Chapter 6

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Khushi sat frozen in her seat.

She couldn't concentrate on anything. Why was this happening with her? Where was her fate leading her to? First she meets him after a long period, then she meets him again at the party, then she's offered a ride home by him and last but not the very least, she has to work for HIM; for ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA!!

Her hands automatically flew to clutch her forehead and she thought, thought and thought.

"Devi Maiya, guide me. I am torn between my past and my future, my career" She pondered over the situation over and over again.

Just then her cordless rang.


"Khushi" Came her boss's voice.

"Yes, Sir?"

"I forgot to tell you, you'll have to start from tomorrow morning. You'll come to our office and after some paper work, you'll have to leave for AR office."

"Okay Sir." She replied.

"And One more thing. Best of luck, Khushi. Your work there will reflect the standards of our company. And I know you won't let me down. Work hard and give your best."

"Sure sir. I'll try my level best." She answered warily.

When will fate turn the way she wanted it to?


Khushi turned the door knob and entered the house. She threw her purse on the sofa and lay down on the bed'. Frustrated, she drifted off to sleep.

Khushi's eyes opened with her cell ringing. Yawning, she picked the call.


"So you were sleeping?"

"Oh Abhay.. it's you"

"Who else did you think?"

"Stop this. Why did you call?" She said, annoyed.

"At 8:30 pm. Royal Blue Restaurant. For Dinner."

"No Abhay, I am not in the mood for it." She interrupted.

"Who asked about your mood? It was already decided last night by me and you had confirmed. So no chance of backing out. Be there on time. I'll join you there straight after my office."

"Fine. I'll come."

"You better do."

And she smiled.


"Some one's looking gorgeous."

"Shut up and thank you" She said, rolling her eyes, giggling.

She joined him at the table and waited for their order.

"How was your day at work?" She asked while roaming her glance every where, glancing table to table.

Abhay was busy texting his client.

"It was balanced. I finalized some deals and even met some sexy girls." Lifting his gaze from the mobile screen, he answered with a wide grin.

"Not bad." Khushi laughed loudly.

But with a sudden jolt her voice was caught inside her throat. A few table away was sitting ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA with a girl, involved in some serious conversation.

She stared at them for a few seconds and before Abhay could catch her gaze she turned her eyes away.

"What happened? You fell silent. Feeling jealous about me meeting with those sexy girls." Abhay asked amusedly.

"Nothing." She could manage only that.

"No. He doesn't matter. Stay calm. Ignore his presence." she told herself.

And the other thing she did was to wish that he should not see her. Luckily, a couple sat between the tables which kept her vision partly blocked from their table.

Until the order arrived, she kept herself busy in her phone. Opening the inbox and re reading the messages.

Abhay couldn't help but notice her change of behaviour.

"Oye, what happened to your voltages haan?" He teased..

"Nothing. I am sending a very important mail, don't disturb me" she croaked without tearing her gaze from the screen.

"Oh really? Lemme check." Abhay said and snatched the phone out of her hands.

"Email-ing by checking delivery reports of previous messages?"

Abhay raised his eyebrow, and Khushi gave in.

"Fine. The thing is I don't want to be here" She answered.

"And may I know why?"

"Because I can't tolerate his sight anymore...!" the words tumbled out unknowingly sending Abhay in alarm.

"Tolerate whom?"

She didn't speak.

"you mean the man who..who.."

"Yeah" she nodded, tears clouding her eyes.

"Whaat? Is he here?"

She nodded again.

"Where? Tell me. I'll put his bones in the right place." Abhay growled, looking furiously every where.

"NO. YOU WON'T DO ANYTHING. He is my past. And when I am trying to bury everything, You don't have to dig it again." Khushi's voice was hard.


"No Abhay. Let's just leave"

"Fine. If you don't want me to handle him. I won't. But we are not leaving. Have your dinner and then we can leave. And I want to see him. Can you at least point him out?" He said under gritting teeth.

"Okay. he's there. Right across there, in Deep blue suit."

At once Abhay turned to see Arnav who was still talking to the girl.

Abhay tried to murder Arnav with his burning gaze but failed and turned back to face Khushi.


They ate their dinner in complete silence. Abhay was angry with her. Khushi tried hard to begin a conversation, but he didn't reply to any of her talks.

Abhay paid the bills and both of them silently walked out of the hotel.

Khushi was relieved, as she went unnoticed by Arnav.

"You should've let me handle him, Khushi. Why didn't you?" said Abhay, as he increased his pace and walked past her.

Khushi took a deep breath.

"Because from tomorrow, I've to work for AR, under Arnav Singh Raizada. And I don't want things to get screwed for me."

Abhay stopped and turned back to face her.

"This is the worst Joke, Khushi. Have you dumped your brains in a trash bin? You are going to work with the person who broke your heart and disappeared?"

"Yes, Abhay. I have to. My personal and professional lives are different." She told him and to herself.

Seeing the look of concern on Abhay's face Khushi gave a weak smile.

"Everything will get well soon. I trust my Devi Maiya. I'll be okay. Now let's get home. I want to drop dead on my bed."

Abhay didn't acknowledge her and moved to the car.

Khushi followed him.

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Comments (14)

ammaizing:) just readed those updates:) mind blowing:) poor khushi, really felt bad for her:) will be waiting for next update:)

11 years ago

Awesome update continue soon please thank you for pm me

11 years ago

amazing nw abhay finaly knws dat d persn is arnav...precap seems interestin...

11 years ago

Loved d updatepls update soonThanx for pm

11 years ago

Amazing update.Loved it.So now Abhay knows the person.Update soon.Thanks for the pm.

11 years ago

ah the precap is quite interesting ...arnav is so naughty

11 years ago

Hey thanx a lot for the pm!! very nice mind-blowing update!! cant wait to read more i hope she punnishes him nicely!! very bad he is still teasing her!! i ope abhy makes him jealous!

11 years ago

Nice updates...excited for next part.

11 years ago

So now Abhay knows the person. Why do I feel that Arnav must have seen her there?Hope Khushi stays strong.

11 years ago

awesome storyplz do pm me

11 years ago
