Chapter 22

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A/N: This update is mostly about Anjali-Abhay relationship and not much of ArHi. Hope you guys don't mind. Anjali-Abhay, being an important part of the story deserve at least one update? Isn't it? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Part 22

"I don't trust you. I don't trust you" the words were like molten lava being poured on his heart. She doesn't trust him and that certainly wasn't wrong. But it certainly was painful.

"I am sorry, Arnav but we can't be friends. Never"

Never. He'll never have her. And that once again made him feel as though someone had stabbed a red hot knife in his already bleeding heart.

He walked out of the mall with a throbbing pain in his chest. He knew very well that this pain was going to be forever. Will be a part of his life.


By the time Khushi reached her flat, Abhay was already back. He sat in the couch, watching some movie.

"Forget Everything, Khushi. Don't let his thoughts disturb you. You have got a great friend who is immensely happy at this moment. So, no thinking about Arnav. He is a closed chapter now" she told herself and forced a smile on her face.

" back? What's up?" she chirped, falling in the couch next to Abhay.

"Kuch Kuch Hota Hai"

"Whaat?" Khushi asked, sounding surprised.

"I am watching Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. This is her favourite movie" Abhay said beamingly.

"Okay, her favourite movie. So why are YOU watching this?" Khushi asked, this time genuinely confused.

"Kuch Kuch hota Hai, Khushi. Tum nahi samjhogi. So forget it" Abhay winked at her and then noticed the shopping bag lying next to her.

"What's this? You got this for me?" grabbing the bag he tried to open it.

"Stop it, Abhay. Don't behave like a child. Open it carefully" Khushi said, slapping his hands softly.

"WoW. This is cool" Abhay said, taking out the shirt from the bag and admiring it.

"Glad that you like it" khushi said with a smile and tried to get up and leave.

"Hey, where are you going?" Abhay caught her wrist and pulled her back on the couch.

"Have to change. I am tired"

"I have great news which will chase your tiredness out of the house" Abhay said with a wide grin.

"Hmm. Speak up then"

"Tomorrow, I am going on a date. With Anjali" Abhay said excitedly.

"Anjali.." Khushi repeated the name while her heartbeats went erratic with a small fear.

"Yeah..Her name is Anjali. I finally managed to ask that" Abhay was still grinning foolishly, not noticing the change of expressions on Khushi's face.

"What's her last name?" By now Khushi's mind was overdriving. Once during her college times, Arnav had mentioned that he had a sister named Anjali Raizada, who was abroad for studies. Khushi had never met her in person but had heard a lot about her from Arnav. Can this be the same Anjali? She wondered.

"I don't know her last name. And why are you asking these silly questions when you should give me a hug and congratulate. Asking her out on a date was equal to climbing Everest in an hour. Or aren't you happy with this?" Abhay pouted.

"Shut up, Abhay. Do you even have to ask that? Really? Of course I am happy for you. A lot. Come here, my boy. You need a big hug for this so called daring act. Congrats!" Khushi smiled, letting go her doubts. There are so many girls named Anjali. She can't be the same.

"Now you are acting like My Khushi. Thank you" Abhay said, returning the friendly hug to her.

"So, when and where?" Khushi asked with a genuine interest.

"Tomorrow. We are going out for lunch at Delicious Diners"

"Great. That's a good place for love birds. All the best" Khushi winked at him .

"Haha..okay.. Now you can go and get fresh. Dinner is ready."

"Ready? You cooked?"

"Nopes. I thought it was high time, we hire some help. The maid cooked it."

"Okay. Fill me in about her later"

"Sure" Abhay replied and resumed watching Kuch Kuch Hota Hai where Rahul was confiding his feelings about Tina to his best friend Anjali.


"Bhai..I like Abhay a lot. He is a great person and a good hang. And I am dating him"


"Yes, Bhai. I know you don't like me getting involved with boys, but Abhay is different. He is sincere, good looking, damn hot, luscious,'. Arghh.." Anjali sighed, wiping the sweat beads off her forehead.

"Is this how you are going to define him before Bhai? Hot and luscious? Bhai will go crazy and probably murder him" Anjali shouted at her reflection in the mirror.

"Nothing is working, babes! You should wait for a proper opportunity to break this news to him. And above all, you and Abhay are so new into this. Plus you don't know that if Abhay is as serious about this as you are. Take some time" she told herself.

"Serious about what? And who is this Abhay?" Anjali heard Arnav's not so usual cold voice .

"Wo Bhai.." Anjali turned towards to door to find Arnav standing in her room bearing that 'What the' look on his face.

"Nothing, Bhai. Abhay. I mean Mr. Abhay is my new professor in the college. And previous week he had given us a lot of assignments. So I was thinking that will he take it seriously if I don't submit the work tomorrow. You know I have been on leave and all"

"Okay. You can ask that professor to talk to me if he gets too serious about this. I'll handle his seriousness. These Abhay named people are great morons, I tell you." Arnav replied, his features softening. He didn't have any reason to doubt his lil sister.

"sure, Bhai" Anjali mentally appreciated herself.

"Bloody Abhay!" Arnav muttered under his breath. His thoughts reaching to Khushi's friend Abhay.

"So Bhai.. you here? In my room? Anything important?" Anjali asked, taking his hand and making him sit on the bed.

"Yeah. I brought this for you. The gift you had asked for." Arnav handed the bag to Anjali.

"Thanks, Bhai" Anjali kissed his cheeks and opened the bag.

"This is great, Bhai. So beautiful" Anjali's face lit up as she took out the peach coloured sleeveless dress from the bag.

"Glad that you like it" Arnav softly patted her hair and turned to leave.

"Bhai.." Anjali called out to him.

"Huh?" Arnav turned to her.

"Are you okay?" She asked in a concerned voice.

"Of course I am" Arnav replied, not looking at her.

"Why do you look like you have been cryi... I mean you look..err.. disheveled" Anjali changed her words as she noticed Arnav becoming restless. She knew that her Bhai wouldn't like the word 'crying'.

"It's nothing, Anjie. I am good, just tired." He replied and left.


Next morning Khushi got up leisurely as she didn't had to go for work. Mr. Roy had strictly ordered her to stay at home as she had worked a lot at AR Groups.

Memories of last evening came rushing to her when she sat down with her cup of tea in the open balcony. How Arnav had ordered tea for her but she had purposely declined the order and had asked for a cold coffee instead. He still remembered that she used to like tea. She knew that wasn't a big thing but that small gesture from him was enough to cut open all her wounds again. Why was he being nice to her? Why now?

"Do you have something which you'd like to share with me?" she heard Abhay speaking as he too stepped into the balcony with his own cup of coffee. He had noticed Khushi wiping the lone tear that had unknowingly rolled down her cheeks.

"No.. there is nothing" She said, clearing her voice. How can she tell him about her yesterday's encounter with Arnav. Abhay was way too happy about his impending date with Anjali. She wouldn't like to disturb his peace of mind. This wasn't the right time to share her feelings with her bestie.

"Are you sure? It's been a week since you haven't narrated the cruel assaults of your Raizada boss. Are you hiding something from me or is it that you have tamed him into a loving pet?" Khushi could feel that bitterness under the controlled voice of him. She knew that Abhay had always wanted to confront Arnav regarding her past. Being her best friend, he always felt that he had done nothing against the man who had scarred his friend's heart.

And Khushi always dreaded the day Arnav and Abhay will meet. She knew that if if Abhay didn't like Arnav, Arnav too can't stand and tolerate Abhay. She had noticed the flare in Arnav's temper whenever Abhay was mentioned in the conversation. She recalled how Arnav had accused her of sleeping with Abhay and the look he had given her when she had told him that Abhay is her best friend. The look which was more sharp and dangerous than a dagger's blade.

"Khushi.. you are again wandering somewhere. Are you even listening what I just said?" Abhay made a face.

"Yeah.. I did listen" She quickly replied.

"Doesn't seem so"

"Oho. Whatever. Get aside, I have to go and take a bath" Khushi said getting up from the armchair.

"You didn't bathe yet?" Abhay said, narrowing his nose.

"Yeah why? And why this stupid expression?" Khushi couldn't help but ask.

"Actually I was just wondering what's stinking so bad. Now I have the answer" Abhay replied and burst out laughing at her frowned look.

"Grow up, Abhay" Khushi stomped his foot and left.


"To where?" Arnav asked as he noticed Anjali leaving the house in a hurry. He had decided to take a day off from work and stay at home. The reason being Khushi's absence in the office. He knew it would feel terrible to go to the office knowing Khushi wouldn't be coming anymore. He needed time to let the feeling settle in.

"Wo..Bhai. I am heading out for lunch with my friends and then will go for a movie or something" Anjali replied.

"Okay. But be back soon" Arnav said.

"Why, Bhai? Anything special today?" Anjali asked mischievously though she knew the reason very well.

"No..nothing special. Just be back early" Arnav replied as he planned what to do after Anjali leaves.

"Okay, Bhai. I'll come back by six" Anjali replied and left, smiling inwardly.


Pearl_Oyster2018-08-19 04:06:01

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Comments (34)

Hey thanx a lot for the pm!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ really i was glad wen i received ur pm after so many days!!๐Ÿ˜ƒ Plz dis tym update sooon!!๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ plz update was super-awesum๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ nannav is changing!! do update soon m waiting!!

11 years ago

wow awesome updatethings are getting very complexedwonder how arnav will react to abhay n anji's relation will he accept abhayor think he's cheating on khushi as he thinks they are in a relationshipwonder what will ne anji's n khushi's reaction if came to know the truthn abhay too

11 years ago

looks like AK are in for a shock.. waiting for Anjali's birthday party..

11 years ago

Just loved it:-)Totally superb:)Hope khushi would come:)Thanks alot for this PM:)

11 years ago

omg i am dreading their meet

11 years ago

Great update.. so Anjali's birthday party is coming..cant wait for next part..

11 years ago

god precap is scaring.waiting for the face them plsss

11 years ago

loved the update ... veery mch happy 4 anji n abhay...the precap seems really interesting...

11 years ago

Khushi tera shaq sahi nikla?? ๐Ÿ˜†Awesome..

11 years ago

superb update thanks for the pmTwinkle

11 years ago
