from the hall.

"A parcel for me"


She walked inside her room and opened the box.

The wrapping paper was hiding in it a box which read "AR FASHION STUDIOS". Of course, the address was pinned inside.

She opened the box with an erratic heart and found a dress designed by her in the 30 days she spent in AR.

She took out the dress and examined it, it looked beautiful. Only when she took the dress, there lay a dupatta which she had never designed.

She took the dupatta and examined it closely. It was woven in two colors, deep pink and light peach and went well with the dress but who designed it? Did Arnav ask someone to do it because he liked the dress better with a dupatta? But there was something shimmery at the end of it.

She took the corner and found a tag which was signed by Arnav Singh Raizada.

The dupatta was designed by Arnav Singh Raizada!


When Arnav was informed about the delivery of the parcel, he had to convince himself ten times not to call her and ask if she liked it. He hoped to god that she would wear it without raising objections. Only the next day will tell.


Pearl_Oyster2018-08-28 08:52:55

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Comments (37)

awesome update

11 years ago

arnav is being sweetbut khushi should nt wear tht dress of decieverit will reaalize arnav what he had done is not forgiveable

11 years ago

red all ur updates. its simply awesome. loved it. plz pm me the next one

11 years ago

nice update dear...waiting to know whats going to happen in the fashion

11 years ago

I missed ur updates...:)(Luved the new arnav...he seems so particular bout khushi's likes nd sure he will win her back

11 years ago

nice update😊loved itwaiting for the fashion show scene

11 years ago

Aww:)This was an awsome update:)I truly loved it:)Thank alot for PM:)Will be waiting for next update:)

11 years ago

Ahaan!So, finally khushi iz again gonna c arnav !!That too whn her designs are getting showcast, by HIM !!!Interesting !! :D

11 years ago

Sorry. Actually I had read your comment and sent the buddy req, but maybe it wasn't sent.Anyways, I hv sent it again. 😊And thanks a lot for all the good words.

11 years ago

Oh a wow update, but very sad u left us on a cliffhanger..will kushi wear the dresss sent by asr? ?Keeep rocking... cheers :)

11 years ago
