Chapter 18

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A/N: This update was written in a bad mood and probably is the worst update of SOL so far. So guys, Tomoatoes, Chappals, all are most welcome. 🤣


Arnav was back to his house and was doing nothing. Nothing except thinking of her and the confrontation. He knew that by all means Khushi's behaviour towards him is justified. Memories of their past were rushing to him from a corner of his mind. A corner which had been dormant for so long and never showed its presence. Realisation of his feelings towards Khushi had suddenly changed everything in him. He always knew that Khushi had loved him with all her heart.

To her, he was everything after her Buaji. She used to keep mentioning that she loves him but never for once he had returned the same words to her. He always used to reply with 'I know', 'you mean a lot to me' ' I am lucky to have you' and what not.

He always dreaded the day when she'll force him to say those three words but she never did. His small gestures had always meant a lot to her and she took those gestures as his signs of love while in reality he wanted to win her trust. Wanted her under him, screaming his name. To him, she was one of the most beautiful girls who needed to be devoured.

And today, the same Arnav wanted to love the very same girl. He was feeling disgusted with himself. Maybe she was right, He was a beast then but won't be anymore. He'll make her believe that he has changed. That she has changed him. But that won't be easy. The scars he had given her hadn't healed in these three years. But from now on, he'll try healing them, with his love. If he had made her past black, it will be he who will fill colours of rainbow in her present and future.


The wedding rituals were over and everyone was devouring the food. Abhay and his friends too were having their food around a table.

"Abhay, you seem lost. Still thinking about her?" Rohan asked him.

"No..yes..No..I mean"

"Oh come on. She isn't a kid. She'll be okay."

"Yeah.. Wait. You are talking about Khushi?" Abhay said confusedly.

"Yeah of course Khushi. Who else can make you so thoughtful? Or wait. You aren't thinking about her. Isn't it? That's Breaking News. You are thinking about a girl who is not Khushi. Well done, man. You finally found someone." Rohan patted his back.

"Shut up, Rohan. Instead of pulling my leg, why don't you share your wedding night plans with us?" Abhay mocked him irritatingly and continued with his food, his thoughts drifting back to Anjali.


Khushi had retired to bed and was thinking about Arnav. After thinking for nearly an hour she had concluded that she'll have to continue going to AR office. Arnav had left her with no choice.

"Why can't he ever give me what I need most. Why does he need me in the office when I can work from home? Maybe he can't spend his day without taunting and mocking me"

She made a calculation of the days she'll have to work there.

Four days.

Tomorrow will be the deadline to submit the designs. And in next three days outfits will be made based on those designs. And her last job will be checking the outfits once they were ready. Later the AR company will be organizing a fashion show which will include her designs with the designs of other designers of AR company. Her presence wasn't officially needed in the show as her designs were going to be presented under the name of Roy textiles. From there Mr. Roy was going to be the man handling everything.

"Four more days Khushi and you'll get rid of all your troubles" with that thought she drifted to sleep.


"May I come in, Sir?" Khushi knocked at his cabin the next day. This time not forgetting to call him 'Sir'. She strictly needed to keep things professional.

Hearing her voice Arnav's heart leapt in joy but surely he didn't let it come to his face. He knew she'll come.

"Yeah, come in" he said without looking up from the file he was studying.

"I am happy to see that you are back to your work, Khushi. I knew you wouldn't be that foolish to ruin your and your company's name in the market" He started, still not looking at her.

"Yes Sir." She replied obediently.

'You can't provoke me, Arnav. I am not going to act myself but just a meek employee. The best way to avoid any arguments and confrontations' She said to herself.

"So what brought you to my cabin? I hope you aren't finding your work un-interesting after a week long vacation?" Arnav said, this time lifting his gaze to rest on her face.

"Sir, the designs are ready. Once you finalize them, I'll be done." She replied, pride hanging in her voice.

"Oh. Okay" was all Arnav could say. He hadn't realized that her working tenure was expiring in next four days. So that's why she is sounding so happy and excited. But he can't let her go. Not this time.

She handed him the designs which he scrutinized intensely making his eyes pain without being able to find any shortcomings and drawbacks. 'She is excellent in her work' he accepted to himself.

"The designs are good, Khushi."

"Thank you" She answered.

"But if tried you could have been more creative" he added.

"Okay Sir. But this was all I could do' And if you think these are not good enough to be exhibited in the show, you can cancel the deal" she replied harshly.

"I already said they are good. Maybe you are not willing to notice the good points I have..I mean I say" he said meaningfully.

"I am not here to notice good and bad points but to finish my job. So, if the designs are good, shall I leave?"

"For now you can" he said thoughtfully.


Khushi was sitting in her cabin. Her work was almost done and she had nothing to do. She thought about calling Abhay and enquiring about that girl. Last night Abhay had messaged her that the girl they had seen in the restaurant was there in the wedding. She hadn't been able to call him back as Arnav was there and later she had been too preoccupied with her thoughts to call. So she dialed his number.

"Finally you got time to call me" Abhay received the call at the first ring.

"Yeah..was kind of busy. So. Any progress?" she asked interestingly.

"Progress? As in?" Abhay asked.

"Don't act innocent. You know it all. Come on spill out everything" Khushi edged him on.

"Okay okay. Not much. I saw her in the wedding with her friends. She is Chanchan's friend"

"Interesting. So what's her name?" Khushi was excited like anything.

"Err'I didn't ask her" Abhay felt stupid now. How could he forget to ask her name?

"Whaat? You dumbo! Didn't you get any chance to talk to her?"

"We did talk but I just forgot to ask her name.. neither she asked mine"

" dumb of you.. Now don't return without learning her name or I'll name you 'loser' for ever. Get that?"

"Yes Boss. I will. And I will be back by afternoon. See Ya."


Khushi disconnected and smiled widely. If not her, at least Abhay could have his love. She thought.


"These outfits should be ready in next three days. We don't have much time for the show. And Khushi Gupta will be supervising the outfits as these are her designs" Arnav said and put down the intercom.

'Four more days. And then I won't be able to stop her officially from leaving the office' and me" this was the only thing in his mind. He had tried to think of any reason to stop her from leaving but couldn't find any one.

The only option he had was to admit that he is sorry for everything he did and now he wants her back. But that wasn't going to be easy. Not after that little encounter in her cabin where he had kissed her. If he again tries to talk to her, she is going to take that as his lust for her and he couldn't afford that. So what seemed best for now was to let the time pass. He'll talk to her after the Fashion show. He decided.


Yeah , I know that was a heap of rubbish. Don't stare me. 😆

But still, I'd love to know your thoughts. 😳


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Comments (32)

had started reading this FF on FB - glad to have found it here! Loving the story so far!😊

11 years ago

I am updating tomorrow... :)

11 years ago

so nw Arnav s craving for Khushi and her love...i guess Abhay and Anjali's relation will help Arnav 2 get time 2 spend time with Khushi and also heal her scars that he has given her...update soon...

11 years ago

its a beautiful story i always wait for ur updatesplz update soon

11 years ago

Awesome FF !!Update soon !!

11 years ago

Exactly. This was one of the many reasons I decide to write this story.. 😊

11 years ago

Great update.. I am very curious to know how Khushi will mellow down and how their relationship will progress from this stage..

11 years ago

Nice update! But does she still feels the same for him...i think she still loves him after his betrayal n has not moved on...hmm...will have to see what he does now???

11 years ago

dear nice update...lets see whats going to happen after the fashion show...and a nice banner in the end...thanks for the PM

11 years ago

Wow:)I totally loved it:)Superb:)Thanks alot for PM:-)

11 years ago
