Chapter 24

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Khushi and Abhay turned together to face Anjali who was still holding Arnav's arm.

Abhay looked nowhere but at Anjali who had a big dazzling smile on her face.

While for Khushi the earth had stopped spinning. Once again she was facing the man she never wished to. Her mental state was beyond explanation but she was doing an extraordinary job of controlling herself.

In the meantime, Abhay's eyes journeyed from Anjali's face to Arnav's.

ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA...! The words tumbled out of his mouth without any effort.

The time had indeed come to a halt for the three of them.

"Khushi AND Abhay!" Arnav too said out mechanically.

While Abhay and Arnav were busy sending death glares to each other, Khushi noticed the confused expression on Anjali's face.

"Bhai, you know Abhay and Khushi?" She finally asked realizing that no one was speaking anything.

"Of course I..." Arnav started in rage but couldn't make himself complete the sentence.

What was he supposed to tell his sister?

But one thing he was sure of that he can't let Anjali know about his dark past. Plus he didn't know that if Khushi has shared their past with Abhay or not.

"Of course he does" interrupted Khushi. She had to take care of the situation before it slips away.

"Yeah, how can he not know me and Khushi? After all he is ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA" Abhay continued throwing nasty looks at Arnav.

"That I am. And you're Abhay Singh. Finally, I got the chance to meet you. Khushi talked a lot about you" Arnav said coldly as he forwarded his hand towards Abhay, cleanly covering the wave of anger that was rippling in his mind. Things had to be dealt carefully before Anjali. No one knew that better than Arnav.

"What is going on?" said a bewildered Anjali making Abhay silently glance sideways as he shook and dropped Arnav's hand.

"I'll explain" Khushi couldn't take any more risk letting Arnav and Abhay continue their cold war.

"Okay" Arnav gave in while Anjali nodded.

"First of all, happy Birthday, Anjali" Khushi came forward and hugged her with a lovely smile and being polite, Anjali thanked her. But she was still way too confused.

"Actually, I was working in your brother's office for a month. I had talked a lot about Abhay to him but he never got a chance to meet him and today he finally met him" Khushi said, looking expectantly at Abhay to play long.

"Yes Anjie, I was really very eager to meet Mr Abhay here. After all he seems to play an important role in the lives of the two ladies standing before me" Arnav replied, with quite a stress on "really very eager".

"Oh that's great! Khushi won't be bored now. Bhai, you can give her company while I introduce Abhay to my other friends. But Bhai if you already know Khushi why didn't invite her to my party?" Anjali questioned.

"I'll answer that later. First, I need to know how do YOU know Khushi and Mr. ABHAY SINGH" Arnav asked sternly.

The question set Anjali off guard for a second but she regained her composure the next second.

"Me and Abhay..." Anjali started.

"I met her in my friend's wedding and we became good friends" Abhay cut in.

"Is this the same wedding you had attended a few days days back?" Arnav demanded from Anjali.

"Yeah, Bro" Anjali meekly replied.

"I'll talk to you later about this" Arnav said seriously while giving shooting looks to Abhay.

"Sure, Bhai. But you didn't tell me, why didn't you invite Khushi to my party?" Anjali wasn't letting the question go.

"I think now we shall get inside, the party is inside, right Anjali?" said Khushi, making up a good excuse.

Arnav inviting Khushi was the last thing she wanted Abhay to hear. After all he had seen a little too much.

"Oh yes, I am sorry! Let's go in"

"You go, Anjali, we are coming. Abhay has to park the car" said Khushi.

"Okay, come Bhai" Anjali said.

"I'll bring them in" He replied.

"Okay" She walked in.

"YOU" Abhay took an angry step towards Arnav as soon as Anjali was out of sight.

"Listen, Mr. Abhay, I am not interested in talking to you nor I can tolerate your presence. So it'd be better if you stay away from ANJALI and KHUSHI" Arnav too stepped forward.

"You are no one to tell me..." Abhay shouted but Khushi decided to step in and stop the World War III that was on the verge of beginning.

"Abhay, stop it" She at once grabbed his arm making Arnav's insides burn.

"We are in Anjali's birthday party. For god's sake, I don't want a mess here" Khushi said to Abhay but staring at Arnav. And he knew that those words were said to him as well.

"Same here" Arnav replied.

"We should go in" Khushi said, and all three walked in.


"Umm Abhay" said Khushi trying to begin a conversation as they had been standing in a corner of the big hall.

Anjali had come twice to fetch Abhay but he had simply denied. Apparently he was not ready to leave Khushi alone for a second.


"Yes, Khushi"

"I think you don't remember but I have been working 9 hours with Arnav and that too alone"

"Huh?" Abhay said, not getting what she was implying.

"What huh? Go with Anjali, you idiot. She has invited you for herself not to be my body guard"

"I am not leaving y..."

"I know I know, you'll shoot Arnav if he comes near me. Now shut your mouth and go after Anjali OR I'll make sure I am not staying in this party anymore. And then you can manage with both Anjali and her brother"

"Which I am really looking forward to" Abhay replied.

"Oh No no no! I am not going anywhere. But if you don't go with Anjali I won't talk to you" Khushi smirked.

"Fine, I'll go... but tell me one thing" He said and Khushi gulped. She knew what was going to be his question.


"Did Arnav invite you?"

"Who cares even if he did?" Khushi replied.

"I do"

"Aah.." Khushi thought of what to say when Anjali came for the third time and this time took Abhay with him, not letting him say a word.

Khushi took a sigh of relief. A few minutes after Abhay and Anjali went, her ears echoed with an announcement.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to invite you all on the dance floor, on behalf of my little sister, who loves dancing and music"

There was a huge cheer from the guests and in a matter of few minutes almost every pair was on the floor.

Khushi on the other hand, unwillingly yet had believed that this was deliberately done by Arnav himself and that too when Abhay was fully occupied by Anjali. The lights had gone dim and Khushi could not spot Abhay anywhere.

"He is dancing with Anjali" The angry yet husky voice reached her ears.

Khushi at once turned behind and hit against his muscular body.

She lost her balance and was in his arms, disheveled by the sudden smell of his strong cologne.


Arnav was standing a few metres away from her constantly watching her. She was standing with Abhay and that was making him hyper. Deciding that it was enough, he was about to go and grab the collar of that Abhay when Anjali joined the two.

To his anger and happiness, she took Abhay with herself.

Arnav stood there, rooted to his spot, admiring her. The green colour of her saree was unsettling his thoughts. The way her hair was flying with the slow breeze in the room, he wanted to feel those silky tresses in his hands. He knew he was once again getting attracted to her beauty, but this was not this lust. He could bet his life against it. This feeling was way too beautiful and blissful. He once again took her in through his eyes.

Can anyone be this beautiful? This pure? This perfect?

Such a feeling is coming over me,

There is wonder in almost everything I see

By now his patience had crossed it's limit. He wanted her near him. He wanted to touch her and feel that she was right here, before his eyes.

So he walked towards the stage and took hold of the mike.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to invite you all on the dance floor, on behalf of my little sister, who loves dancing and music"


The lights were dim, and the faint tints of red laser beams in the room were making her face quite clear. After making the announcement, he walked to her but her eyes were searching someone. Of course Abhay.

"He is dancing with Anjali" The angry yet husky voice reached her ears.

Khushi at once turned behind and hit against his muscular body.

She lost her balance and was in his arms, disheveled by the sudden smell of his strong cologne.

The music started and Khushi jumped out of her trance. He was still holding her by waist.

"I am okay" she said and he let go of her waist.

But his words totally blew her off.

"Will you dance with me?" he asked.

"What? Of course not!" She replied.

"Khushi, it's Anjali's wish that I dance with you, she thinks you are getting bored here. But if you don't want to, I'll just go and tell her.."

"Okay fine, but remember just for your sister."

"Very soon, it will be for me" He said to himself.

"Okay, shall we?" He forwarded his hand and she accepted it.

They were on the dance floor and Arnav had once again placed his hand on her waist.

Khushi however had not done the same. She was trying her best to avoid touching him.

"Khushi" Her name from his lips, caused butterflies in her stomach and she clearly understood what he wished to speak.

"Just for your sister" She placed her hand on his shoulder and the song began.

Such a feeling is coming over me,

There is wonder in almost everything I see

Not a cloud in the sky,

Got the sun in my eyes

And I won't be surprised,

If it's a dream

Arnav was staring deep down into her eyes and she was looking everywhere so Arnav could not read the feelings she was going through.

"Khushi, please" His words were a whisper which created a havoc in herself. She could not take it anymore and let her gaze lock with his.

Everything I want the world to be

Is now coming true especially for me

The feelings Arnav was going through were beyond description. The only thing he could describe was this was all because of Khushi.

And the reason is clear

It's because you are here

You're the nearest thing to Heaven,

that I have seen

It was then when Arnav felt Khushi was sliding her hand off his shoulder. To his surprise, her hands slipped lower and lower and now she was holding his hand in her own.

I am 'On Top of the World'

Looking down on creation,

And the only explanation I can find

Is the love that I've found

Ever since you have been around

Your love's put me at the top of the world

Wait...Does she actually love him? She used to love him, but does she still love him? Or has her love withered away with time? Time will tell. For now, Arnav wanted nothing but to enjoy the moment he was living.

Khushi was unable to meet the intense gaze of his, and so she slid her hands and held him by his waist. That helped. His gaze softened and he was lost. And so was she. It had been ages since she had been this close to him. And she couldn't deny that deep down in her heart, she still felt something him.

Something in the wind has learned my name

And it's telling me that things are not the same

In the leaves of the tress and the touch of the breeze

There is a pleasing sense of happiness for me

Khushi was still engrossed with understanding her feelings, when Arnav kept his hands on top of hers. He could see that she was no longer flinching at his touch. That was of course an achievement for him.

There is only one wish on my mind

When this day is through, I hope that I will find

That tomorrow will be

Just the same for you and me

All I need will be mine, if you're here

Now unaware of everything moving around them, Arnav thought it the best opportunity to say those three words, he wanted to.

I am 'On Top of the World'

Looking down on creation,

And the only explanation can find

Is the love that I've found

Ever since you have been around

Your love's put me at the top of the world

"Khushi. I have something very important to say to you" He said in her ears, slightly leaning in.

"Hmm" She said, closing her eyes as his breath touched her earlobe.

"Khushi. I.."

And the music stopped, putting an end to the spell casted on Khushi. She became aware of the eyes, which were curiously looking at them. Everyone on the dance floor was staring at both of them, including Abhay and Anjali.

They hadn't realized that while dancing they had reached the centre of the dance floor, pulling everyone's attention.

Less out of anger and more out of embarrassment she stepped away from Arnav. It was now Arnav's turn to come out of his trance.

He too noticed people staring them and the flustered look on Khushi's face.

"Excuse me" She rushed to the washroom, without looking at anyone.


Disclaimer: As it is very obvious, The song 'On Top of the World' is not my property. 'The Carpenters' own it. 😃

And in case any one is interested, here is an Arshi Vm on the very same song. 😉

Pearl_Oyster2018-08-19 05:16:59

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Comments (64)

Thanks for reopening it. :)

6 years ago

Such a wonderful Story... Lovely Updates...👏👏

9 years ago

This story too good Love it

9 years ago

Kiran,thread 1 ...all the updates were simply awesome...👏👏👏👏👏

10 years ago

Thanks a lot for the wonderdul words.. 😊This was thread one.You can go onto the first page and find the link of thread 2..Or here it isThere are 41 chapters posted so far...I am accepting the buddy req... :)Pearl_Oyster2013-11-18 13:21:01

10 years ago

Hey Pearl , your stories are awesome, love ths one. Scars f love i7 Indeed my fav. Thanks hun, u haue a great imagination.accept my buddyReq and continue with d updates soon,,, 👏 😊

10 years ago

Thank You 😊

10 years ago

Awesome glad that u found ur story

10 years ago

just came across ur story ...and i guess im going to spend with this one :D just read the first chap its goood one (Y) lets see how the story progresses :)

10 years ago

Welcome here on IF 😊-Kiran-

10 years ago
