Chapter 1

2 months ago

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You gave light to my soul

You helped me to be whole

I have felt love for you before

And it will be more and more,

You are mine, my dear

You are the angel from above

Who taught me how to love.

Please, forever keep me near.

Geet smiled painfully, revising the poem written by herself...

Seeing him in the same rain last year, these lines had sneaked into her crazy heart.

On her wedding day, this rain had fallen suddenly.. The rest of the people were shocked but she was happy because her beloved rain had attended her wedding.

How happy she was.. since childhood whom she had considered as hers...the same person has became hers ... forever..

But was he really became hers??

Questioning herself, she looked ahead and saw that Maan and Samiksha were soaking in the waterfall in front...

Maan is her husband and Samiksha is his girlfriend..

Her grief was overflowing like a waterfall in front of her. She turned her gaze from the two of them and unconsciously her mind went back to the past.

What a wonderful life she had in her hometown...Her mother died when she was young but her father took care of her like a true Princess.

He was the head of the village. Servants in the house, the honor and respect given to the father and along with it the love received from all the people in the village...She was just like a fairy of the village.

Her smile used to be a fountain of happiness .. anyone's sorrow, any problem would be removed.. at least she would try to do so.

Beautiful like an Angel...but what stood out the most were the dimples on her cheeks...which would charm anyone...

When this naughty Geet grew up, people from the nearby villages started coming to marry her...but her father refused.. The reason was the same, When she was the child then only her father’s friend has asked her for his son Maan...

But now Geet turned twenty-four and Mr. Handa began to worry about her marriage. At this time, his health was not good.

He sent a message to his friend's mother because his friend and his wife was no more now...

Although she had seen Maan many times but that day she was feeling extremely shy seeing him as her life partner..

Dadimaa and Maan had also come home...Tea and coffee were served on arrival and after that the two of them and her father were discussing for a long time in a closed room..

After some time the discussion ended.. Maan's face was blank when he came out. His Dadimaa was also tensed but Geet who was engrossed in the dream of her future with Maan did not see it.

Suddenly, while having dinner, her father said, "Geet and Maan's wedding will happen in three days" and while serving the food, suddenly her hands stopped.

Her heart was pounding, she ran away with blushing heavily...

The next two days flew by like the wind in the preparation and finally on the third day her marriage took place in the village, in a beautiful big mandap.

How happy she was.. Prince charming husband, mother in the form of Maan's Grandma. She was going to live in the city, walking hand in hand with Maan on the beach and getting soaked in the rain with him.

Just when the wedding ceremony was going on it rained and she was even more happy...just now she wanted to get drenched in the rain with Maan but keeping in mind about the gathering, she kept her wish to herself but in her fantasy world she was already drenched in the rain of his love..

She was ready to start a new life but that night her father started having difficulty in breathing and he died in no time.

She really had no idea at the time, what happened all of a sudden? But later it came to know that her father had ca**** that too in the third stage..Deciding to spend those days with his daughter rather than losing his life in the hospital during treatment, he did not inform anyone about this. But before he leave this world, his daughter may married happily and leave for her in laws house, he called khuranas and told them the truth and insisted on doing the marriage immediately.

Seeing the condition of Mr. Handa, Maan also got ready and they got married within three days.

Her tears did not stop....her father was her only family... She broke down, cried and screamed in anguish but where was he to listen, other times even if a small drop of tear appeared in her eyes, her father would take whole village on head but now he wasn't getting up after hearing her painful cries.

Dadimaa somehow consoled her. Maan also went ahead and performed all the last rites.

After staying there for thirteen days and completing all the tasks, she took her first step in Delhi under the shade of sadness.

How much she had dreamed of all this but now she didn't want all this anymore, she only wished to have her father close to her but it was impossible for him to come now..

Time was moving forward, new place, new people, new city.. Little by little she moved on slowly forgetting her sorrow.

But now she realized.... It's been a month since she came here, but Maan doesn't talk to her much except for work...Even when he comes to the room, he sleeps on the sofa.

Are you so engrossed in your father’s suffering that you ignored him? She blamed herself only.

Now, I shall give time to our relationship, I have to spend time with him, thinking so, she started talking to him. Being around him whenever he was at home, she began to look after his needs, what he wanted and didn't want.

He used to keep a little distance and talk normally.

But she started to get upset with him staying away from her. She didn't know he was pulling himself away from her whenever she was getting closer to him.

Finally, she decided to take initiative and got ready. Dadimaa was out of home. That day only Maan and Geet were alone in the Mansion...

When he came home in the evening, it was dark in the mansion... Geet was nowhere to be seen...But when he walked into his room, he was shocked.

The entire room was decorated with flowers, some scented candles were burning and Geet in a red saree was standing at the window beside the bed looking out the window.

There was a sound of the door and she turned back and instantly looked down... it could be seen by her face that she was blushing...

But Maan took one look at her and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

She was standing outside waiting for him.

When Maan came out, she was standing there...

Maan: Geet what is all this?’ he asked a little angrily.

She was startled by his question and his raised voice but spoke up as she composed herself.

Geet: woh.. our...first night...’ She bowed her head and said shyly.

Maan: Who told you to do all this?’ His voice was still angry.

Geet: No one.. I.. I did.. Don't you like it?

There was a slight sadness in her voice now.

She had imagined something different and here he is playing question and answer in such a pitch of voice...

Maan: sorry Geet.. I had no intention to hurt you.. but..but this is not possible..

Geet: What is not possible..??

There was a big question in her eyes..

Maan: This first night, our marriage, our relationship, my ever accepting you as my wife, giving you your share of love.. this .. this is never possible..

He said with a little hesitancy.

Geet: I don't understand anything.. What are you saying?

She started to get scare, all the thoughts were roaming in her mind...making her confused.

Maan: It's been a long time I wanted to tell this, basically we came to village to tell you this but then uncle took us to the room and told us about his illness and his last wish was to see our marriage before his eyes. I said yes without thinking and we got married...

Geet didn't know what to say after hearing this.. It’s mean Maan didn't want to marry her, only thinking this, she burst into tears..

Geet: Don't you like me? Is something missing in me? If so tell me.. I will make myself as you like. I will learn everything which is lacking in me.

She said wiping her eyes and Maan also felt bad..

He was making an innocent girl cry.. but it was not all his fault in what happened. The situation was such that he had to act like that.

Maan: no.. no problem with you.. nothing to dislike about you.. but.. but..

His tongue couldn’t move to speak.

Geet: But what Maan??

Maan: I love Samiksha..

She jerked her head to look at him... but there were no words to speak..

Seeing that she was silent, he continued.

Maan: Samiksha work in the my office.. we love each other.. when dadimaa told about uncle's farewell and about our marriage, I told about Samiksha at home.

Dadimaa didn't like it but thinking that she can't force the marriage, she prepared to come there to tell uncle (Geet’s father) that she won't be able to arrange our marriage.

But when I got there, a new dilemma arose and then I said yes to the marriage in a fit of emotion.

But after coming here, meeting Samiksha, I realized what a big mistake I made.

I love her so much, can't live without her...She also loves me so much..

So I will not be able to give you the status of a wife..

After saying this, Maan looked up and Geet was standing like a statue.

Maan: I am sorry.. I had no intention to cheat you but I couldn't stop what happened..

Maan was talking while trying to understand her but she was not ready to say anything..

Maan: Geet.. say something..

Geet: Leave me alone for a while..

Maan: Geet.. no.. I... sorry.. you... talk.. scream...

After seeing her cold response, he was now confused.

Geet: Please…

There was something in her eyes that he couldn’t understand.

He walked out slowly..

Geet locked the door from inside and sat there leaning against the door.

The dreams were crushed.. The one who had been cherished in her heart and mind for so long became hers but was not hers...Tears slowly gathered in her eyes..

Understanding these things like a big wave coming on the shore and destroying everything, a wave of sadness came and destroyed everything.

Sobs started coming out one by one..

Why only me? She was crying questioning herself.. She saw a decorated bed in front of her and got upset seeing the ashes of her dream world, she got up and crumpled the flowers and threw them away.. Picked up the candles and threw them away. All the decorations were destroyed.. that room also looked destroyed like her destiny..

Still the heartburn was not subsiding.. She went to the bathroom like that.. She looked at herself in the mirror.. for whom this makeup was done, he had no interest in her.. She started the shower and washed off that makeup and everything...

Sitting there under the shower, she was suppressing her sobs for a long time.

Outside, Maan was pacing restlessly but this had to be told sometime...

I look above

Hot tears kiss my face

The sky is crying

Stars are out of sight

I look at you

Hopelessness falling from your eyes

And pain of losing is tattooed on your soul

You seem so preoccupied,

Not noticing me

I close my eyes

You'll never know what i feel

As we stand here crying

On a night of anguish and rain

-courtesy google

After some time she regained her composure...changed her clothes and threw herself on the rain was also roaring..everyone could hear its roar but no one could hear the roar of sorrow in her heart..

At some point in the night, while lost in her thoughts, she dozed off...

Maan too had slept outside in the hall sometime later.. when he woke up in the morning he first ran to his room.. the room was clean as usual.. all the night decorations were removed..

But Geet was not inside.. When he came back out looking for her, she was in the kitchen..

Swallowing hard, he went there.

Maan: Geet...

He slowly called her.

Geet: Take a bath.. I have made Pasta of your choice.. You didn't have this dinner last night also.

He was looking at her in shock.. He felt strange to see her talking so normally.

He came out getting ready in ten minutes.

She set the breakfast plate and she also sat there with her own breakfast.

Maan: sorry Geet.. what I said last night..

Even now he didn't know what to say.. Her normal behavior was confusing him.

Geet: You don't say sorry Maan..I thought a lot last night..what happened, there was no fault of yours in all this...You are ready for marriage for Baba's wish..

Anyway I have accepted what happened as my fate but don't worry I will be out of your life soon..

She wiped the corners of her eyes slightly.

Maan: Geet.. I didn't mean to say that...means you stay here..

Even now he didn't know how to make her understand.

Geet: Don't worry about me.. I will hold myself.. Ever since I understand the meaning of the word love, I have considered you as mine, I love you, think about your happiness and if your happiness is in Samiksha then don't worry, I will not come between you two. If not me but you will get your love atleast.

Hearing that Maan was stunned.. he felt bad for her but also felt happy somewhere.. Samiksha would come into his life only if Geet left his life..

But then neither of them said anything.. He had his breakfast in silence and left for his work and she.. she again started blaming her cruel fate.

Geet: (in her mind): I told you I will leave your life.. but I have no one in this world except you.. but I have to go..

Until today, she always thought about the happiness of others, tried to solve people's problems, then how could she see Maan sad today..

She was spending days just like this by making herself understand.. But due to her decision, Maan was very relaxed.. Since they lived in the same house, in the same room, they became friends..

She was taking care of him not as a wife but as a friend. She herself would look after his each and every needs.

Divorce would take time and till then she would have to live with him in the same house.

Maan’s Dadimaa did not agree with this decision at all, but when Geet said, "I don't want a forced relationship", She too agreed.

Maan also have got Samiksha and Geet meet each other...not really friendship happened between duo but they both got to know each other..

Year had passed...the process of divorce had also reached its final stage.

Suddenly, the monsoon started again and while talking, Geet said that she wanted to go to out for some trip and Maan planned to go with her.

How happy she was today.. These few moments spent with him were going to give her strength to live for the rest of her life.. But when both were half way, Maan got a call from Samiksha and because they both were alone , so Samiksha too decided to join them in this trip. They reached near the beautiful waterfall... When Samiksha came, showing her right, she took Maan to play in the waterfall and Geet was watching them with a smile on her face.

Suddenly there was a sound, someone was shouting and with that sound Geet, who had been lost in the past for so long, came back to the present.

She saw that Maan had fallen in the stream in front of the waterfall and Samiksha was standing on the bank crying.

Maan was standing in the water with the help of a rock but his hand was slipping away...Geet quickly reached there...The stream was big and the water speed was high...

To be continued....

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Comments (2)

A Sad Chapter Maan is in love with Samiksha while Geet has always been in love with Maan and now though she is his wife , Geet is willing to leave Maan for his happiness Maan , Geet and Samiksha goes out and now it seems like Maan is in some danger

2 months ago

Feeling so sad for Geet. But can understand Maan's situation. Hope he starts loving Geet

2 months ago
