Chapter 14

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Arnav was sitting in his room, turning over Khushi-Abhay's conversation and every time he thought of it , he felt his insides burning.

He was flipping over the cell phone in his hand and was waiting for Aman's call. He was restless to core, so nuch so, he didn't have dinner with his family, which he rarely missed.

And all of a sudden, his cell phone rang and Arnav immediately picked the call..

"Sir, work done"

"Good!" and that was it. He had things in control now.


Khushi was staring at Abhay from quite a long time. He was looking out of the window, staring at nothing.

"Is this loveee?" She sang in his ear and he literally jumped and Khushi laughed.

"Excuse me?"

"Maine na jana, ahahahaha..Dil hua deewana" She twirled around him.

"Go to hell, Khushi" He said and walked towards his room.

"Only if you come with me" She called after him.

"No, take your devil boss along.."

"Who?" Khushi asked, confused.

"Arnav Singh Raizada"

"Shut up! He is not my boss" Khushi said sourly and Abhay laughed from his room.



Arnav was pacing in his office. He had thought that one day away from her will help but thanks to his eavesdropping, he had made a mess of himself. Now if this doesn't work, he is surely going to kill that stupid Abhay whosoever.

In between his thoughts he heard screeching of tyres in the parking lot. And he robotically walked towards the window. He was hoping for Aman, because he wanted to talk to him but Alas! It was Khushi, laughing as she tried to open the door which apparently seemed lock.

Then she said something and opened the door and waved at the person sitting in the car until the car was no longer in sight and Arnav was boiling, knowing the fact that it was Abhay.

Where are these feelings coming from? Arnav wondered. Why does he feel so much anger at this Abhay guy?

In college, if someone talked to Khushi, he had never behaved this possessively. So, why now? What has changed now? Why is he feeling drawn to Khushi? Why is she affecting him? Khushi's chapter in his life is supposed to be done.

No. You certainly don't like her, Arnav Singh Raizada. You can't. And this Abhay nonsense? You're concerned about it only because the guy looks like a freak. And you want to ensure your employees' safety by making her stay away from that guy.


Khushi was going through her designing pad, and she had managed to design 7 outfits so far that means only five more were remaining.. But every time, she drew the 8th one, things got repeated and Khushi was getting restless. She had to be unique in every of her designs. Just then it struck her, may be Arnav can help. But will it be okay to ask for his advice? What if like always, he starts taunting her? But she really needed his suggestions over the designs.

But I guess he'll help me with the designs because it is his reputation at stake.

Decided that Arnav's help was the only possible option, she took a deep breath and began to walk to the lion's den.



Was the first thing, Khushi blurted.

Did he ever look so serious and calm? He was stroking his hair and was deeply indulged in some file in front of him.

"Perfect! He's is busy and he won't waste time on taunting me" and with these words, she knocked the door.

"May I come in?"

"Sir" Arnav replied, without even looking up.

At first she didn't get it but when she did, she felt like throwing the notebook at his face.

"May I come in, SIR?" She tried very hard not to expose that desire in her voice.


"Yes kehne ki fursat nahi hai, but Sir bulwana yaad hai. This is what makes him laad governor." She murmured under her breath and sat on the chair in front of him.

He looked up from the file and at once jerked back. Khushi was immediately taken aback by this sudden response and felt quite weird. She quickly took out her cell, opened the front camera and without any movement looked down.

"Nothing's wrong with my face? Then why is he staring me like this?"

"Excuse me... Sir" She managed to speak. His intense gaze was strong enough to evaporate her composure.

And Arnav came out of his reverie.

"Yeah.." He said, suddenly feeling very awkward. He was caught staring at her angelic face.

"Umm.. I wanted some help for the designs" She began very carefully.

"What sort of help?" Arnav said, raising a brow.

"Actually... you know, I wanted the front cover of the look-book to be a signature design. And for the signature design, I wanted to ask your preferences" She continued.

"Oh..." Arnav said, pondering over her words...

Khushi had crossed her fingers because she really needed his ideas. He'll give her many and she can use them to her advantages.

"Okay. Give me the sketch pencil" he said throwing stealthy glances at her twinkling eyes.

"Yes!" Khushi cheered inwardly.

"He must have complimented on how beautiful she looks with those heavily darkened eyes with kohl.. That's why he wasn't unlocking the car's door... That bas***d" Arnav said, tightening his fist, hating Abhay more than ever but continued explaining her.


For the first time, Khushi was actually happy with her temporary boss and was busy designing, according to the hints, Arnav gave, when entered Aman in her cabin.

"Good Morning, Khushi"

"Good Morning" She smiled.

"Actually I wanted to tell you something" Aman started.


"Our company has passed an ordinance, which says that we will be giving each of our employees a residence to live in. It's basically a flat, just four km away..."

"Umm, Aman, I don't think I am valid for the offer" Khushi interrupted him.

"Why not?"

"Because technically I am not an AR employee. I am simply a temporary staff, hired due to the blissful relation between AR and my company. I'm not eligible for this offer and I don't know how you never thought of it"

"Very well said, Ms. Gupta. I'll talk to ASR regarding this issue" Aman politely left and Khushi tried very hard to understand what was happening.


"Hey" Khushi said in her phone, while munching her pizza.

"Shall we've dinner outside today?" offered Abhay.

"We are having dinner outside every other day"

"Don't worry! I am not running out of money"

"But I'm running out of my slim figure" Khushi complained.

"Accha, just a cup of coffee... please?"


"Ma'am, Arnav sir has called you in his cabin" Came a peon.

"Now?" She asked, it was lunch break.


"Accha, I am coming" She said to the peon. "Abhay I"

"I heard.. Best of luck"

Khushi laughed.

"Thanks! needed it"


"But I am not your damn employee" Khushi shouted. Arnav had begun to shout at her the minute she entered his cabin and she wasn't going to stand and hear it any more.

"But you are my temporary employee and I want to offer the flat to you"

"I am your temporary employee not your puppet who'll dance according to your chew"

"Watch your tone, Khushi"

"No watch your WORDS, Arnav"


"I don't care"

"What is your damn problem in accepting the offer for an apartment"

"Why shall I? If my company will offer something like that, I'll accept it! This is not my company. Plus I don't want something from a man like YOU" She said menacingly.

"This will be the last time I am reminding you to mind your tongue, Khushi"

"Why? Aman didn't inform me about the ordinance stating that only you are allowed to shout and insult people in AR?" Khushi sarcasted him.

"Khushi" Arnav's tone went dangerous.

"Yeah, I know my name is Khushi. Can you stop chanting my name and tell me why should I accept this flat?"

"Because you work in this company and for that you will have to accept the flat Dammit"

"Why are you so behind me for taking this flat? And to add to your knowledge, I already have a residence to live in"

"Yeah, with that bas***d Abh.."

"SHUT THE HELL UP, ARNAV OR I'LL FORGET WE ARE IN YOUR OFFICE" Khushi couldn't help but raise her voice as she heard Arnav insult her friend.

This man was crossing all the limits.

"Why? Angry much, hearing the fact that you live with a guy?" Arnav taunted her.

"And what is your concern?" Khushi's voice was pure venom.

"My concern? My concern is that Khushi Gupta who said that I didn't have morals because I spent a night with you and then ran away.. The same Khushi lives with her boyfriend and who knows.. may be you would've slept with..."

"YOU" Khushi didn't realise when she was lurching towards him, grabbing Arnav's collar.


"Just because you do these sort of things, doesn't mean others do the same Mr. Raizada! Abhay is not my boyfriend and even if he is, even if we sleep together, THAT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" She all but screamed the words to his heated face.

"IT IS" Arnav screamed right back, pulling her hands away from his collar and holding them in his hands.

"Why How?" Khushi demanded, still enraged at his audacity.

"Because I..." And he was blank. she had asked the very same question which had been bugging him every minute. Why does it matter to him?

"You'll HAVE to accept the offer, Khushi. That's it" He roared, trying to hide his discomfort under his voice.

"Or else?"

"I'll make sure you don't enter the office tomorrow'"

"Then don't make sure, do it. So when I go to office and tell Mr Roy, that Mr Raizada fired me just because I didn't accept his flat offer because I AM NOT HIS PERMANENT EMPLOYEE, you see what a rubbish you make of your image in all of my and Mr. Roy's circle".

"You are black-mailing me, Khushi?" Arnav said, coming dangerously close to her making her step back.

"No! I am making you realize what sort of outcome can occur IF, I don't enter the office tomorrow..SIR" She replied, now standing still and waiting for him to shout back, but he didn't. Khushi decided it was the time to make her exit. She left the room.

The moment, Khushi left, Arnav cell rang..

"No.." He barked on the cell. Apparently the person on other side, didn't buy this.

"Fine! I'll reach there"

And he disconnected the call.


Khushi was in such a bad mood that day that she simply winded her work and sat idly.

What was wrong with this guy or what was wrong with Devi Mayya? Why wasn't she letting her take a sigh of relief.

Confused what to do, she thought to finish her lunch and headed to the canteen.


"How dare he say that? You should've slapped him" Abhay said angrily.

"Trust me, I controlled that urge very badly"

"Is he insane? I mean how can anyone think that low about YOU" Abhay said, still looking at the road.

"He can" she replied.

"Aren't we driving home?" Khushi asked, as Abhay turned right.

"We were having coffee together.. remember"

"Abhay, I am in no mood"

"But Khushi please? That will improve your mood."


"We are having coffee and that's it.."


"KHUSHI" Abhay choked on his coffee.

"Kya hai?" Khushi asked, irritated.

"That girl in red" Khushi looked in the direction, Abhay was pointing.

"Arey haan... She is the same girl we had seen in the cafe. Isn't it she?" Khushi said.

"yeah. And the same girl I was referring to that day over phone" Abhay sighed while the girl left in hurry. Apparently she hadn't noticed Khushi and Abhay.

"Strange. Why was she is such a hurry" Abhay said, coming back to coffee.

"Maybe she was missing her boyfriend" Khushi replied earning a frown from Abhay.


"Bhai..!! I knew you'll come" ran Anjali towards her brother.

"I had to or you would've killed me. What was so urgent? I was busy in a ...meeting" Arnav said, grabbing his younger sister's hand.

"Your meetings are nothing new. Plus this was really urgent."

"Coffee peeli?"




"Let's go then " Arnav followed Anjali and together they went to shop for Anjali's friend's wedding.


Pearl_Oyster2018-05-24 06:39:19

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Comments (32)

is that Anjali that Abhay was referring too?? wow.. nice story..

11 years ago

that was really amazing n awsum... loved the update..cont. soon..thnx for the pm...

11 years ago

Dear the story is shaping up beautifully...good that khushi is giving back nicely to abhay falling for anjali? if it happens that would look interesting...great going...keep it up...

11 years ago

so Abhay is falling for ASR'S the story turned up as a square love,continue soon...let's see when will arnav realize that he is in luv...

11 years ago

Nice updates...ASR in love mess. Jealous Arnav is a treat always.thanks.

11 years ago

Hey thanx a lot for the pm!! This update was worth reading!!plz update soon i cant wait to read further!!Arnav is jealous !! He haS FALLEN FOR HER BT NT ACCEPTING!! i HOPe he accepts sooon n b polite with khushi bt she will nt trust him sooon!!pplz do update sooon

11 years ago

Abhay's girl is Arnav's sis Anjali😊.

11 years ago

Really really nice update So finally Arnavs jealously exploded.So my guess was right, the girl Abhay likes is Arnavs sister

11 years ago

Great update but anjali -Abhay pair will irritate arnav on one way and it will also relax him that Khushi is not with him.But arnav thinking that khushi is single will raise his expectations.Hypocrite arnav is very protective about his sister..what about Khushi who might hv been the sister or daughter of someone else.what if anjali wud hv fall for a cassanova in her college??why doesnt arnav give this Lust dialogue n advice to his own sister.

11 years ago

Wow so arnav is really jealous.So that girl is anjali.

11 years ago
