Chapter 3

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Part 3

Abhay and Khushi peacefully had their dinner.

Khushi couldn't help but admire her best friend. He was always there. To share the pain, to double the happiness.

Yet again, when she had no slightest idea how will she recover from the shock she recieved at the mall, it was Abhay who made her laugh. Who consoled her! Who made her realize, that moving on is the best option.

"Umm.. I guess, I'll retire to my tomb now" She teased him

"Ok, your highness" He said, and Khushi gave a grin.

"You are impossible" She said as she went inside her room.

After an hour of lying awake with eyes wide open, Khushi opened her side drawer and took out a photo frame. She sighed and stared at the photo, remembering the day, her convocation day!

*Flashback begins*

Khushi had no idea, where to find him. She was lost. The fact that Arnav has left her seemed so impossible and unrealistic. She was crying on her bed when her cell rang.

"Hello?" She managed to sound calm.

"Hey Khush, I was wondering, if you could bring your camera along, mine's broken" said Naina, Khushi's dearest friend.

"When?" She replied.


"What's tomorrow" Khushi asked, non responsively.

"The convocation day, you idiot" Said Naina, and Khushi's eyes shot open. She couldn't let this opportunity go.

"Yeah Yeah! I had forgotten." She replied.

"You'll bring your camera then?"

"Yes, Yes, I will "And she kept the call.

"He'll definitely not miss the convocation. I'm sure he'll come tomorrow... I'll talk to him. I'll sort this all out. I know there is some mis-communication here" and with a satisfactory heart, Khushi slept!

The next day she entered her college campus with shaking steps. She'll face him.

She went to her class and they all chatted, except Khushi who was lost.

"There comes the hunk" Said Naina and Khushi glanced towards the door.

There stood Arnav Singh Raizada, elegantly dressed with no hinge of regret or guilt on his face. He entered laughing, cheering and high-fiving with his friends and the moment his eyes fell on Khushi, he smiled and moved on.

Khushi was astonished.

"After all he did, he's happy? He smiled at me like nothing happened. But, may be he realized his mistake and'. I hope its that way" Said Khushi, as she silently prayed and walked towards him.

"I need to talk to you" She said.

"I'll be back" Arnav excused his group and followed Khushi.

"What an amazing night" he smiled at her.

"You flying back to California?"


"How can you, Arnav? After all that happened between us, how can you leave me and go? You said you love me.."

"Whoa, I never said that." Arnav said.

"But all that..I"

"Listen, Khushi, I don't believe in the crap of love. I was attracted to you or let's make it simple, your love my lust. I thought I explained it all in that letter."

Khushi couldn't believe her ears. He lusted her? She lost her virginity to a man who just LUSTED after her...!


"Listen, Khushi. I never said I love you, it was only you who claimed it. I guess both of us got what we wanted and now it's time to part our ways. There's no way I'll be back with you because I've a whole future to establish."

"And what about me and my future?" She murmured.

"You know it better. Bye" He said and walked towards his group.

Khushi froze where she stood. Her world had crashed down. She felt like killing him or dying herself. How can she be so stupid, how can he be so selfish, how can fate be so cruel. What would she do now?

The whole convocation was hell for her. The same Khushi who knitted her dream to enjoy her convocation, now could hardly wait for it to end, so she could go home and die.

"Naina, I've to go" She said.

"But Khushi, one pic?"

"No, Naina"

"Please, Khushi"


She stood blank while the photo was clicked and then silently left the college, loathing her life.

Khushi came out of her reverie with a knock on the door.

"Yes?" She called.

"You alright?" Came Abhay's question from other side of the door.

"Yes.." She replied.

"Ok then. Good Night"

"Good Night, Abhay"



Khushi worked as a Fashion Designer in Roy Textiles and Fashion Ltd, a renowned company. She was successful in her work.

She was busy checking out the new trends when she received an email, stating an official evening party.

First, she decided not to go there, provided her mood, but then one party could open million doors, so she agreed to go.

"Hey, Abhay" She called him.

"Hey.. Wassup?"

"I wanted to inform you that I am invited to a party tonight."


"So, I'll be attending it. I'll be late."

"Ok then. Take care."

"Ok, bye"

"Bye bye'"

"Hey wait" He called.


"You alright?"

"I guess so"

"Try to be"


"Bye" And she cut the call.


Dressed in a flawless white and turquoise evening dress, Khushi reached the party.

Due to reasons unknown to her, she was having a strange feeling again, but she ignored her instincts.

"Welcome, Khushi" Greeted Mr. Sudip Roy, her boss, The host of the party and the owner of the company she worked in, Roy Textiles and Fashion Ltd.

"Thank you, Sir." She smiled generously.

"I am glad that irrespective of the late invitation, you made up to this party, Miss Gupta. Actually, I wanted you to meet one of our most important guests. We are soon going to have a deal with their company. And I am sure this deal is going to benefit your future a lot. That's a big reason I gave you a sudden invitation."

"Thank you very much, sir."

Khushi smiled at the kind words of her elderly boss. She really respected him a lot. The man always reminded her of her deceased father. No doubt, she was a favourite of her boss.

She followed her boss as he walked ahead of her.

All of a sudden, her heartbeats raced and she felt the strange feeling strike back, but she continued walking.

"Here, Khushi." Mr. Roy gestured towards the man who was standing surrounded by a group of men.

"Seems like a rich man" She thought, guessing by his coal black Armani Suit..

"Mr Raizada, here's the person I would like you to meet" Mr. Roy addressed the man, leaving Khushi stand in utter shock.

"Mr Raizada?" She repeated.

Now she guessed the cause of those racing heartbeats.

"No Devi Maiya, No' Please no. Let it not be him." She began silently in her heart.

The person turned and turned out to be no one else but Arnav Singh Raizada, much to Khushi's displeasure and distress.


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Pearl_Oyster2018-05-23 03:35:25

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Comments (20)

let khushi meet arnav and give it back to him nicely for what he did to her...

11 years ago

That's what you'll read in further updates.. Khushi isn't going to be scared anymore. I have written a strong Khushi in this story. 😊

11 years ago

Awesome update can't wait for next onecontinue soon please and thank u for pm me

11 years ago

hey dear its awesome story plzzz update soon...

11 years ago

Hey thanx alot for the pm !! awesum update!! Khushi shud nt b scared bt shud b formal n ignore him!!!😡😡😡😡😡 den he'll realize his mistakes!! do update sooon !!

11 years ago

that was awesome.. cant wait to read next part..

11 years ago

It was too good! Awesome! Plz continue soon 😊

11 years ago

Amazing Update...So Arnav meets her everywhere she does...Her Destiny won't back out to meet them again n again...I hope Arnav realizes his mistake soon

11 years ago

thanks for the pm kiran arnav is so heartlesspoor kushi she has to suffer by loving him

11 years ago

Amazing update.Loved it.Poor khushi,feel bad for her.Update soon.Thanks for the pm.

11 years ago
